
What are you?

I'm FE creationist
9 (5.1%)
I'm FE evolutionist
16 (9.1%)
I'm RE creationist
21 (12%)
I'm RE evolutionist
99 (56.6%)
I'm a candy on a stick
30 (17.1%)

Total Members Voted: 129

Voting closed: March 06, 2006, 09:04:59 AM

Which camp are you in? POLL

  • 96 Replies
Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #60 on: March 17, 2006, 12:35:21 PM »
Lots of heresy I saw in all of your posts.

I don't know a whole lot about history of the Bible, but I know this much: Catholic Bible is not the original, it is a corrupt copy of the original, that's probably why Martin Luther didn't agree with the Council, and got the version that was closer to the original.
Who am I gonna believe? I will believe Martin Luther, because in Catholicism, Church sets the doctrine, not the Bible.
And there was a whole lot of laws Catholic Church set that were in direct violation with the scripture, just as an example: Each sin had a price tag that you had to pay to the church if you wanted you sin to be forgiven. You could buy a place in Heaven for yourself.
I don't believe such version of the Bible is original, it is maybe older, but far from original.


... your doctrines and their sources are not so clean-cut as you imagine.

That may be. Bible nowadays may contain some things that were not there before, it may not be as clean as the original, but I'm not making matters worse by adding and twisting things even more.

Maybe there was no one in the Garden with Jesus, maybe person writing it took an educated guess. Matbe there was no "mustard tree" who cares? The main point of the whole thing stays unchanged.

Main doctrine of Christianity:
Jesus - son of God (knows everything about everything) was without sin, he was sacrificed on the cross to pay for all our sins, because he was without sin.
Jesus quoted Old Testament and creation week more than 20 times. Suppose creation didn't happen the way it is written, in a week. Such assumption would mean Jesus was telling a lie when he spoke of creation, which would make him a sinner. And since he had to be without sin, everything he was saying had to be true, including old testament and creation week that he quoted multiple times.

Adam and Noah did write part of Genesis, so as Moses, and they singed it too. Look in Genesis for a phrase "These are the generations of..." after these words the style of writing changes and even the way God is addressed changes. Genesis has a total of 10 different writers, which were all first-hand witnesses of the event described.
So, I wouldn't get much for this on eBay because most Christians know this already.

Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #61 on: March 17, 2006, 01:42:26 PM »
Quote from: "googleSearch"
I don't think you were there at that time.

I can use this argument against you for every word written in the bible.  You weren't there, you don't know, the Bible can't be used as evidence.
nd that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped.

Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #62 on: March 17, 2006, 01:44:54 PM »
well i voted candy on a stick!

Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #63 on: March 17, 2006, 02:26:45 PM »
Quote from: "Pesto"
Quote from: "googleSearch"
I don't think you were there at that time.

I can use this argument against you for every word written in the bible.  You weren't there, you don't know, the Bible can't be used as evidence.

Same goes for the big bang and evolution

Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #64 on: March 17, 2006, 02:27:58 PM »
Quote from: "the grim squeaker"
well i voted candy on a stick!

Why, oh why would you call yourself a sucker?



  • The Elder Ones
  • 4242
Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #65 on: March 18, 2006, 10:37:59 AM »
Quote from: "googleSearch"
Lots of heresy I saw in all of your posts.

I'll take that as a compliment.

Martin Luther didn't agree with the Council, and got the version that was closer to the original.

Where did he find it?  How did he know it was more original?  What council, btw, did he disagree with?

Who am I gonna believe? I will believe Martin Luther, because in Catholicism, Church sets the doctrine, not the Bible.

The Catholic church differentiates between doctrine and dogma.  Everything in the Bible, presumably, is dogmatic, as well as, presumably, papal edicts made ex cathedra (with infallibility).  It's the stuff that is considered to come straight from God, and is not up to debate.  Dogma is what defines the faith.

Everything else is doctrine.  Doctrine is not considered as central to the faith as dogma is.  Disagreeing with doctrine is usually just lawyer-talk, while attempting to find the proper interpretation of dogma is the work of theologians (is my impression; I could be wrong).

