Welcome to Flat Earth Q&A. This board is a place where you can ask questions about Flat Earth Theory. Please note that questions about Flat Earthers, the Flat Earth Society and The Conspiracy do not relate to Flat Earth Theory itself, so please keep them in
Flat Earth General.
Most of you probably have many questions to ask, but before you start a new thread, stop and think for one moment:
- Is my question the sort that naturally springs to mind when faced with a theory like Flat Earth Theory?
- Is it likely that other people would think of the same question?
- Is it a sensible questioning of the theory behind Flat Earth?
If your answer is "yes" to any of the above, then read along. These boards have been in existence since 2004, so your question has most likely been asked before. The very first thing you should do is to read the
FAQ. FAQ stands for
Frequently Asked Questions. The FAQ is quite informative, and will give you a basic understanding of Flat Earth Theory. So, please read it and save us the hassle!
In addition, it is highly recommended that you use the
search function to find other relevant responses to your question. You can also check the
Flat Earth Wiki for more technical and detailed explanations.
If your question has never been asked before, or if your question is commonly asked but you aren't satisfied with the answers, feel free to post it and we will try our best to answer it. Please, however, refrain from creating threads to ask questions already included in the FAQ repeatedly, as doing so will only result in them being locked or deleted and you directed to it instead.
This forum is subject to the
Forum Rules. Please help us to keep the site in order by using the forums as intended and creating your topics in the correct forum. Thank you.
**Update 2014.07.17**
Flat Earth Q&A's format is shifting a bit. To limit the number of debates arising in our Q&A forum, questions will only be answered by flat-earthers or those providing genuine flat-earth responses. Asking questions is still open for anyone, but starting debates, using questions to start debates, or posting disingenuously will be considered low content / off-topic posting and will be treated as such.