I believe you need to state the reason you'd expect these objects to move apart. What force (relative to each other) do you envision would be pushing them apart? I can't think of any.
With the sun, the "force" would be the energy outputted by fusion.
With the earth, the "force" would be inertia.
Sorry, but I think we need to review here. Newton says F=ma, neglecting calculus and the detail that m is a function of speed, but I don't believe that we're talking about relative speeds so great as to make that important. Inertia(m) is not a force(F). So, you're confused on the Earth comment. Fusion is a nuclear reaction that does create energy. Energy can be used to do work. Work could be the spreading apart of the objects. But you still haven't told me how. Yes, I have money. Yes, money can be used to buy candy. That doesn't mean I've bought any candy. You have more work to do on your Sun comment. By the way, I'm not convinced that the Sun uses fusion to generate light. According to RE it's 94 million miles away. It would need fusion to provide all the necessary light if that were true. But consider a Sun much closer, would it need fusion to supply Earth's light? Wouldn't coal do just fine?
I hope that helps.
By no means am I confused. I am aware that inertia is not a force, which is why I put force in quotes (" "). Inertia makes the Earth try to stay in one location in space. It can't stay in that spot, because the UA is pushing it in the direction we call "up". It's tendency would then be to spread out perpendicular to the UA. But that's not what is happening to the Earth.
As for the sun, the most popular idea among FEers is that it is indeed powered by fusion. Since the sun is a sphere (in either model) the energy generated would cause the sun to expand outward from the center. I don't get where you are going with your candy comment, but if you think the sun uses something other than fusion, please put your explanation up here. It's not FE if there aren't two contradicting explanations for a phenomenon.
Sorry, but you're not making any sense. Please review Newton's Laws of Motion. A object accelerates in the direction in which the force is applied, not outward from the "up" force.
Sorry again, but you're not making sense. A sphere that is heated internally need not expand. Even if the Sun were a solid, it could readily maintain a constant size, shape, and temperature, if only the energy created internally matched the energy radiated. Indeed RE relies on this principle too.
And would you do me the favor of using the right word, instead of the wrong word in quotes? I'm dimwitted and just can't guess what right word you want me to insert for you.
Also, I don't feel any need to conclude what source the Sun uses for energy.
I'm only trying to help, really.