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YL Groper

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« Reply #120 on: August 02, 2007, 03:07:08 PM »
N.I.G.G.A. stole my bike, sir!


N.I.G.G.A. Saved me alot of money on my car insurance.



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« Reply #121 on: August 02, 2007, 04:26:17 PM »
Jessica alba is Hott
When she isnt invisible, Jessica alba is Hott, again.

You're definitely a closet homosexual.

For saying a girl is hot? Your logic is flawless and you have a nutsack for a chin.

No.  Just merely pointing out that the more and more you insist that you are straight, the more and more you look like a closet homophobe.

And, of course, I should also the more and more you take my troll bait and insist that you are just a slick, affluent individual, the more and more you look like a complete self-centered loser.  Here's a small hint: None of us really care about how much money you have or how hot your wife is--or really anything about you.

Go back to school noob. Last I checked, people who like pussy......want pussy, moron. What the fuck are you talking about? You've been watching too much doctor phil.

I cant really comprehend how stupid you have to be to say that; because i like having sex with girls, i must be gay. lol Are you kidding me. Could you please shut up so I can concentrate on work at my bloated over paid job. Your stupidity is mind numbing. I actually had to go get a sandwich to snap out of the jaded cloud of idiocracy you had me in, so i could give this web-x training.

Anyone who has studied psychology would tell you that, if anything, the more you keep insisting that i am gay is only proving that you are, or at one point were, gay or bi-curious. In other words, you are making yourself look like a fag.

Additionally, In the same way you insist that i must care about what you fucking think; I dont. You are the one who keeps bringing it up, and why?

Ill tell you. Basic psychology. This is freshmen shit. A person's feelings are their own. Perception is different to everyone. Thinking that you know how someone else feels is only possible because you have to ability to look inside yourself and relate with the feelings that you yourself are capable of having. This is why children have to learn that hitting hurts. They wouldn't know if they have never been hurt. Or they do not get scared until something has scared them. Babies aren't scared of the dark, 3 year olds are. You follow?

Example: A person get rear-ended at an intersection - That person could either get out of his car and beat up the responsible driver or ask him if he is ok. Now instinctively, You jump straight to "Groper, You must be gay because you like getting girls naked", Which doesn't even make sense. I think we all know why you jump to gay so quickly. Its what you relate to, its where you are comfortable.

Now, if this was a real life social situation, and we were all friends.......Yeah, if i was gay and trying to hide it i may talk about girls and getting laid alot to try and throw off people being that i am ashamed of my homosexual feelings.

This is the internet. I can be who ever i want. This is why perverts troll online. I dont care about you, id act gay if i wanted to. Who the fuck are you, i dont know you.

After your last post, you now appear as an insecure, jealous, weakling. You should probably go speak with a professional and peel some of those rotten layers. I dont even believe IT is yours now either. Your wannabe psycho-analysis bullshit has only proven that you are a mess, young (mentally- and probably physically), and probably a enormous liar.

I don't need to hear that i am better then you, jerkoff. I am. Im not seeking validation on the internet, but it appears that your sick jealous ass needs to make yourself feel better than me just to be ok here. Get help. Your opinion is moot. Why do all you messed up little kids think it makes you look dope by trying to psychoanalyze people over the Internet. It only points out the flaws in your undereducated opinions and makes it possible for us to determine that there is a strong chance that you like dick in your butt, yourself.

Putting it on your level. Your words just made you look like what you are accusing me of being. Thankfully, i was entertained enough to tell you about it.

My predictions for your next move:

1. You read what i just typed and still put "tl;dr" like the herb you are. This is of course for you to try and feel cooler than me again after i just pointed out on FES to everyone that you think about dancing penis' in your sleep.

2. You reply with a bunch irrelevant crap trying to insult me in order to make yourself feel like less of a fag. You will probably spend the limit of your vocabulary in doing this because that might be all you really have, some big words with your homosexual tendencies

Ill make it easy for you. I wont even spell check this or re-read it.

