Trinity of FE Proof

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  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Trinity of FE Proof
« on: April 03, 2007, 12:57:20 PM »
Here I will discuss three simple proofs of a flat earth. I chose three since if you need more you will never be convinced of truth. I chose simple since most people that believe in a round earth are idiots.

1. Global Warming
A. The sun's light contains ultra-violet light
B. Flat-earth'ists believe that warmth comes from beneath the earth, not above
C. Round-earth'ists believe that warmth comes from the sun
D. Greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere has been rising
E. There has been a climb in global temperatures

1. The ultra-violet light that is reflected back where it came is directly proportional to the amount of amount of greenhouse gasses.
2. As greenhouse gasses rise, the earth receives less of the suns ultraviolet light.
3. Our greenhouse gas concentrations are rising, our ultraviolet light consumption is falling, our temperature is rising.
4. Ultraviolet light is not the cause of temperature rise.
5. The upper atmosphere is blocking more and more sources of heat that are beneath it.
6. The source of heat from the sun is declining, the source of heat from beneath the atmosphere is rising.
7. Temperature rises are caused by heat beneath the atmosphere.
8. This is not consistant with round earth theory.
9. This is consistant with flat earth theory.

2. Earths Curve
A. A surfaces curve is the sum of its parts

1. A small piece of ground can be perfectly flat.
2. The earth consists of billions of these flat surfaces.
3. The sum of billions of flat surfaces is a giant flat surface.
4. The earth is flat.

3. Air Mass
This is a proof by contradiction.
A. The air consists of gasses with mass
B. The earth is a giant sphere that rotates

1. Our atmosphere is fluid and unattached to earth.
2. The atmosphere has mass and therefore momentum.
3. The atmosphere will remain motionless without a force acting upon it.
4. The earth provides a negligeable force on the atmosphere.
5. The atmosphere is not motionless (as in moving several hundred miles per hour westward).
6. Therefore some force acts on the entire atmosphere that it moves generally at the same speed as the earths surface.
7. There is no such force.
8. Therefore the earth cannot be rotating at such a speed.
9. This is a contradiction.

I am excited to hear any responses to my proofs. I will not, however, respond to any females in the community, unless they are acting on behalf of their husbands.

Edit: rearranged so that a cause-effect relationship is not implied. Many dont understand how proofs actually work.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 01:57:34 PM by narcberry »


Roundy the Truthinessist

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Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2007, 01:26:41 PM »
1. The greenhouse gases that are causing global warming are caused by human use of greenhouse gases (cars, factories and the such emitting carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas).  This is what's causing global warming.  Because these greenhouse gases are man-made they have nothing to do with the amount of ultra-violet light reflected back to the sun.  Part 1 of your proof is not correct, therefore the proof doesn't stand (you can take this further to disprove part 6; the source of heat from beneath the atmosphere is rising because of these same man-made causes, not because the temperature below the surface is rising).

2. To say "a small piece of land can be perfectly flat" does not mean "every small piece of land is perfectly flat"; in fact, it's not true on any part of the planet.  There are bumps and curves that would get in the way of our observations of the flatness of the earth anyway.  There's really no such thing as a perfectly flat piece of land.  Therefore, proof # 2 is completely invalid.

3. As you say, "the atmosphere is not motionless".  In fact, it's constantly moving, independent of the surface of the earth, as proven very easily by the movement of clouds above.  What force could possibly be acting on the atmosphere to be causing it to move?  Maybe the rotation of the earth?  Since the atmosphere (as stated in your proof) is not attached to the earth, the atmosphere is not moving at the same speed as the earth, but we still see the rotation of the earth causing the atmosphere to move.  It's how wind is generated.

Wow, 3 proofs that are all demonstrably faulty.  Maybe I was wrong, narcberry, and you can't do any better.

Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2007, 01:38:05 PM »
1. The greenhouse gases that are causing global warming are caused by human use of greenhouse gases (cars, factories and the such emitting carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas).  This is what's causing global warming.  Because these greenhouse gases are man-made they have nothing to do with the amount of ultra-violet light reflected back to the sun.  Part 1 of your proof is not correct, therefore the proof doesn't stand (you can take this further to disprove part 6; the source of heat from beneath the atmosphere is rising because of these same man-made causes, not because the temperature below the surface is rising).
Gloabl warming is universally accepted as carbon dioxide, and negligably other greenhouse gasses, that float to our upper atmosphere and reflect ultraviolet light. If you dont like this, dont take it up with me, take it up with them.

2. To say "a small piece of land can be perfectly flat" does not mean "every small piece of land is perfectly flat"; in fact, it's not true on any part of the planet.  There are bumps and curves that would get in the way of our observations of the flatness of the earth anyway.  There's really no such thing as a perfectly flat piece of land.  Therefore, proof # 2 is completely invalid.
Perhaps I should edit that for clarity, thanks for pointing that out. Regardless, the earth is made up of its lesser parts. It's lesser parts are not spherical.

3. As you say, "the atmosphere is not motionless".  In fact, it's constantly moving.
Of course it is. Thanks for validating the proof. That is the contradiction.


Roundy the Truthinessist

  • Flat Earth TheFLAMETHROWER!
  • The Elder Ones
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Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2007, 01:41:51 PM »
1. It's caused by carbon dioxide that we are emitting.  It has nothing to do with what's going on beneath the surface.  Therefore it proves nothing about a flat earth.

2. It's been stated before.  The bigger a circle is, the less obvious the curve is.  The earth is huge.  Therefore on any part it will look like we're standing on something flat even though this is not the case.

3. You don't seem to understand... the atmosphere's movement is caused by the rotation of the earth.  I don't get where you think this proves or disproves anything.  IT DOESN'T.  It is, however, evidence of a round, rotating Earth.

4. Your proofs are shit.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 01:45:02 PM by duuuuh »
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



  • 15
  • Cotton gravy!
Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2007, 01:43:16 PM »
I'm still unswayed by either argument, although I do think your stated disregard of female opinions is out of line. I don't want to make a big deal of it as that'd detract from the topic's purpose but that's quite a sexist comment. Yes, I am a man, at last check anyway! Women have equally valid opinions to men and shouldn't be treated any other way.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2007, 01:49:34 PM »
1. It's caused by carbon dioxide that we are emitting.  It has nothing to do with what's going on beneath the surface.  Therefore it proves nothing about a flat earth.

2. It's been stated before.  The bigger a circle is, the less obvious the curve is.  The earth is huge.  Therefore on any part it will look like we're standing on something flat even though this is not the case.

3. You don't seem to understand... the atmosphere's movement is caused by the rotation of the earth.  I don't get where you think this proves or disproves anything.  IT DOESN'T.  It is, however, evidence of a round, rotating Earth.

4. Your proofs are shit.

You're the first person I have to just dismiss. You dont know what you're talking about. Come back in five years. I'll give you another try.



  • 15
  • Cotton gravy!
Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2007, 02:08:08 PM »
I'm still unswayed by either argument, although I do think your stated disregard of female opinions is out of line. I don't want to make a big deal of it as that'd detract from the topic's purpose but that's quite a sexist comment. Yes, I am a man, at last check anyway! Women have equally valid opinions to men and shouldn't be treated any other way.

A woman's opinion is only as good as the man that gave it to her.

If that's meant to be a light-hearted comment, then I apologise. But that is blatent sexism! Women are not told what to think by men, they are perfectly capable of deciding on their own opinions.

Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2007, 02:12:40 PM »
1. It's caused by carbon dioxide that we are emitting.  It has nothing to do with what's going on beneath the surface.  Therefore it proves nothing about a flat earth.

2. It's been stated before.  The bigger a circle is, the less obvious the curve is.  The earth is huge.  Therefore on any part it will look like we're standing on something flat even though this is not the case.