And there was a whole lot of laws Catholic Church set that were in direct violation with the scripture, just as an example: Each sin had a price tag that you had to pay to the church if you wanted you sin to be forgiven. You could buy a place in Heaven for yourself.

You misunderstand indulgences, which is what you're referring to.  An indulgence is a "get out of purgatory free" card.  It can only be received for sins that would be forgiven anyway, after time spent in purgatory.  Instead of the temporary punishment there, the indulgence says you don't have to go.

Martin Luther was not against indulgences.  He was against simony, which is the practice of receiving payment for church services, such as an indulgence.  Simony was a crime in the Catholic Church before Martin Luther came around, but it was practiced anyway.  This was the injustice that Luther was angry about, not Catholic doctrine itself (in re. indulgences at least).

I don't believe such version of the Bible is original, it is maybe older, but far from original.

"Such version"?  Which version of the Bible attaches price tags to sins?

Maybe there was no one in the Garden with Jesus, maybe person writing it took an educated guess. Matbe there was no "mustard tree" who cares? The main point of the whole thing stays unchanged.

You haven't said a word in justification that the bible hasn't changed.  Even if it hasn't, why is that impressive?  If the original is fiction, then the fact that it stayed the same since it was written doesn't make it any less fictitious.  I don't think Beowulf has changed much since it was first put to paper....

Anyway it's quite clear that the bible has changed.  If nothing else, it was extended when new things happened, and new books added.

Jesus - son of God (knows everything about everything) was without sin, he was sacrificed on the cross to pay for all our sins, because he was without sin.

Yeah so this is probably dogma, not doctrine.  That being said, I don't recall Jesus ever saying, "God is my father in a different sense than the sense in which he is your farther.  I want you to take this literally and not interpret it is a parable or metaphor."  All he did was refer to god as "my father" and "our father".  When people pressed him on the issue, his response was "It is you who say I am."

Maybe I missed it though.  Can you point me to the relevant verses?

Jesus quoted Old Testament and creation week more than 20 times. Suppose creation didn't happen the way it is written, in a week. Such assumption would mean Jesus was telling a lie when he spoke of creation, which would make him a sinner.

Suppose creation didn't happen the way it is written.  Then when *you* quote it, are you lying?  Not by any definition of "lie" that I know.  You lie when you make a statement you believe to be false, in the hopes that others will believe it to be true.  It's entirely conceivable to me that Jesus could simply have been wrong, but believed he was right, along with the rest of the mystical bits of the Bible.

Adam and Noah did write part of Genesis, so as Moses, and they singed it too. Look in Genesis for a phrase "These are the generations of..." after these words the style of writing changes and even the way God is addressed changes.

In what sense does this constitute a signature?

Genesis has a total of 10 different writers, which were all first-hand witnesses of the event described.
So, I wouldn't get much for this on eBay because most Christians know this already.

Yeah yeah, whatever.  Your notion of knowledge is quite different from one that permits rational discussion whose non-futile goal is to arrive at a new, better understanding of the world.

Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?

Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #66 on: March 18, 2006, 10:46:23 AM »
Quote from: "googleSearch"
Quote from: "the grim squeaker"
well i voted candy on a stick!

Why, oh why would you call yourself a sucker?


Re: Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #67 on: March 18, 2006, 11:15:22 AM »
Erasmus, it is obvious you do not believe in God or the Bible at all, I'm not going try to convert you. You have you religion, I have mine.
I'm not gonna sit here and try to prove to you that Bible is correct. I take it on faith, much like you take big bang and macroevolution of faith.
My argument is not with you, but with people who claim they believe in God, Jesus and evolution. People who think God used evolution to get us here, People that try to combine evolution and Bible.

And I try to show them how Bible contradicts evolution, and if they believe in God of the Bible there should be no place for evolution in their convictions.



  • The Elder Ones
  • 4242
Re: Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #68 on: March 18, 2006, 05:20:30 PM »
Quote from: "googleSearch"
You have you religion, I have mine.

Do not presume to tell me my religion, and do not mistake that your "way of knowing" is in the same category as mine.  I do *not* take the big bang or macroevolution on faith.

