Looking to get new telescope

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Looking to get new telescope
« on: October 01, 2016, 08:37:05 PM »
I am thinking about getting this:


Anyone have any experience with this model or similar from Meade?

I might even use it not to only observe the stars and planets, but if I can bring the hull of a ship back into view as it sinks below the horizon.

The reviews look good, but I have also seen claims Meade deletes any reviews that are too negative on their site. Not sure if that is true and it is not some people just being salty.

Also it would be nice if someone can tell me how to delete the pre-installed images the Conspiracy installs on telescopes so I can see the universe as it really is.

Re: Looking to get new telescope
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2016, 01:50:04 AM »
Do not get a meade. They are cheap ass and Shit.

For your first telescope, stop online and get a manual one (no "fancy" computer locator mambo-jumbo.)

If this is your first telescope, I'd recommend not even getting a motarized mount, just get a cheaper manual one.
The two types of mounts are azimuthal and equatorial. Azimuth Al is more intuitive, but requires two dimensions of rotation to track.
An equatorial mount requires you to set the angle of the joint based on your latitude, but then to track the sky, you only need one dimension of rotation.

If you want to look at planets, and the horizon, you will want a higher magnification. If you want to see fainter stars and stuff, you want a larger aperture.

If you have any more questions, ask.

But don't give Meade your money.
I wonder how obnoxious I can make my signature?
Please give me ideas.



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Re: Looking to get new telescope
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2016, 02:30:14 AM »
You should also bear in mind that the scope itself is only part of the story.

The telescope collects the light for the image, but then you need various eyepieces and magnifiers to look at what it's picked up. You'll get a basic eyepiece kit with your scope but you will need to buy other ones, as well as barlow lenses, filters, and if you want to take photos you'll need other kit as well. You can spread out the extras over time, but be prepared to budget for the same amount of outlay for accessories as you did for the scope.

I don't know enough about the different types to say which one is better, but you might want to seek out a local astronomy group and see them in action and get other people's opinion :)

I get oragamiscienceguy's point (I think) about GoTo and tracking mounts - you don't learn anything about what you're doing if something is doing it for you, but you'd be amazed how difficult even something as large as the moon can be to get in your sights, and when you have the ****ing thing's moved :D Think of that kind of thing as 'nice to have' rather than essentials.
Facts won't do what I want them to.

We went from a round Earth to a round Moon: http://onebigmonkey.com/apollo/apollo.html


Bom Tishop

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Re: Looking to get new telescope
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2016, 04:19:48 AM »
Damn osg...you must be a star gazer, as it seems you know what you are talking about. Nice...

I know nothing about telescopes...only information I can say is a bought one when I was quite young, a 4 foot long Meade for looking at the moon. Pretty sure I could have gotten a better view from forming binoculars with my hands....though this doesn't mean anything .

One thing osg....woody lives on a boat (awesome), so I can only assume that is whatever he is going to be using this. Wouldn't a motorized assembly be useless here for accuracy since it won't be on stable ground?
Quote from: Bom Tishop
LordDave is quite alright even for a bleeding heart liberal. Godspeed good sir



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Re: Looking to get new telescope
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2016, 10:21:18 AM »
Re-sized it for you.

« Last Edit: October 02, 2016, 10:23:32 AM by sceptimatic »



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Re: Looking to get new telescope
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2016, 10:54:39 AM »
Re-sized it for you.


Ah, we once again see Sceptimatic, blessing us with his knowledge. Truely, he is the very PARAGON of oracles, something Flat Earthers thousand of years ago could only dream of. Scepti dares to break through the darkness and shed light upon the demon that is 'large pictures' (Which was, indeed, the purpose of this topic all along.)

It is sad however, how this wonderful being knows so much... that we all can only see him as mentally ill. We are just unable to truly phantom his vast intelligence.

Dear Sceptimatic, guide me!
Show me how to succeed!
♫♪With your wisdom inside me, I will follow wherever you lead!♫♪




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Re: Looking to get new telescope
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2016, 12:35:18 PM »
Do not get a meade. They are cheap ass and Shit.

For your first telescope, stop online and get a manual one (no "fancy" computer locator mambo-jumbo.)

If this is your first telescope, I'd recommend not even getting a motarized mount, just get a cheaper manual one.
The two types of mounts are azimuthal and equatorial. Azimuth Al is more intuitive, but requires two dimensions of rotation to track.
An equatorial mount requires you to set the angle of the joint based on your latitude, but then to track the sky, you only need one dimension of rotation.

If you want to look at planets, and the horizon, you will want a higher magnification. If you want to see fainter stars and stuff, you want a larger aperture.

If you have any more questions, ask.

But don't give Meade your money.

What do you think of Celestron or Orion telescopes?

I have had telescopes before but nothing that I could observe deep sky objects.

I am also thinking in getting into astrophotgraphy.

Re: Looking to get new telescope
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2016, 02:06:29 PM »
Don't know about Orion, but Celestron is pretty good according to my astronomy teacher.
I wonder how obnoxious I can make my signature?
Please give me ideas.



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Re: Looking to get new telescope
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2016, 02:20:11 PM »
For your first telescope, shop online and get a manual one (no "fancy" computer locator mambo-jumbo.)
If this is your first telescope, I'd recommend not even getting a motarized mount, just get a cheaper manual one.

origamiscienceguy is right. Spend your money on aperture not gizmos.

Finding your own way around the nighttime dome will force you to learn the sky.
Way more satisfying than just calling up objects.

Re: Looking to get new telescope
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2016, 02:32:10 PM »
Also, if you want to look at planets and horizon, a refractor would probably be adequate, and they are much easier to care for. Burbs reflector is generally the best all around.
I wonder how obnoxious I can make my signature?
Please give me ideas.