Half-Life 2 is still the best zombie game ever, and don't you even deny it. Though that game was pretty fucking awesome, too...Too bad it was on the 360. Would've been ten times better on PC.
Anyways, I think the plot which I have not fully come up with yet is going to be that the guys are on Earth as the seven "angels" in John's revelation are "blowing their trumpets." Except somewhere around the fifth or sixth guy, they realize that the book was being metaphorical and they're mortal people sounding warnings. So, what do they do? Devise a plan to kill the seventh angel so that the prophesy can't come true.
Killing angels is always good, right? Of course, they have to fight the horsemen and stuff, too...Fun. Problem is, I don't want to turn this into the Left Behind book series. I don't even believe in any of this shit, I just find it very interesting.
