1) I didnt say you didnt own a dof fuckface, i asked you a question
Which by implication was telling me I have no fucking idea what I am talking about. You lose.
2) Yes, personal testimony, I mean I did say it didn't I....
You totally missed the meaning of my sentence.
3) No it didnt, but if your making assumptions, why cant I?? Oh and yea, dicks can rip diapers...fuckin lame response
I could go into the, you know, polymers used to, you know manufacture a diaper, consider the endless TYPE of materials used in various diaper brands (I have kids so I could be totally speculating), or perhaps the fact of the hardness of an erect pecker, being it from a human, a horse, a dog, or a mythical Tom Bishop Unicorn named Bob Ingrate, not to mention the force of a pit bull at 2 years old, hunched over a human toddler. I suppose that is just too far fetched for even Tom Bishop to fathom. I could even (heaven forbid) mention how a dog would perhaps, you know, use CLAWS to you know, shred a barrier to what it was getting at. Although I am fairly certain no dog ever dug a hole before. Oh wait. I forgot the maw of the beast as well. Silly me.
Meaningless however, as the 2 year old was not listed as dressed or not dressed so we are farting into each other's mouths on blind (sober in my case) speculation.
4)No, we didnt train him to do it, hes was a male dog wil Balls midnight, wityh primal instinct, ffs all you had to hwas push a chair over and he would think it was some hot dogs ass...
Yes because a male dog is instinctually driven to copulate with anything larger than itself. Animal Planet snubs your all-encompassing professional take on the behavior of dogs. Again, I have raised dogs in kennels my entire life, literally. I know how dogs behave. I have raised over 50 breeds of the animal. A dog, is a dog, is a dog.
But that is of course meaningless, because I must work for NASA, paid to lie about how dog behavior patterns from nearly 30 years experience with them, and my dogs are false flag operatives named Clarence D. PenisSoft.
5) Once again, do you believe everything you read? I just read an article in a tabloid that said rapists are new age philosphers...or that the earth is flat...
Oh that's right, based on my comments from the you know, actual TEXT of the fucking article, I have been duped into another deep-seated conspiracy of titanic proportions. Dogs are being persecuted wrongly. Oh my god /wrist.
Please know that brain cells are the only cell in your body that cannot replace themselves, then look for ways to escape...
This is the most pathetic of your tirades that I have heard Midnight so far, and there has been a few fuckin zingers, I mean ffs.
Tirade. LOL.
My last and final post on this: If you can seriously sit there and tell me that you believe a Dog raped a Human, be it 2 or fuckin 25, then, well, fuck, there is no point coming to this site anymore...
If you can seriously sit there and tell me that a dog CANNOT rape a 2 year old human being (regardless of why), then you're right anyway. Cheers.

Oh and not like You and Gayer, and all the other retards who try to gain attention from saying their leaving.
You must be
the only living being who comes here who has never figured out the 'I am leaving routine' yet. Keep at it, the epiphany will arouse you and leave you smiling. Someday.
I will agree o one thing you said, sometime or rather, and that is that the people that frequent this site these days are jut downright fuckin stupid, with the exception of a few...
Great, you agree with me somehow, someway. Now I can die complete.

ANd what r u waiting for?
For you to show me where my claim is false, or move along to the cereal isle where your sugar puffs await.
Tirade? If that post I just responded to wasn't a tirade, I am a cranberry.
I wonder if Quixotic had his account hijacked? I don't recall him or her being such a drunken douchebag...
1. Never respond to simple abuse, it only encourages them
2. Never respond immediately; always see the number - and quality - of posts
3. Never respond to two-centers - go for quality
4. Never respond to clinical insanity - chances are you cannot help, and you risk a life-long relationship
Silence can be golden!