The Enemies of Reason: new Dawkins documentary challenges Alternative Science

  • 15 Replies


  • 2392 (I created that Wiki article from scratch!)

“Is it rational that the dead can communicate with the living and give sound advice on how they should live their lives? What about sticking pins into your body to free the flow of Chi energy and cure your illness? Or the bending of spoons using your mind alone? Is that rational? Richard Dawkins doesn’t think so, and feels it is his duty to expose those areas of belief that exist without scientific proof, yet manage to hold the nation under their spell. He will take on the world’s leading proponents in their field of expertise, meet the victims who have used them and expose the history of the movements – from the charlatans who have milked these practices to the experiments and testing that have failed to produce conclusive results.”

Part 1 airs on Channel 4 on August 13th.



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Looks neat but I won't be able to see it. 

It's no slur if it's fact.


Dioptimus Drime

  • 4531
  • Meep.
Sounds interesting. I still somewhat disagree with some of what Dawkins says, but nevertheless, he's a good guy and people tend to listen to him, at least a little bit more than me. :P

As a sidenote, from that quote, acupuncture isn't used to create "Chi energy," it releases endorphins which are naturally-created analgesics, thusly masking or even getting rid of pain altogether. It might not cure anything too fantastical, but it works nonetheless.



Skeptical ATM

Many alternative traetments are misunderstood, and are legitimate. Seances are possible, but I fail to see why you need a big ceremony...



  • 2997
Séances are not possible.



As a sidenote, from that quote, acupuncture isn't used to create "Chi energy," it releases endorphins which are naturally-created analgesics, thusly masking or even getting rid of pain altogether. It might not cure anything too fantastical, but it works nonetheless.


Not to hijack another thread, but I have to disagree. It's true that scientists have shown that acupuncture releases endorphins, but that's really nothing special. Know what else causes endorphins to be released? Jalepeños. So the next time you're hurting and think a visit to your friendly neighborhood holistic healer would be just the ticket, pop a 'peño instead, it'll have the same effect.

There. I just saved you, like, a hundred bucks.



  • 2997
Man, I love Jalapeños.  I eat them straight from the jar.  I guess I'm an endorphins junky.   



Well, I love the flavor, the spiciness, not so much (a little is fine, but it's easy to go overboard). But they are quite delicious in any sort of Mexican dish imagineable.



  • 7671
  • RE/FE Apathetic.
meet the victims who have used them

I lawled.
My problem with his ideas is that it is a ridiculous thing.

Genius. PURE, undiluted genius.


Dioptimus Drime

  • 4531
  • Meep.

As a sidenote, from that quote, acupuncture isn't used to create "Chi energy," it releases endorphins which are naturally-created analgesics, thusly masking or even getting rid of pain altogether. It might not cure anything too fantastical, but it works nonetheless.


Not to hijack another thread, but I have to disagree. It's true that scientists have shown that acupuncture releases endorphins, but that's really nothing special. Know what else causes endorphins to be released? Jalepeños. So the next time you're hurting and think a visit to your friendly neighborhood holistic healer would be just the ticket, pop a 'peño instead, it'll have the same effect.

There. I just saved you, like, a hundred bucks.

I'm not advocating the usage of acupuncture. Note that I was just correcting the fact that acupuncture (or at least most of it) doesn't claim to heal via mystical causes or anything.



Rudd Master 3000

  • 452
  • Lil Kev
Acupuncture originally developed as an element of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Chinese medical theory is based on the belief that energy known as "chi" (or qi) flows through the body's tissues and organs along a network of invisible channels known as meridians. This energy, which may also be called life force, regulates all physical, emotional and mental processes. Imbalances or blockages in an individual's chi result in illness. The goal of acupuncture is to restore balance and harmony in the body by inserting needles into particular points on the body to control the flow of chi.

^That's a nice summary of the tradition of accupuncture.

I'm sure that there's still accupuncturists that still sell it based on chi rather than endorphins because the whackos that go to those places would probably rather here about fairy tales rather than chemical reactions.


Skeptical ATM

Answering Mid's point, I agree in the sense that your traditional seance is bullshit, but in the sense of communicatng with the 'departed' (assuming you think of them like that), than its possible.

Also, acupuncture is something I suggest you all try, it works, maybe only for the psycological reasons not the medical ones, but it works.



  • 2997
What's your evidence that the dead can be communicated with?

Susan Blackmore studied the subject for 10 years (as a believer), and then realised there was no evidence at all, and admitted she is wrong.  She's the only scientist I know who has studied the subject.


Skeptical ATM

Evidence? None.

Theoretical proof? Some, start a new tiopic if you'ld like a full opinion.

Experience? Well, it could have been all a product of my own brain, but I've had limited communication from the spirit world. Not that that's any evidence, and I could be imagining it.



  • 2997
Susan Blackmore had the experience of her own brain that led her into the field.  Than she realised there were rational scientific explanations for those experiences...


Skeptical ATM

Good for her. My faith is bigger than science, although my bain reocognises that I may be wrong. So, unlike your Fundie or your ignorant FEer (as opposed to a smart FEer), I can still believe it and know what 'm talking about anyway.

So maybe she's right, but maybe not eh?