The images are quite exciting but let's think about this rationally, shall we? The whole thing sounds kind of anti-parsimonious doesn't it? I mean, either a couple dudes are spreading some fake images and documents around the internet (which isn't at all shocking), or a bunch of space aliens (or secret government agents -whichever you prefer) Are blasting around the California skies in space rockets.
Even so, even if we pretend for a second that these people are being completely honest with us here (and we really have no reason to), so what? There are loads of titillatingly UFOesque remote control flying machines out there (like
this one, for example), that could fool even the most skeptical among us. So why must any unusual object seen in the skies automatically be some sort of super secret alien craft?
Not to mention the fact that all we have here are a few eyewitness testimonies. Which are pretty much worthless. They're kind of like those heart-wrenching testimonials quack doctors like Chiropractors force on you to show how well their craft works. So until somebody shows me some real evidence that doesn't rely on the word and lens of some random Joe Schmoe on the internet, you can color me highly skeptical.