There is no mocking going on, I think I got a little snippy in a total of one thread with one user who constantly mocked and ignored, and that's about it. Are you going to justify your claim at any stage? I post with a considerably more measured tone than you're using right now. I simply choose to have my model all in one place, in a location guest-users of this site can post, or where people can post anonymously if they choose. If you want to go into it, then go right ahead, but you will be called out on it when you make thoroughly substance-free posts as you have just done.
I am saying you do nto understand it because of what you post. You are outright lying. There is most certainly a section called evidence.
What are such blatant lies meant to achieve?
Are you planning on justifying your claims at any stage?
And before you say it, a link to your crappy forums isn't justifying it.
I have no intention on posting on a board which you control due to your prior dishonesty. To put it simply, I don't trust you.
Yes, my posts may be considered substance free, but no more so than yours. So far all you have done is made a bunch of baseless claims and insulted me.
See, you saying I don't understand is just insulting me and mocking me.
I am not outright lying.
I wouldn't call a post a section. Especially when that isn't even what is linked to in your sig.
And of course, your evidence section contains lies as well.
Perspective does not make things disappear from the bottom up. It simply makes things appear smaller. So it could be a hill, or it could be because Earth is round. As water typically doesn't make hills as high as a large boat, chances are, Earth is round.
Evidence is not merely something in line with what the theory states. Evidence is something which indicates the proposed model is true rather than the null hypothesis.
That last part is key.
If something is merely consistent with your model due to massive error, it is not evidence for your model.
What you need is for the error to be low enough so you can distinguish between your model and the null hypothesis, and then if it supports your model rather than the null hypothesis, it is evidence for your model (but it may also be for other models).
Your question to clarify that is also dishonest.
You don't ask if there is anything which is considered evidence that doesn't fit this definition. A more important question is if there is anything which fits this definition which isn't considered evidence.
With your approach, you could for example say that even integers are numbers with no fractional component. There is not a single even number that doesn't fit that. But that doesn't make it the definition of an even number.
With your definition, a book (not what is in the book, just the book itself) is evidence because that is consistent with your model.
Your evidence section also goes into a whole bunch of crap, like the above, rather than providing any actual evidence.
If you are making assumptions, they typically don't have evidence for them, as they are assumptions.
You also misrepresent what assumptions are.
The theory of gravity is an attempt to explain it which is based upon assumptions.
However gravity itself is based upon evidence. We have evidence that masses attract one another with a force proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the distance between them squared.
That isn't an assumption, it is an observation.