Yes, but when do human beings stop joking, or being apathetic, and actually stand up for themselves and make the changes so many of us, as a race of creatures, honestly want to see?
I mean, hell. I make a lot of sarcastic statements about people, many of them can take it as it is, and go on with their day, but I mean really, I don't honestly mean HARM to people. I think that is my biggest personal flaw, is that I want change, but have not fully put both feet over the rail and just gone gung-ho and taken it to the level I know it needs to go to. I think people are all like this. We want things to improve, but our nature is self first, tomorrow later.
Making fun of it is a way of avoiding the fear that it could happen to anyone, anytime, anyplace. When do you draw the fucking line, V?
As far as I figure, the human race won't change. It hasn't for as long as we've been around. The Acadians participated in sacrifice, for God's sakes. When will someone step up and make the changes? No one will. It's just not going to happen. Change is hopeless honestly, and that goes to my previous thoughts (also can be found on my bloog). Society's eventually going to fall apart (again), and things will reset again. It's just how things work. Yeah, it's bullshit. It totally blows ass. But what can we do about it? We're on a path of destruction, and if we can't stop one kid from shooting thirty of his peers, how are we supposed to stop it when everything falls apart? I may not believe in the rapture, but something major has to change--it will change. I'm not saying that it CAN'T go the opposite way (i.e. someone steps forward and tries to make the world better), but personally I can't see it happening.
Also, making fun of things isn't necessarily fear. For example, I write satires quite often, whether they be post-apocalyptic epic novels or a short, light story making fun of fundamentalist Christians. It's not because I'm afraid of it, it's because I'm cynical and sarcastic, and think that A or B is ridiculously out of line.
And why would I make fun of something like this? Because why wouldn't I? I'm one who believes in the "Shit Happens" rule. Yeah. It totally sucks. But shit happens.