Quote from: Chrissetti on Today at 12:10:04 AM
Art is meaningless, yet you do not deny we need art. we need to ask those questions, its a part of being human
We don't "need" art. It's enjoyable, but not necessary for survival. Those questions are not necessary, either. As dysfunction said, there is no reason to assume that the questions are even appropriate to ask in lieu of religion.
The earliest cave-men told stories (through the medium of paintings and 'acting') all the awy through to modern blockbusters. To be without music, or pictures, or stories, is practically sensory deprivation, SAS troops, when stranded and alone are encouraged to sing camp-songs to keep spirits up and help survive. African slaves during the years of slavery would sing songs to help them to cope with their existance.
No we don't need art for survival, like we do food and water but to say we don't need it at all is utterly false, the same applies to religion. Confused? read on:
As well as inventing these great art forms, early civilisations had a need for the supernatural, somethnig beyond what we see, to add purpose to their lives. "But we are not primitive cave-men anymore, we don't need that" You say. Wrong. If anything, in a world which we know to be temporary more than ever before, people need something to hold onto as a 'purpose' a reason we're not just living pointless existances. Some fill this space with God, others with their own legacy.
Whether God exists or not is irrelevant in this context, if it carries people through the evils of life, gives them a confidence to face death, and an inner strength, how is this a bad thing?