3. You don't seem to understand... the atmosphere's movement is caused by the rotation of the earth.  I don't get where you think this proves or disproves anything.  IT DOESN'T.  It is, however, evidence of a round, rotating Earth.

4. Your proofs are shit.

You're the first person I have to just dismiss. You dont know what you're talking about. Come back in five years. I'll give you another try.

Well actually his statements are completely valid.I don't understand why you have to dismiss him.

And can you explain a bit more why exactly the global warming isn't consistant with the round earth?



Miss M.

  • 1854
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Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2007, 02:21:13 PM »
1. The ultra-violet light that is reflected back where it came is directly proportional to the amount of amount of greenhouse gasses.
2. As greenhouse gasses rise, the earth receives less of the suns ultraviolet light.
3. Our greenhouse gas concentrations are rising, our ultraviolet light consumption is falling, our temperature is rising.
4. Ultraviolet light is not the cause of temperature rise.
5. The upper atmosphere is blocking more and more sources of heat that are beneath it.
6. The source of heat from the sun is declining, the source of heat from beneath the atmosphere is rising.
7. Temperature rises are caused by heat beneath the atmosphere.
8. This is not consistant with round earth theory.
9. This is consistant with flat earth theory.

The reason that RE'ers say that the gases traps the sun's energy/heat/light waves - whatever - is that as the rays travel through the atmosphere towards earth, they are slowed down - to put it bluntly - and so less is reflected off the earth's surface because it is no longer travelling at such a great speed, so do not have the energy to pass through the 'greenhouse gases' a second time.

Another way of putting this is:

The Earth receives energy from the Sun in the form of radiation. The Earth reflects about 30% of the incident solar flux; the remaining 70% is absorbed, warming the land, atmosphere and oceans.

To the extent that the Earth is in a steady state, the energy stored in the atmosphere and ocean does not change in time, so energy equal to the absorbed solar radiation must be radiated back to space. Earth radiates energy into space as black-body radiation, which maintains a thermal equilibrium. This thermal, infrared radiation increases with increasing temperature. One can think of the Earth's temperature as being determined by the infrared flux needed to balance the absorbed solar flux.

Solar radiation at top of atmosphere and at Earth's surface.The visible solar radiation heats the surface, not the atmosphere, whereas most of the infrared radiation escaping to space is emitted from the upper atmosphere, not the surface. The infrared photons emitted by the surface are mostly absorbed by the atmosphere and do not escape directly to space.

Quote from: TheEngineer
I happen to like GG.
Quote from: Z, the Enlightened.
I never thought in my life I'd write the sentence "I thought they were caught in a bipolar geodesic?"



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2007, 02:28:20 PM »
I'm still unswayed by either argument, although I do think your stated disregard of female opinions is out of line. I don't want to make a big deal of it as that'd detract from the topic's purpose but that's quite a sexist comment. Yes, I am a man, at last check anyway! Women have equally valid opinions to men and shouldn't be treated any other way.

A woman's opinion is only as good as the man that gave it to her.

If that's meant to be a light-hearted comment, then I apologise. But that is blatent sexism! Women are not told what to think by men, they are perfectly capable of deciding on their own opinions.

If you think that women are capable of deciding their own opinions, then you must be a woman. Please, I dont have time to debate silly ideas.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2007, 02:31:21 PM »
1. It's caused by carbon dioxide that we are emitting.  It has nothing to do with what's going on beneath the surface.  Therefore it proves nothing about a flat earth.

2. It's been stated before.  The bigger a circle is, the less obvious the curve is.  The earth is huge.  Therefore on any part it will look like we're standing on something flat even though this is not the case.

3. You don't seem to understand... the atmosphere's movement is caused by the rotation of the earth.  I don't get where you think this proves or disproves anything.  IT DOESN'T.  It is, however, evidence of a round, rotating Earth.

4. Your proofs are shit.

You're the first person I have to just dismiss. You dont know what you're talking about. Come back in five years. I'll give you another try.

Well actually his statements are completely valid.I don't understand why you have to dismiss him.

