Um... the benefits of chiropractic treatment are actually well-documented in the medical literature. Chiropractors are most certainly not quacks.
Chiropractors who claim to be able to temporarily relieve back pain are fine (although generally ineffective). Chiropractors who claim to magically be able to cure all ills are both quacks and potentially dangerous. There is simply no evidence that spinal subluxations exist or would hinder the body's ability to heal itself if they did. It's perfectly true that nerves from your spine are connected to other body organs and tissues, and that damage to those nerves affects whatever they connect to. These facts, however, have nothing to do with the theory of subluxations. There isn't even any evidence that Chiropractic is any more effective at relieving back pain than a simple massage.
Chiropractors often talk about about the body's ability to heal itself -usually without the need of drugs or surgery, yet fail to mention that it would do this without Chiropractic as well. People usually go and see a Chiropractor or some other 'holistic' healer when their pain is most severe. Natural regressions will usually lead to the pain becoming less severe after the treatment, whether the treatment had any effect or not. This along with the placebo effect leads many people to believe that they've been magically healed by their visit to the Chiropractor when in fact it had as much effect as simply doing nothing.
I hesitate to draw any definite conclusions about the practice. But at the moment there is essentially no evidence suggesting that the whole thing is anything other than a load of rubbish. So I find it particularly worrisome that Chiropractors are currently pushing to to become primary care practitioners for infants and children. I'm sorry if you've been seeing one and thing they've been helping you (I went to one -a student of David Palmer, no less- for nearly five years before my skepticism got the better of me and I checked it out myself), but you, along with millions of other people, have essentially been had.