My argument is not with you,

I thought we started a new argument...

And I try to show them how Bible contradicts evolution, and if they believe in God of the Bible there should be no place for evolution in their convictions.

So, you're trying to convert them?  Why not just say, "You have your religion, I have mine," as you did with me?  Maybe their faith that evolution does not contradict the Bible is just as strongly held as your faith that it does; maybe their faith that the Bible is a metaphor is just as strong as your faith that it is to be taken literally.

Furthermore, why do they merit conversion, but I do not?  I suggest it is because they are willing to wage a battle of faiths with you, whereas I insist on pitting my reasoning against your faith, and your only defense is to say that trusting in reasoning is just another kind of faith.  But once you have done that, how are you decide whether your faith is better than anybody else's?

Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?



  • The Elder Ones
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  • The Earth is a Sphere
Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #69 on: March 19, 2006, 08:44:15 AM »
Well said Erasmus.
As Cardinal Poupard Head of the Pontifical Council for Culture said recently
''We know where scientific reason can end up by itself: the atomic bomb and the possibility of cloning human beings are fruit of a reason that wants to free itself from every ethical or religious link," he said.

''But we also know the dangers of a religion that severs its links with reason, and becomes prey to fundamentalism," he said.

''The faithful have the obligation to listen to that which secular modern science has to offer," he added, ''just as we ask that knowledge of the faith be taken in consideration as an expert voice."

Oddly no one picked up on this logical fallacy in googleseach rantings

I agree with you that leaders and councils can become corrupt, that is why I don’t listen to people but get my doctrine from the book directly.

Since those councils and leaders are the ones that choose which versions of the Bible got published.....
My God save us from half the people who think they're doing Gods work
An enraged
Truth is great and will prevail-Thomas Jefferson

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Cinlef is the bestest!

Melior est sapientia quam vires-Wisdom

Re: Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #70 on: March 20, 2006, 01:19:15 PM »
Quote from: "Erasmus"

So, you're trying to convert them?  Why not just say, "You have your religion, I have mine," as you did with me?  

Because you and I have different books we believe in, they claim to believe the same book as I.
If they write another version of bible that permits evolution, I will no longer argue with them, because that would be another religion, and I will tell them the same thing I told you.


Maybe their faith that evolution does not contradict the Bible is just as strongly held as your faith that it does.

Bible as written contradicts evolution, and it is not a matter of faith, it is a matter of logic.


Furthermore, why do they merit conversion, but I do not?  I suggest it is because they are willing to wage a battle of faiths with you, whereas I insist on pitting my reasoning against your faith, and your only defense is to say that trusting in reasoning is just another kind of faith.  But once you have done that, how are you decide whether your faith is better than anybody else's?

Your only reasoning is doubt. With such reasoning you cannot even prove the existence of the world around you. It is also the main reasoning of FE people. It is impossible to convince a person with such reasoning, because he will doubt every word and will present you with another "possibility", kind of like you. I consider such attempt futile and a waste of time.

Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #71 on: March 20, 2006, 01:32:28 PM »
Quote from: "Cinlef"
Well said Erasmus.
As Cardinal Poupard Head of the Pontifical Council for Culture said recently
''We know where scientific reason can end up by itself: the atomic bomb and the possibility of cloning human beings are fruit of a reason that wants to free itself from every ethical or religious link," he said.

''But we also know the dangers of a religion that severs its links with reason, and becomes prey to fundamentalism," he said.

''The faithful have the obligation to listen to that which secular modern science has to offer," he added, ''just as we ask that knowledge of the faith be taken in consideration as an expert voice."

Oddly no one picked up on this logical fallacy in googleseach rantings

I agree with you that leaders and councils can become corrupt, that is why I don’t listen to people but get my doctrine from the book directly.

Since those councils and leaders are the ones that choose which versions of the Bible got published.....
My God save us from half the people who think they're doing Gods work
An enraged

I don't care what he said; let it be the Pope himself. And since he was not the one that wrote the Bible (nor did the people that compiled it) I will not listen to him when he tells me what to believe in.