And can you explain a bit more why exactly the global warming isn't consistant with the round earth?

Global warming is not consistant with a round earth for these reasons:
In round earth theory, the light from the sun gets trapped inside the atmosphere. This is a huge problem, because what actually occurs, is the atmosphere blocks more sunlight than it would trap in. This would, in effect, cool the earth instead of warm it.

However in a flat earth theory, the warmth comes from beneath and the cool comes from above. If we partition the earth from above, we will warm the earth by 1) trapping in the warm, and 2)blocking the cool.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 02:34:29 PM by narcberry »



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2007, 02:33:43 PM »
1. The ultra-violet light that is reflected back where it came is directly proportional to the amount of amount of greenhouse gasses.
2. As greenhouse gasses rise, the earth receives less of the suns ultraviolet light.
3. Our greenhouse gas concentrations are rising, our ultraviolet light consumption is falling, our temperature is rising.
4. Ultraviolet light is not the cause of temperature rise.
5. The upper atmosphere is blocking more and more sources of heat that are beneath it.
6. The source of heat from the sun is declining, the source of heat from beneath the atmosphere is rising.
7. Temperature rises are caused by heat beneath the atmosphere.
8. This is not consistant with round earth theory.
9. This is consistant with flat earth theory.

The reason that RE'ers say that the gases traps the sun's energy/heat/light waves - whatever - is that as the rays travel through the atmosphere towards earth, they are slowed down - to put it bluntly - and so less is reflected off the earth's surface because it is no longer travelling at such a great speed, so do not have the energy to pass through the 'greenhouse gases' a second time.

Another way of putting this is:

The Earth receives energy from the Sun in the form of radiation. The Earth reflects about 30% of the incident solar flux; the remaining 70% is absorbed, warming the land, atmosphere and oceans.
Are you saying the earth would warm up if the Earth reflected 40% and the remaining 60% were absorbed?

Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2007, 02:34:32 PM »
1. It's caused by carbon dioxide that we are emitting.  It has nothing to do with what's going on beneath the surface.  Therefore it proves nothing about a flat earth.

2. It's been stated before.  The bigger a circle is, the less obvious the curve is.  The earth is huge.  Therefore on any part it will look like we're standing on something flat even though this is not the case.

3. You don't seem to understand... the atmosphere's movement is caused by the rotation of the earth.  I don't get where you think this proves or disproves anything.  IT DOESN'T.  It is, however, evidence of a round, rotating Earth.

4. Your proofs are shit.

You're the first person I have to just dismiss. You dont know what you're talking about. Come back in five years. I'll give you another try.

Are you trying to make FE'ers look bad?  This guy wants to challenge your theory, and all you do is ignore him.  Are you going to ignore everyone that says your theory is wrong?

And about the earths curve, are you retarded?  Find me one NATURAL 1km^2 of flat surface on the earth, and be sure to prove it's flat.  Seriously, by the logic of your argument, I can claim the earth to be wave-shaped because the earth contains billions of waves, and the sum of billions of wave-shapes is a wave.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2007, 02:36:09 PM »
1. It's caused by carbon dioxide that we are emitting.  It has nothing to do with what's going on beneath the surface.  Therefore it proves nothing about a flat earth.

2. It's been stated before.  The bigger a circle is, the less obvious the curve is.  The earth is huge.  Therefore on any part it will look like we're standing on something flat even though this is not the case.

3. You don't seem to understand... the atmosphere's movement is caused by the rotation of the earth.  I don't get where you think this proves or disproves anything.  IT DOESN'T.  It is, however, evidence of a round, rotating Earth.

4. Your proofs are shit.

You're the first person I have to just dismiss. You dont know what you're talking about. Come back in five years. I'll give you another try.

Are you trying to make FE'ers look bad?  This guy wants to challenge your theory, and all you do is ignore him.  Are you going to ignore everyone that says your theory is wrong?
I have time for valid concerns, and I answer them. I dont have time for people that debate a theory they dont understand.

