List of FE illusions

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Re: List of FE illusions
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2007, 02:25:51 AM »
All of the illusions you mentioned, Tom, have nothing to do with proving the earth flat.

I'm just saying that some things that are explained in RE perfectly normal are said to be illusions in FE

And many of the things you mentioned would appear in FE too
« Last Edit: April 29, 2007, 02:31:08 AM by leclerc »


Re: List of FE illusions
« Reply #31 on: April 29, 2007, 03:20:17 AM »
How many optical illusions is there in the round earth?

Round Earth illusions:

    Alexander's band
    Anticrepuscular rays
    Aurora Borealis
    Ball Lightening
    Belt of Venus
    Blue Jets
    Blue Moons
    Cafe Wall Illusion
    Circumzenithal arc
    Crepuscular rays
    Crepuscular rays
    Diffraction of light
    Earthquake lights
    Fata Morgana
    Full circle rainbows
    Ghost Lights
    Green Sun
    Haidinger's brush
    Hering's Illusion
    Hessdalen lights
    Large Sun at the horizon
    Light Pillar
    Light of Saratoga
    Min Min lights
    Monocular diplopia (or polyplopia)
    Night Rainbows
    Opposition effect
    Phosphenes from stimulation other than by light (e.g., mechanical, electrical)
    Purkinje images
    Ray scattering
    Shadow set
    Ship sinking over horizon
    Summer Moon Illusion
    Sun Dogs
    Sun Halos
    Sun Pillars
    The Green ray
    The Marfa Lights
    Thunderstorm Elves
    Thunderstorm Sprites
    Tyndall effect
    Zodiacal light

Et cetera, Et cetera.

So, what about any that actually apply to this thread? Anything in RE that ios called an optical illusion since the "theorists" realise that they're wrong so come up with some nonsense?
I have yet to see any...

Re: List of FE illusions
« Reply #32 on: April 29, 2007, 05:41:07 AM »
Tom do you not understand what an illusion is? There is a difference between an illusion and an atmospheric phenomenon. Literaly two-third of these aren't even "illusions", and the rest apply equally to FE. Try again.
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Re: List of FE illusions
« Reply #33 on: April 29, 2007, 06:17:14 AM »
Tom I feel I must defend my diagram once again. It is important you understand that perspective does not change the physical configuration of objects, just their apparent distance from each other/the observer. For example, a boat with a red flag on the mast and a green flag on the hull will always appear this way, no matter how far away it gets. The red and green flags will get closer, but they will NEVER change positions, even to a distant observer. Now imagine the sun is a Red flag and your line of sight is a green flag. The sun, moving further away, may appear closer and closer to your line of sight, but it can NEVER cross it, just as the waves below you can never cross it, and thus the two may never overlap. Appear closer perhaps, but never overlap and obscure each other.
Now, my diagram is taken from the perspective of someone looking at the FE from the side, as if it were sliced, just like this RE geology diagram:

I'm sure you can see that the sun will be at constant height in such a diagram, as it doesn't ACTUALLY get lower. The perspective effects apply to the observer IN the diagram, not the outside observer, who will not see the sun approach horizon.
Quote from: Tom Bishop
The universe has already expanded forever

Quote from: Proverbs 24:17
Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth.

Re: List of FE illusions
« Reply #34 on: April 29, 2007, 06:22:40 AM »
I don't see how the diagram adds to your argument.



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Re: List of FE illusions
« Reply #35 on: April 29, 2007, 06:25:04 AM »
That particular one doesn't. I was trying to illustrate the way I had drawn my other diagram (the one with the sun and stuff), as Tom seemed to think I had missed out perspective. The diagram in my last post was just to say 'look, I was drawing it like this'.
Quote from: Tom Bishop
The universe has already expanded forever

Quote from: Proverbs 24:17
Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth.

Re: List of FE illusions
« Reply #36 on: April 29, 2007, 06:26:51 AM »
Oh, I see.  I guess we'll wait for a FE response than.  Unless they think it's already been covered...


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Re: List of FE illusions
« Reply #37 on: April 29, 2007, 06:27:05 AM »
You explained it clearly enough already though. If Tom doesn't understand by now I doubt that diagram will help him. Lost cause.
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?



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Re: List of FE illusions
« Reply #38 on: April 29, 2007, 06:28:17 AM »
Quote from: Tom Bishop
The universe has already expanded forever

Quote from: Proverbs 24:17
Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth.


Colonel Gaydafi

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Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?



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Re: List of FE illusions
« Reply #40 on: April 29, 2007, 09:43:16 AM »
How many optical illusions is there in the round earth?

Round Earth illusions:

    Alexander's band
    Anticrepuscular rays
    Aurora Borealis
    Ball Lightening
    Belt of Venus
    Blue Jets
    Blue Moons
    Cafe Wall Illusion
    Circumzenithal arc
    Crepuscular rays
    Crepuscular rays
    Diffraction of light
    Earthquake lights
    Fata Morgana
    Full circle rainbows
    Ghost Lights
    Green Sun
    Haidinger's brush
    Hering's Illusion
    Hessdalen lights
    Large Sun at the horizon
    Light Pillar
    Light of Saratoga
    Min Min lights
    Monocular diplopia (or polyplopia)
    Night Rainbows
    Opposition effect
    Phosphenes from stimulation other than by light (e.g., mechanical, electrical)
    Purkinje images
    Ray scattering
    Shadow set
    Ship sinking over horizon
    Summer Moon Illusion
    Sun Dogs
    Sun Halos
    Sun Pillars
    The Green ray
    The Marfa Lights
    Thunderstorm Elves
    Thunderstorm Sprites
    Tyndall effect
    Zodiacal light

Et cetera, Et cetera.