  • The Elder Ones
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Re: Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #72 on: March 20, 2006, 02:32:13 PM »
Quote from: "googleSearch"
Because you and I have different books we believe in, they claim to believe the same book as I.
If they write another version of bible that permits evolution, I will no longer argue with them, because that would be another religion, and I will tell them the same thing I told you.

It's clear to me that different religions can use the same text as their scripture.  Really, your argument is purely literary, not ideological.

Bible as written contradicts evolution, and it is not a matter of faith, it is a matter of logic.

It's a matter of faith that the Bible is to be taken literally.


Furthermore, why do they merit conversion, but I do not?  I suggest it is because they are willing to wage a battle of faiths with you, whereas I insist on pitting my reasoning against your faith, and your only defense is to say that trusting in reasoning is just another kind of faith.  But once you have done that, how are you decide whether your faith is better than anybody else's?

Your only reasoning is doubt.

What?  Which reasoning of mine (quote please) is indistinguishable from an expression of doubt?

I'm quite sure that I never argued for evoution, for example, from a standpoint of doubt.  Nor did I argue against the existence of God from the standpoint of doubt.  I think you're conflating the statements of others with my arguments.

I believe that I argued at least partially from a standpoint of doubt when I claimed that the Bible was not a perfectly reliable source of truth, because I doubted that it was written directly by God, or by those who you say wrote it, and because I doubted that its contents were not modified or influenced by mortals.  But I didn't merely doubt blindly; I think I argued that my doubts were reasonable.

For example, I might claim that there's a purple dragon hiding behind you right now, and that he'll become invisible if you turn to see him.  Probably you should doubt that claim, right?  Such a doubt would be reasonable.  Similarly, I claim that my doubt in the infallibility of the authors and preservers of the Bible is reasonable, given my understanding of history and of human nature.

With such reasoning you cannot even prove the existence of the world around you. It is also the main reasoning of FE people. It is impossible to convince a person with such reasoning, because he will doubt every word and will present you with another "possibility", kind of like you. I consider such attempt futile and a waste of time.

More conflation here.... I'm not FE people.

But since you've brought it up, do you realize that you cannot convince anybody that your way of reading the Bible is correct, because he will doubt every word and present you with another "possibility"?

That's the difference between your "way of knowing" and mine: no amount of purely rational debate on matters of faith can change anybody's opinion, whereas purely rational debate among ideally rational participants on matters of science can change the opinion's of some of the participants.  Evangelism, then, involves the use of irrational debate, and takes advantage of the fact that the participants are not ideally rational.

I'm pretty sure that "bible vs. evolution" is a special case of "religion vs. science."

Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?



  • The Elder Ones
  • 969
  • The Earth is a Sphere
Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #73 on: March 25, 2006, 12:58:06 PM »
Quote from: "googleSearch"
Quote from: "Cinlef"
Well said Erasmus.
As Cardinal Poupard Head of the Pontifical Council for Culture said recently
''We know where scientific reason can end up by itself: the atomic bomb and the possibility of cloning human beings are fruit of a reason that wants to free itself from every ethical or religious link," he said.

''But we also know the dangers of a religion that severs its links with reason, and becomes prey to fundamentalism," he said.

''The faithful have the obligation to listen to that which secular modern science has to offer," he added, ''just as we ask that knowledge of the faith be taken in consideration as an expert voice."

Oddly no one picked up on this logical fallacy in googleseach rantings

I agree with you that leaders and councils can become corrupt, that is why I don’t listen to people but get my doctrine from the book directly.

Since those councils and leaders are the ones that choose which versions of the Bible got published.....
My God save us from half the people who think they're doing Gods work
An enraged

I don't care what he said; let it be the Pope himself. And since he was not the one that wrote the Bible (nor did the people that compiled it) I will not listen to him when he tells me what to believe in.[/quote]
No but the point is that the people who compiled the BIble could have edited it to their hearts content without you ever knowing. Not that they nesecarily did , but if you dont trust councils and leaders why do you assume the BIble is still EXACTLY in the form its authors intended,
An puzzled
Truth is great and will prevail-Thomas Jefferson

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Cinlef is the bestest!

