There is no god.

  • 461 Replies
Re: There is no god.
« Reply #450 on: January 22, 2008, 09:40:02 PM »
Or it would mean that God hides himself so that those who would not seek Him do not have His presence forced upon them.

Then why am I cursed for not feeling his presence. Shouldn't he be shouting out to me and save my soul?
He's testing your worth, don't feel to bad about it.



  • 3077
  • Canadian Philosopher
Re: There is no god.
« Reply #451 on: January 22, 2008, 09:44:22 PM »
Or it would mean that God hides himself so that those who would not seek Him do not have His presence forced upon them.

Then why am I cursed for not feeling his presence. Shouldn't he be shouting out to me and save my soul?
He's testing your worth, don't feel to bad about it.

But I simply can't believe in god. If he made me then why make me incapable of believing in his without sufficient evidence? I just can't do it, its not a matter of will,  if anything I just refuse to lie to myself. I could pick a faith and follow it to the letter but that wouldnt change my mind. So, is this a design flaw or was my upbringing touched by evil....And who are you to answer for god anyway. How can you say he's testing my worth? How do you know that? Maybe I'm here to test you chosen ones, that seems just as legitimate.
Quote from: President Barack Obama
Pot had helped
Get the fuck over it.

Re: There is no god.
« Reply #452 on: January 22, 2008, 10:06:06 PM »
Simply the fact that you can consider doing the opposite means you have free will. Having free will shows that your mind is not purely material, as the pathways of matter cannot be changed. This shows that you have conscience and spirit, which shows that you a unique creature in the known universe. That you are unique in the known universe shows that you are either an incredible freak accident, or that there is a purpose for your nature.


Loard Z

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Re: There is no god.
« Reply #453 on: January 22, 2008, 10:09:27 PM »
or it shows natural selection at its finest.
if i remember, austria is an old, dis-used name for what is now Germany.
See My Greatness



  • 3077
  • Canadian Philosopher
Re: There is no god.
« Reply #454 on: January 22, 2008, 10:10:28 PM »
Simply the fact that you can consider doing the opposite means you have free will. Having free will shows that your mind is not purely material, as the pathways of matter cannot be changed. This shows that you have conscience and spirit, which shows that you a unique creature in the known universe. That you are unique in the known universe shows that you are either an incredible freak accident, or that there is a purpose for your nature.

I don't believe that your disjunctive syllogism is accurate and reflects your misunderstanding of evolutionary theory. We are not here by an incredible freak accident, we are here by a process of gradual adaptation driven by natural selection. The rest of your post describe a conflict between materialism and dualism. I don't think that describing consciousness in a neuroscientific manor is cheapening the idea of free will or vice versa really. That is a point that can be debated but I think that the evidence of current neuroscience points strongly that we will eventually be able to understand consciousness and free will in terms of brain construction and chemistry.
Quote from: President Barack Obama
Pot had helped
Get the fuck over it.

Re: There is no god.
« Reply #455 on: January 23, 2008, 12:11:56 AM »
I don't support creationism or intelligent design. I said that the fact that humans are the only known creature to show free will makes them unique. It isn't possible to explain consciousness in purely materialistic terms presently and I am not inclined to accept intellectual IOU's that one day we will be able. Consider what biologist  J. B. S. Haldane said:
Quote from: Haldane
If my mental processes are determined wholly by the motion of atoms in my brain, I have no reason to suppose my beliefs are true...and hence I have no reason to for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms.



  • 3077
  • Canadian Philosopher
Re: There is no god.
« Reply #456 on: January 23, 2008, 12:43:21 AM »
I don't support creationism or intelligent design. I said that the fact that humans are the only known creature to show free will makes them unique. It isn't possible to explain consciousness in purely materialistic terms presently and I am not inclined to accept intellectual IOU's that one day we will be able. Consider what biologist  J. B. S. Haldane said:
Quote from: Haldane
If my mental processes are determined wholly by the motion of atoms in my brain, I have no reason to suppose my beliefs are true...and hence I have no reason to for supposing my brain to be composed of atoms.

But I would say that there is no evidence of dualism beyond perception. I think that being able to see which areas of the brain become active with certain stimuli and other materialist evidence provide a strong case for monism.
Quote from: President Barack Obama
Pot had helped
Get the fuck over it.



  • The Elder Ones
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Re: There is no god.
« Reply #457 on: January 23, 2008, 01:12:36 PM »
What's funny is your brain is full of tons of parallel systems unaware of what each other are doing, but when one acts your entire consciousness believes it inspired the action. So does our brain lie to itself so we feel in control?

With that in mind, if we were being controlled by say, god, then would our brains tell us whatever he made  us do was a conscious decision? Have you ever done something completely out of character, and felt it didn't seem odd at all to do so, and it had large repercussions? I'm not claiming proof of anything just throwing it up for further thought.



  • 7671
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Re: There is no god.
« Reply #458 on: January 23, 2008, 01:23:52 PM »
What's funny is your brain is full of tons of parallel systems unaware of what each other are doing, but when one acts your entire consciousness believes it inspired the action. So does our brain lie to itself so we feel in control?

From the depths of circumstance, a voice calls out "Yes."
My problem with his ideas is that it is a ridiculous thing.

Genius. PURE, undiluted genius.



  • The Elder Ones
  • 30590
  • The cat in the Matrix
Re: There is no god.
« Reply #459 on: January 23, 2008, 01:25:32 PM »
I like the quote. Who's it from?



  • 7671
  • RE/FE Apathetic.
Re: There is no god.
« Reply #460 on: January 23, 2008, 01:26:02 PM »
I fucked up my post. I just randomly shovelfucked it out there for you to ponder. lol
My problem with his ideas is that it is a ridiculous thing.

Genius. PURE, undiluted genius.

Re: There is no god.
« Reply #461 on: May 21, 2008, 02:07:57 AM »
Apocalypse of the Six Faced Gods

When the heavens fall upon the earth
Man’s leaders will mutter
Man’s leaders will splutter
For the rain reign of embers
The gods did cause

Man’s wisdom had faded
His eye degraded
For the land was sided six
Earth, fire, water a mix

Man ranted, shouted, bickered and whined
The land was round the land was mine
But the gods saw the truth
And called upon man’s youth

But were fools, arrogant and childish
Believing the world to be dish
Gods burn them one and all
When the embers fall

So the gods descended
Maimed burned and rended
Rocks of flame fell from the sky
So that mans folly would die

But one child did stand alone
Discard his mobile phone
He would be no longer deceive
He was the first one the believe

The gods spared him and his brothers
And their wives, now mothers
Who would teach the cube to every cradle
And to every sane man able

Seek the truth and be spared
For apocalypse be prepared
The cube is truth the cube is true

See through the chaos and deception, seek the clarity of the cube.