Tom Bishop and the other FE-ers have just proven that there is no need for guarding the Ice Wall. This is the line of deduction that lead me to that conclusion:
1. Because FE-ers were and are still not able to give a solution to the following problem (, they had to accept that the Flat Earth is spanning infinitely. They used the argument that even the book
Earth: Not a Globe confirms that the Earth may be infinite;
2. Now that they have accepted an infinite FE, it is unnecessary to presume that an edge of the world exists, so this answer in the FAQ is not true:
Q: "If the world was really flat, what would happen if you jump off the disc's edge?"
A: You would enter an inertial reference frame, moving at a constant velocity in the direction the Earth was moving before you jumped. The Earth would continue accelerating upwards past you at a rate of 1g, so it would appear to you that you were falling into space.
Therefore, everyone who tries to go south will continue indefinitely in a windy and icy environment and eventually die. If she wants to survive, she must turn back and admit she hasn’t crossed the Antarctica continent.
3. The guards of the Ice Wall were supposed to keep you from seeing it. Why? If you see bunch of Ice sticking out of the Southern Sees, you would think that’s Antarctitica. If you went to take a walk in the Ice, you would find yourself in a situation described under point 2.
I do not even want to mention the difficulties arising from an infinite rotating plane.