Melior est sapientia quam vires-Wisdom

Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #74 on: April 06, 2006, 11:40:11 PM »
About the whole signing of the Bible thing.  
If there was a signature on a page from the Dead Sea Scrolls that read, "Written by: Moses," handwritten, how would you know that THE Moses was the one who signed it?  ANYONE can write "Written by: Moses" on a piece of paper.  If there was an actual signiture, it could have been put there by ANYONE!
The Earth rests on an Infinite stack of Turtles...
Stop raping the llamas!
I'm a platypus gynecologist, damn it!
"I once taught a rabbit to fly with only a string..." -Now

Re: Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #75 on: April 06, 2006, 11:46:34 PM »
Quote from: "googleSearch"
My argument is not with you, but with people who claim they believe in God, Jesus and evolution. People who think God used evolution to get us here, People that try to combine evolution and Bible.

You are severly underestimating God.
I challenge you to read "Finding Darwin's God" by Kenneth Miller.  He rips your argument to shreads, as "a matter of logic," all the while preserving evolution AND scripture.  God HAD to use evolution to ensure that we had freewill.  If he did not, than he is just a puppetteer.  I would rather not elaborate; I gave you the title of the book.  Read it.  If you won't read it, please do not bother to respond to this.
Do not mistake a lack of imaginatin for neccessity. 8-)
The Earth rests on an Infinite stack of Turtles...
Stop raping the llamas!
I'm a platypus gynecologist, damn it!
"I once taught a rabbit to fly with only a string..." -Now

Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #76 on: April 06, 2006, 11:52:37 PM »
P.S.  I voted "Flat-Earth Creationist" because it is the term I use to make fun of Young-Earth Creationist who actually believe all their psuedoscience that "prooves" that the Earth is only 6000 years old.  (they believe the world is spherical, but their science is such a joke that I call them "Flat-Earth Creationists"...perhaps I should get a new term for them...?)
The Earth rests on an Infinite stack of Turtles...
Stop raping the llamas!
I'm a platypus gynecologist, damn it!
"I once taught a rabbit to fly with only a string..." -Now



  • The Elder Ones
  • 4242
Re: Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #77 on: April 07, 2006, 10:38:21 AM »
Quote from: "ItRestsOnInfiniteTurtles"
Read it.  If you won't read it, please do not bother to respond to this.

I would advise against making such demands; if you agree with the book's thesis, you should be able to defend it yourself.  Recommending the book is admirable, but not refusing to argue with someone who hasn't read it.

Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?



Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #78 on: April 07, 2006, 04:15:54 PM »
i'm a candy on a stick

which means i'm a lollipop or rock candy or cotton candy you pick

Re: Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #79 on: April 07, 2006, 10:47:53 PM »
Quote from: "Erasmus"
Quote from: "ItRestsOnInfiniteTurtles"

I would advise against making such demands; if you agree with the book's thesis, you should be able to defend it yourself.  Recommending the book is admirable, but not refusing to argue with someone who hasn't read it.


Ok, you're right.  I'm just lazy.  But come on!  College professors do that all the time!
I'll guess I'll start by pointing out that it is impossible to take the Genisis acount 100% literally without encountering contradictions (example below).  If a literal interpretation is self-contradicting, then I suggest it is time to change your Holy book...or your position in this argument...
Example (from Finding Darwin's God):  "As more than one reader has noted, Genisis 1 and Genisis 2 present creation narratives differing dramatically in...details.  For example, Chapter 1 describes the simultaneous creation of man and woman in the same verse (27)...
But in Chapter 2 the story is told again, and in verse 7 we read something quite different:...This time man is made first; and before woman is created, a great deal happens.  God places the man in Eden, causes trees to grow..., tells the man to avoid the fruit of the tree of knowledge, and finally requires the man to give a name to every living creature.  Only much later (Genesis 2:22), when Adam goes to sleep, is Eve...created.  The obvious conflict between these two accounts requires even a biblical literalist to apply interpretation to fix upon the meaning of each passage.  I MAKE THIS POINT NOT TO CRITICIZE ANY PARTICULAR READING OF GENESIS, BUT RATHER TO OBSERVE THAT ANY READING OF THAT BOOK REQUIRES INTERPRETATION AND JUDGEMENT." (emphesis by Caps added by me)
If you have to apply interpretation to the Bible just so that the it is consistant with itself, why is it any different to apply interpretation to the Bible so that it is consistant with scientific fact as well?
When I was in highschool kids brought up these contradictions, and the Biblical literest kids would always say, "There is no REAL contradiction.  You're just misinterpreting it."  As I've shown above, even parts that are "obviously" not metephorical require interpretation.  Why?
The Earth rests on an Infinite stack of Turtles...
Stop raping the llamas!
I'm a platypus gynecologist, damn it!
"I once taught a rabbit to fly with only a string..." -Now

Re: Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #80 on: April 08, 2006, 11:52:41 PM »
Malrix wrote earlier:

So back to Adam's story, Adam describe his own creation and creation of things around him and for him: Genesis 2:7 tells us how God made man and put him in the garden that He planted for man (still day 6) and then it describes rivers in that garden (still day 6) and some other things, but then God made all the animals in that garden (the same ones God originally made on day 5 and 4), God brought them to Adam so he could name them (still day 6). And then God made Eve. (still day 6).

So you see, Genesis 1 is a summary of what happened first week, Genesis 2 describes the same week, but in more detail, especially day 6, when the man was created and also things that immediately surround him were created. It's kind of like an abstract before the main texts, all research papers are written this way. First, you have an abstract that explains everything briefly and then you have details.

Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #81 on: April 08, 2006, 11:55:31 PM »
Quote from: "ItRestsOnInfiniteTurtles"
P.S.  I voted "Flat-Earth Creationist" because it is the term I use to make fun of Young-Earth Creationist who actually believe all their psuedoscience that "prooves" that the Earth is only 6000 years old.  (they believe the world is spherical, but their science is such a joke that I call them "Flat-Earth Creationists"...perhaps I should get a new term for them...?)

And you have a concrete proof that Earth is older than that?



  • The Elder Ones
  • 4242
Re: Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #82 on: April 09, 2006, 10:24:50 AM »
Quote from: "googleSearch"
Malrix wrote earlier:

So back to Adam's story, Adam describe his own creation and creation of things around him and for him: Genesis 2:7 tells us how God made man and put him in the garden that He planted for man (still day 6) and then it describes rivers in that garden (still day 6) and some other things, but then God made all the animals in that garden (the same ones God originally made on day 5 and 4), God brought them to Adam so he could name them (still day 6). And then God made Eve. (still day 6).

So you see, Genesis 1 is a summary of what happened first week, Genesis 2 describes the same week, but in more detail, especially day 6, when the man was created and also things that immediately surround him were created. It's kind of like an abstract before the main texts, all research papers are written this way. First, you have an abstract that explains everything briefly and then you have details.

Curiously, this is just Malrix's interpretation.  Curious because these passages are supposed to be taken absolutely literally.  That is, accd. to Malrix et al., you're not allowed to "read more deeply" into the passage, or take your understanding of historical or literary context into account, or pretty much say anything about the Bible's message unless it's a direct quote from the Bible.  You're not even allowed to explain it; just recite.

I personally think that just reading it, realizing a contradiction, and assuming it's a Divine Mystery is the least "interpretive" way of reading it, and is therefore the correct one, if you go by the literalist metric.

The whole point of bringing this up is that if you insist on consistency, then you must abandon literalism.

Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?



  • The Elder Ones
  • 4242
Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #83 on: April 09, 2006, 10:31:16 AM »
Quote from: "googleSearch"
And you have a concrete proof that Earth is older than that?

Of course not.  But we have techniques for measuring age -- techniques that produce reproducible results and testable predictions, and are consistent with one another -- that predict the Earth should be much older.

All attacks on radiometric dating that I've heard involve saying, "Well, you don't really *know* that" or "You're just assuming that that constant is really constant."  You're right; we don't know that, and it is just an assumption, but you also don't *know* that the Bible wasn't put together by some juvenile delinquints in the fifth century as a prank, and you're just *assuming* that the basic message hasn't changed over the years, so I guess we're in the same boat.

The difference is that the theories we use have predictive value, whereas the Bible is merely a record of times past.  The other difference is that the theories offer many avenues for measuring the same quantity, and all the measurements agree with one another.

Scientific theories are definitely not "just theories" in the same sense as creationism is "just a theory".

Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?

Re: Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #84 on: April 10, 2006, 07:43:48 AM »
Quote from: "Erasmus"

Curiously, this is just Malrix's interpretation.  Curious because these passages are supposed to be taken absolutely literally.  That is, accd. to Malrix et al., you're not allowed to "read more deeply" into the passage, or take your understanding of historical or literary context into account, or pretty much say anything about the Bible's message unless it's a direct quote from the Bible.  You're not even allowed to explain it; just recite.

I personally think that just reading it, realizing a contradiction, and assuming it's a Divine Mystery is the least "interpretive" way of reading it, and is therefore the correct one, if you go by the literalist metric.

The whole point of bringing this up is that if you insist on consistency, then you must abandon literalism.


Sometimes you people surprise me with your ignorance. It is not Matrix’s interpretation, it is the only logical one if you are Christian and believe the Bible.
Suppose you just read Genesis 1 about creation week where it says what was created on what day and you believe that, then you start reading Genesis 2 where it explains in detail how Adam and Eve were created, since you already believe Genesis 1 (that says men were created on day 6) the only logical conclusion is that Genesis 2 describes day 6 in detail. Anyone with half a brain will get that, unless you are willingly ignorant.

And please don’t bring up the nonsense about how I cannot explain, or logically conclude things from passages if I believe the Bible, because, besides that it isn’t true, this argument is getting old and uninteresting.



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Re: Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #85 on: April 10, 2006, 02:42:17 PM »
Quote from: "googleSearch"
It is not Matrix’s interpretation, it is the only logical one if you are Christian and believe the Bible.

Maybe so; more provably, it's the only "logical" one you thought of.  Most provably, it's still an interpretation.  By being okay with interpretation, you are moving away from literalism, and that'll all I'm saying is necessary.

Not only do I not believe in the Bible, I am not a Christian, so I feel no urge to apologize its inconsistencies.

Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?

Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #86 on: April 10, 2006, 11:46:07 PM »
I think "a candy on a stick" would fit best, since i don't belive in a round earth, or a flat earth, or evolution, or God
he world isn't round.
The world isn't flat.
How stupid are you?
anyone should be able to see it's a cube

Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #87 on: April 13, 2006, 09:18:48 PM »
Quote from: "Erasmus"
Quote from: "googleSearch"
And you have a concrete proof that Earth is older than that?

Of course not.  But we have techniques for measuring age -- techniques that produce reproducible results and testable predictions, and are consistent with one another -- that predict the Earth should be much older.

All attacks on radiometric dating that I've heard involve saying, "Well, you don't really *know* that" or "You're just assuming that that constant is really constant."  You're right; we don't know that, and it is just an assumption, but you also don't *know* that the Bible wasn't put together by some juvenile delinquints in the fifth century as a prank, and you're just *assuming* that the basic message hasn't changed over the years, so I guess we're in the same boat.

The difference is that the theories we use have predictive value, whereas the Bible is merely a record of times past.  The other difference is that the theories offer many avenues for measuring the same quantity, and all the measurements agree with one another.

Scientific theories are definitely not "just theories" in the same sense as creationism is "just a theory".


It seems we cannot know the age of the Earth much less than the shape of it.

Perhaps I may stay afterall :)

"Against criticism a man can neither protest nor defend himself; he must act in spite of it, and then it will gradually yield to him." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #88 on: April 14, 2006, 10:19:25 PM »
Quote from: "Mephistopheles
It seems we cannot know the age of the Earth much less than the shape of it.

Perhaps I may stay afterall :)[/quote

I dont agree with that ! I have seen the edge of earth, and there is a great wall of ice, and I have pictures to prove it !



Which camp are you in? POLL
« Reply #89 on: April 15, 2006, 12:04:35 PM »
Candy on a stick