Have fun.

You completely misinterpreted my post.  I did not claim you are a closet homosexual because you "like to get girls naked".  I claim you are a closet homosexual because you feel the need to announce to everyone just how straight you are!

Most of this post screams to me, "I'm not gay, I swear!  I'm straighter than the straightest of straight!  Yep, that's me--Mr. Straight dude that doesn't like men!"

I'm sorry, but you're not fooling anyone.

[edit]Oh, yeah, and I love the cock.  You got that part right.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 04:45:43 PM by Nomad »
Nomad is a superhero.



YL Groper

  • 1014
  • Supreme Allied Commander of a local N.I.G.G.A.
« Reply #122 on: August 02, 2007, 04:59:51 PM »
Jessica alba is Hott
When she isnt invisible, Jessica alba is Hott, again.

You're definitely a closet homosexual.

For saying a girl is hot? Your logic is flawless and you have a nutsack for a chin.

No.  Just merely pointing out that the more and more you insist that you are straight, the more and more you look like a closet homophobe.

And, of course, I should also the more and more you take my troll bait and insist that you are just a slick, affluent individual, the more and more you look like a complete self-centered loser.  Here's a small hint: None of us really care about how much money you have or how hot your wife is--or really anything about you.

Go back to school noob. Last I checked, people who like pussy......want pussy, moron. What the fuck are you talking about? You've been watching too much doctor phil.

I cant really comprehend how stupid you have to be to say that; because i like having sex with girls, i must be gay. lol Are you kidding me. Could you please shut up so I can concentrate on work at my bloated over paid job. Your stupidity is mind numbing. I actually had to go get a sandwich to snap out of the jaded cloud of idiocracy you had me in, so i could give this web-x training.

Anyone who has studied psychology would tell you that, if anything, the more you keep insisting that i am gay is only proving that you are, or at one point were, gay or bi-curious. In other words, you are making yourself look like a fag.

Additionally, In the same way you insist that i must care about what you fucking think; I dont. You are the one who keeps bringing it up, and why?

Ill tell you. Basic psychology. This is freshmen shit. A person's feelings are their own. Perception is different to everyone. Thinking that you know how someone else feels is only possible because you have to ability to look inside yourself and relate with the feelings that you yourself are capable of having. This is why children have to learn that hitting hurts. They wouldn't know if they have never been hurt. Or they do not get scared until something has scared them. Babies aren't scared of the dark, 3 year olds are. You follow?

Example: A person get rear-ended at an intersection - That person could either get out of his car and beat up the responsible driver or ask him if he is ok. Now instinctively, You jump straight to "Groper, You must be gay because you like getting girls naked", Which doesn't even make sense. I think we all know why you jump to gay so quickly. Its what you relate to, its where you are comfortable.

Now, if this was a real life social situation, and we were all friends.......Yeah, if i was gay and trying to hide it i may talk about girls and getting laid alot to try and throw off people being that i am ashamed of my homosexual feelings.

This is the internet. I can be who ever i want. This is why perverts troll online. I dont care about you, id act gay if i wanted to. Who the fuck are you, i dont know you.

After your last post, you now appear as an insecure, jealous, weakling. You should probably go speak with a professional and peel some of those rotten layers. I dont even believe IT is yours now either. Your wannabe psycho-analysis bullshit has only proven that you are a mess, young (mentally- and probably physically), and probably a enormous liar.

I don't need to hear that i am better then you, jerkoff. I am. Im not seeking validation on the internet, but it appears that your sick jealous ass needs to make yourself feel better than me just to be ok here. Get help. Your opinion is moot. Why do all you messed up little kids think it makes you look dope by trying to psychoanalyze people over the Internet. It only points out the flaws in your undereducated opinions and makes it possible for us to determine that there is a strong chance that you like dick in your butt, yourself.

