Clearly The Engineer and Gulliver are both part of the Conspiracy, as agents instructed to hijack any "sensible" discussion and to take threads off topic.
How much are they being paid?
Are they really this serious in real life?
Are they, in fact, the same person?
I also believe that Tom Bishop must be in on it, as an agent provocateur to destroy the credibility of the flat earth movement.
I think Gulliver is actually an alternate Tom Bishop account, intended to discredit REers by making them all look like jackasses.
Note the similarities:
Both seem stuck on one line that they use over and over when their views are challenged:
Tom: I look out my window. It looks flat.
Gulliver: Do you have any evidence to back up your outlandish claim?
Both show a marked tendency of laziness when it comes to explaining their views:
Tom: Read
Earth Not a Globe!
Gulliver: Read The RE Primer!
In addition, both show a frightening tendency to either not understand or not be willing to acknowledge when they are simply wrong. And both seem to live in the D&D/Q&C sections of the forum. Also, they both appear to be trying to save the world by making sure others are educated about the true shape of the earth. You think about the similarities and you come to the conclusion that they are either the same person or "evil" alternate universe versions of each other, a la the
Star Trek episode "Mirror, Mirror". We have no photographs of Gulliver, but here is an artist's conception of what he might look like, if this is the case: