1.) Was it Columbus or Magellan who proved that the earth is round? Who did it?
Magellan was the first person who circumnavigated the Earth. At that time, it was considered a great demonstration of the Earth’s roundness.
2.) How do planets form?
By coagulation of matter from the nebula due to gravitational attraction from which the whole Solar System forms. The magnetic field plays a key role.
3.) Why are the magnetic field lines vertical throughout the entire Arctic and Antarctic circles? What causes this?
The magnetic Poles are not on the surface of the Earth but inside the Earth. So, the magnetic field lines cross the surface of the Earth approximately vertically.
4.) How did the man who claimed to make a transcontinental journey across Antarctica over the pole do it if compasses don't work there?
Compasses, especially gyrocompasses work in the polar regions. Also, there is navigation by stars.
5.) If a gyrocompass can detect the rotation of the earth, how does it do it and why does its patent imply that the electronic error correcting device uses a magnetic compass to calibrate itself?
If it is not aligned to true North-South, it precesses. I don't know what patent you are referring to.
6.) Why does the sun appear much bigger at setting near the horizon than it is overhead at zenith? Why does it still appear large at the horizon in a picture?
It's due to atmospheric refraction which has a lensing effect.
7.) Why does the sun lose a large amount of its visible intensity when it is near the horizon?
Because the incident rays build a greater angle with the normal to the surface.
8.) How does the magnetic North Pole "wander" to and fro over the years without breaking Newtons first law of motion?
The magnetic poles are not particles and Newton's laws of motion are given for particle motion. The Earth’s core moves differently than the solid part of the crust, so there is a relative motion between these parts.
9.) How did scientists discover the exact point of magnetic North?
By ploting where the magnetic meridians intersected the Earth’s surface.
10.) In the Analemma of the Sun, how do you explain the retrograde motion of the sun in its Winter annulus and the prograde motion during its Summer annulus?
There are three parameters that affect the size and shape of the analemma: obliquity, eccentricity, and the angle between the apse line and the line of solstices. For an object with a perfectly circular orbit and no axial tilt, the Sun would always appear at the same point in the sky at the same time of day throughout the year and the analemma would be a dot. For an object with a circular orbit but axial tilt similar to Earth's, the analemma would be a figure of eight with northern and southern lobes equal in size. For an object with eccentricity similar to Earth's, but no axial tilt, the analemma would be a straight east-west line along the equator.
11.) How did the axis of the earth become tilted in its rotation around the sun? Why doesn't the gravity from the sun tilt it back into place? Clearly there is an imbalance if every ounce of mass in the sun and earth are attracting one another.
The Gravitational force from the Sun alone cannot cause a torque and that is what is needed to tilt the axis of rotation. No, there isn't any imbalance. The forces have equal magnitudes, but, since the Sun is more massive, it has a smaller centripetal acceleration.
12.) Fully explain the property of matter which causes it to bend space-time.
Matter and energy have the fundamental property to bend space-time according to the General Theory of Relativity. It is like the property called electric charge, which makes the charged particles to create and be affected by electromagnetic fields.
13.) How did astronomers find the distance of the Astronomical Unit? Did they assume the earth as a globe in their triangulations?
No, they assumed it to be a point, since the distances between the planets are much greater then their linear dimensions.
14.) What causes the acceleration of the expanding universe?
Nothing. It was expanding since the Big Bang and there is not enough matter - energy to stop it.
15.) How does Earth's core work? Can you provide evidence to go along with your assertions?
What do you mean by ‘work’?
16.) Where do ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays come from?
From outer space. Centers of galaxies and supernovae and other exotic astronomical objects are sources of high-energy particles.
17.) What powers quasars?
See this explaination:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quasar. BTW, how is this related to the RE model?
18.) Is there a discrete unit of measurement? Is there a discrete unit of time?
It is believed to be the Planck Time. One can construct a physical quantity with the dimension of time from the three fundamental constants:
Speed of light in vacuum –
cPlanck constant –
ħUniversal gravitational constant –
GTp = (
G ħ/
1/2 ~ 10
-44 s
BTW, how is this related to the RE model?
19.) Can we develop a general theory of the dynamics of turbulent flows and the motion of granular materials?
Yes, we will probably do it in near future.
20.) What causes ice ages?
The precession of the Earth’s axis, variable distance from the Sun and the greenhouse effect. Milutin Milankovic developed the astronomical theory of climate at the beginning of the XX century.
21.) Are there earthquake precursors that can lead to useful predictions?
Not that I know of. Some say piezoelectric effects in the moving rock.
22.) What is the origin of homochirality in nature?
Living organisms accept only one of the chiral forms of the organic molecules. BTW, how is this related to the RE model?
23.) Is there a simple test for determining whether an elliptic curve in the Newtonian model has an infinite number of rational solutions?
Rephrase your question so that it would make sense.
24.) Does the Standard Model of particle physics rest on solid mathematical foundations?
Yes, group theory is particularly important. BTW, how is this related to the RE model?
25.) What drove cosmic inflation in the early universe?
We don’t know. BTW, how is this related to the RE model?
26.) How do we know what the sun is composed of?
Spectroscopy. Also, we know the mass and the volume, so we can determine the average density.
27.) Does dogma against opposers to "basic fact" exist in scientific circles?
Yes, particularly against pseudo scientists, theologians and racists.