Putting it on your level. Your words just made you look like what you are accusing me of being. Thankfully, i was entertained enough to tell you about it.

My predictions for your next move:

1. You read what i just typed and still put "tl;dr" like the herb you are. This is of course for you to try and feel cooler than me again after i just pointed out on FES to everyone that you think about dancing penis' in your sleep.

2. You reply with a bunch irrelevant crap trying to insult me in order to make yourself feel like less of a fag. You will probably spend the limit of your vocabulary in doing this because that might be all you really have, some big words with your homosexual tendencies

Ill make it easy for you. I wont even spell check this or re-read it.

Have fun.

[edit]Oh, yeah, and I love the cock.  You got that part right.

We know...

N.I.G.G.A. stole my bike, sir!


N.I.G.G.A. Saved me alot of money on my car insurance.



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« Reply #123 on: August 02, 2007, 05:05:35 PM »
I guess that's the spoiler?  :<
Nomad is a superhero.




« Reply #124 on: August 02, 2007, 05:58:09 PM »
Yall are both F-ing transies.  Now shut up and get to the spoilers.

Oh, by the way, the drag queen dies.

Loser. You will never understand RENTheads.  Oh, and, btw, Maureen isn't a Trans, she's bi and a whore, and you could've said that Roger is an ex-drug addict instead of just he loves music. That's so gay. RENT rocks. If you paid any attention at all when we watched it, you'd know.

EDIT: you could also say that Mark's girlfriend dumped him for a girl.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 06:03:20 PM by Dementachick!en »



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« Reply #125 on: August 02, 2007, 07:51:46 PM »
I'm glad you know the difference between transies and bis.  You must be experienced.


The Communist

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« Reply #126 on: August 02, 2007, 08:17:47 PM »
The doctors are all pig people and the woman getting the surgery is HOT!

Love the Twilight zone reference...or maybe Outer Limits?

Theres no gremlin on the wing,...its just William Shatner being Shatner again
« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 08:22:07 PM by The Kommunist »
On FES, you attack a strawman. In Soviet Russia, the strawman attacks you

Do you have any outlandish claims to back up your evidence?

Quote from: GeneralGayer date=1190908626
Yeah I love gay porn.



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« Reply #127 on: August 02, 2007, 08:40:57 PM »
OMFG, a guy in makeup is on the wing!

And it wasn't just Shatner being Shatner (although he does like being Shatner: "There's...something...on the...wing!").  It was the guy in makeup!


The Communist

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« Reply #128 on: August 02, 2007, 09:34:13 PM »
Only the retard makes it out of the cube.

The sequal has everyone die including the woman that escapes.
On FES, you attack a strawman. In Soviet Russia, the strawman attacks you

Do you have any outlandish claims to back up your evidence?

Quote from: GeneralGayer date=1190908626
Yeah I love gay porn.


The Communist

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« Reply #129 on: August 02, 2007, 09:38:28 PM »
The girl is not bewitched or possessed by a demon, but she kills her rapist father (Donald Sutherland) via poison.
On FES, you attack a strawman. In Soviet Russia, the strawman attacks you

Do you have any outlandish claims to back up your evidence?

Quote from: GeneralGayer date=1190908626
Yeah I love gay porn.


The Communist

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« Reply #130 on: August 02, 2007, 09:41:57 PM »
Gosh, yo9u guys just made me realize that.......I love to grope women.
fixed.  ;D

Double fixed  ;D
On FES, you attack a strawman. In Soviet Russia, the strawman attacks you

Do you have any outlandish claims to back up your evidence?

Quote from: GeneralGayer date=1190908626
Yeah I love gay porn.


The Communist

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« Reply #131 on: August 02, 2007, 09:45:24 PM »
The Knights of the Holy Grail pelted by livestock and are arrested on suspicion of murder.
On FES, you attack a strawman. In Soviet Russia, the strawman attacks you

Do you have any outlandish claims to back up your evidence?

Quote from: GeneralGayer date=1190908626
Yeah I love gay porn.