That is a truly amazing list of Power Metal Bands from Europe, Tom.
My problem with his ideas is that it is a ridiculous thing.

Genius. PURE, undiluted genius.

Re: List of FE illusions
« Reply #41 on: April 29, 2007, 04:21:03 PM »
Tom, I know know beyond a shadow of a doubt (no that I doubted it before) that you are full of BS. Blue Moon ::)? Don't make me laugh. That is a term used for the second full moon of the month. It isnt blue. At all. The Aurora is not an illusion, it is charged particles colliding with the atmosphere and the magnetic field of the earth. Ball lightning is not an illusion either. It is electricity trapped within a small area of an opposing charge to it, making it into a ball. Coinsidentally, It forms into a ball (big suprise there) not a disk or cylinder. That's just a thought (used to find a round earth by logic.)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2007, 05:34:45 PM by Pablo the Incredible »
Plato: People are inherently bad.
Aristotle: People are inherently good.
Me: People are inherently stupid.

Re: List of FE illusions
« Reply #42 on: April 29, 2007, 04:26:02 PM »
How many optical illusions is there in the round earth?

Round Earth illusions:

    Alexander's band
    Anticrepuscular rays
    Aurora Borealis
    Ball Lightening
    Belt of Venus
    Blue Jets
    Blue Moons
    Cafe Wall Illusion
    Circumzenithal arc
    Crepuscular rays
    Crepuscular rays
    Diffraction of light
    Earthquake lights
    Fata Morgana
    Full circle rainbows
    Ghost Lights
    Green Sun
    Haidinger's brush
    Hering's Illusion
    Hessdalen lights
    Large Sun at the horizon
    Light Pillar
    Light of Saratoga
    Min Min lights
    Monocular diplopia (or polyplopia)
    Night Rainbows
    Opposition effect
    Phosphenes from stimulation other than by light (e.g., mechanical, electrical)
    Purkinje images
    Ray scattering
    Shadow set
    Ship sinking over horizon
    Summer Moon Illusion
    Sun Dogs
    Sun Halos
    Sun Pillars
    The Green ray
    The Marfa Lights
    Thunderstorm Elves
    Thunderstorm Sprites
    Tyndall effect
    Zodiacal light

Et cetera, Et cetera.

And how is a rainbow an illusion? Oh and you put "Crap-iscular" rays twice. Maybe to try and make your hilarious list longer? ::)
Plato: People are inherently bad.
Aristotle: People are inherently good.
Me: People are inherently stupid.

Re: List of FE illusions
« Reply #43 on: April 30, 2007, 05:54:33 AM »
Maybe I sould have read that list more carefully.  I've actually seen ball lightening, and it's mad bright.



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Re: List of FE illusions
« Reply #44 on: May 02, 2007, 05:15:57 PM »
- The vanishing point is at eye level with the observer, at the edge of the horizon.

- All receding objects overhead must appear to decline in altitude until they reach the vanishing point.

- The sea level of the earth must appear to incline in altitude until it reaches the vanishing point.

- Everything converges at the vanishing point.

Take a perspectives class sometime.

True enough, but these points are completely irrelevant to what he's bringing up. Allow me to show you. In these diagrams we are assuming that we have a perfectly flat surface and a person with perfect eyesight.

1. The tree is close up and entirely visible.
2. The tree is very far away and entirely visible. Obviously it will remain so no matter how far away it is.
3. The tree is close up and there is a low wall. The wall obscures only a small amount of the tree because it is close up and we can see over it.
4. The tree is very far away with a low wall. The wall obscures more of the tree because we can no longer see over it as easily. The amount that it obscures will continue to decrease as the distance increases but will clearly never increase past its own height.
5. The tree is close up and there is a high wall. The wall obscures much of the tree because it is so close to the observer.
6. The tree is very far away with a high wall. The wall obscures less of the tree than in case 5 because it is further away and we can see over it. The amount it obscures will continue to decrease as the distance increases but will clearly never decrease below its own height.

From this we conclude that as any object gets further and further away from an observer, the height of the area not visible due to an obstruction will approach the height of the obstruction.

This means that, on a flat Earth, in order for a tanker (20 feet of freeboard) to be obscured by waves so that its hull appears, say, half below the horizon, you would need waves 10 feet high! That's pretty choppy seas. An even more significant result from this is that if what Tom says is true the "distance to the horizon" would be significantly different based upon the average wave height. In calm seas, the horizon would stretch on nearly forever!
Quote from: Kasroa
Tom usually says at this point that people have seen the ice-wall. It is the Ross Ice Shelf. That usually kills the conversation by the power of sheer bull-shit alone.