The Communist

  • 1217
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« Reply #132 on: August 02, 2007, 09:47:21 PM »
Billy Bob Thorton makes friends with the boy and kills the boy's mother's boyfriend...hes still likes French-fried potaters mmmm hmmmm
On FES, you attack a strawman. In Soviet Russia, the strawman attacks you

Do you have any outlandish claims to back up your evidence?

Quote from: GeneralGayer date=1190908626
Yeah I love gay porn.



  • 1208
« Reply #133 on: August 02, 2007, 10:19:26 PM »
The fat bloke doesn't kill himself. The surviving trio is saved by the Natl. Guard and the fat bloke is instead kept as a pet zombie.



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« Reply #134 on: August 03, 2007, 07:36:50 AM »
The singing people escape the Nazis by going to the countryside.


YL Groper

  • 1014
  • Supreme Allied Commander of a local N.I.G.G.A.
« Reply #135 on: August 03, 2007, 09:32:11 AM »
Billy Bob Thorton makes friends with the boy and kills the boy's mother's boyfriend...hes still likes French-fried potaters mmmm hmmmm

Billy Bob Thorton Cacks Halle Berry

N.I.G.G.A. stole my bike, sir!


N.I.G.G.A. Saved me alot of money on my car insurance.



« Reply #136 on: August 03, 2007, 06:35:12 PM »
It was all just a dream, the girl was in Kansas the whole time, and color never existed.


Roundy the Truthinessist

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« Reply #137 on: August 03, 2007, 06:45:54 PM »
The group is given a restaurant to handle as their final exam, but their instructor sabotages them.  All is not lost though, because when Mr Vunk tastes the delicious fried chicken that came about when the chicken truck crashed into the restaurant, he comes up with a brilliant new marketing campaign centered around the nun that he dubs "The Frying Nun", and everybody passes with honors.  The instructor is demoted to PPP.
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



« Reply #138 on: August 03, 2007, 06:48:53 PM »
Enough chicken jokes or I'm changing again.



« Reply #139 on: August 03, 2007, 07:05:25 PM »
The murder was just an illusion and the lady runs off with the illusionist in the end (i <3 The Illusionist!)



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« Reply #140 on: August 03, 2007, 08:02:02 PM »
The murder was just an illusion and the lady runs off with the illusionist in the end (i <3 The Illusionist!)
I already said that, dumbshit.



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« Reply #141 on: August 04, 2007, 07:35:48 AM »
The flute got rusty.

(Gold star to whoever gets that.)



« Reply #142 on: August 04, 2007, 08:52:14 AM »
The murder was just an illusion and the lady runs off with the illusionist in the end (i <3 The Illusionist!)
I already said that, dumbshit.

No need to get nasty, brother.



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« Reply #143 on: August 04, 2007, 02:02:38 PM »
Jason wins



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« Reply #144 on: August 04, 2007, 03:48:29 PM »
No matter who wins, we lose.

Unless we win in the end because we befriend the predator.

That doesn't count.



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« Reply #145 on: August 05, 2007, 12:06:59 PM »

Jason wins

Wrong.  The whole thing was in the dream world, and Freddy wasn't actually killed.  Obviously you didn't see him wink in the end.
Nomad is a superhero.




  • 102
« Reply #146 on: August 05, 2007, 12:39:56 PM »
he didnt really kill hookers, his coworkers or anybody.... but he DOES love genesis...
my sig was too big.

I am a mason who would like to learn more. enlighten me.

i am Option 8 incarnate



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« Reply #147 on: August 05, 2007, 12:46:24 PM »
You still have to finish the fight in the third game, which'll cost you around $60



  • The Elder Ones
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« Reply #148 on: August 05, 2007, 03:49:34 PM »
The man in black walked across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.

The gunslinger knocks up a black chick.



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« Reply #149 on: August 05, 2007, 05:37:00 PM »
It's the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.