And about the earths curve, are you retarded?  Find me one NATURAL 1km^2 of flat surface on the earth, and be sure to prove it's flat.  Seriously, by the logic of your argument, I can claim the earth to be wave-shaped because the earth contains billions of waves, and the sum of billions of wave-shapes is a wave.
Much like him I dont have time for idiots like yourself. The proof is clear that I dont need a 1km^2 flat surface. If I gratified such suggestions, you would next ask to show that the entirety of the earth is flat from my own personal measurements. Stick to the proof and you will discover that the earth is indeed, flat.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 02:38:11 PM by narcberry »


Miss M.

  • 1854
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Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2007, 02:36:32 PM »
You clearly didn't read the rest of it. ::) That is how it was before the greenhouse gases increased. Now, a lot of the 'reflected' heat is trapped beneath and in the atmostphere.

Quote from: me
The infrared photons emitted by the surface are mostly absorbed by the atmosphere and do not escape directly to space.

This causes the earth's temperature to rise just enough to affect the polar caps, weather etc.
Quote from: TheEngineer
I happen to like GG.
Quote from: Z, the Enlightened.
I never thought in my life I'd write the sentence "I thought they were caught in a bipolar geodesic?"



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2007, 02:39:47 PM »
You clearly didn't read the rest of it. ::) That is how it was before the greenhouse gases increased. Now, a lot of the 'reflected' heat is trapped beneath and in the atmostphere.

Quote from: me
The infrared photons emitted by the surface are mostly absorbed by the atmosphere and do not escape directly to space.

This causes the earth's temperature to rise just enough to affect the polar caps, weather etc.

You cant say that light can get past a barrier but not out.

How the barrier works: It lets a percentage of light through. This means that the increase in greenhouse gasses will end up blocking out more light than it will block in. This is why it would be global cooling if the earth were round. However, the earth is flat and it is global warming.

Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2007, 02:43:21 PM »
1. It's caused by carbon dioxide that we are emitting.  It has nothing to do with what's going on beneath the surface.  Therefore it proves nothing about a flat earth.

2. It's been stated before.  The bigger a circle is, the less obvious the curve is.  The earth is huge.  Therefore on any part it will look like we're standing on something flat even though this is not the case.

3. You don't seem to understand... the atmosphere's movement is caused by the rotation of the earth.  I don't get where you think this proves or disproves anything.  IT DOESN'T.  It is, however, evidence of a round, rotating Earth.

4. Your proofs are shit.

You're the first person I have to just dismiss. You dont know what you're talking about. Come back in five years. I'll give you another try.

Are you trying to make FE'ers look bad?  This guy wants to challenge your theory, and all you do is ignore him.  Are you going to ignore everyone that says your theory is wrong?
I have time for valid concerns, and I answer them. I dont have time for people that debate a theory they dont understand.

And about the earths curve, are you retarded?  Find me one NATURAL 1km^2 of flat surface on the earth, and be sure to prove it's flat.  Seriously, by the logic of your argument, I can claim the earth to be wave-shaped because the earth contains billions of waves, and the sum of billions of wave-shapes is a wave.
Much like him I dont have time for idiots like yourself. The proof is clear that I dont need a 1km^2 flat surface. If I gratified such suggestions, you would next ask to show that the entirety of the earth is flat from my own personal measurements. Stick to the proof and you will discover that the earth is indeed, flat.

Haha, you expect to base your proof on the fact that you and press down on a piece of earth and make it flat, and the entire earth should be flat?  NASA should be your best friend than.  Their huge crawlers have made thousands of flat surfaces over the years.  I guess since you can make parts of the earth flat by hand, that it is indeed, flat. 



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2007, 02:44:55 PM »
Haha, you expect to base your proof on the fact that you and press down on a piece of earth and make it flat, and the entire earth should be flat?  NASA should be your best friend than.  Their huge crawlers have made thousands of flat surfaces over the years.  I guess since you can make parts of the earth flat by hand, that it is indeed, flat. 

Are you saying the earth's curve is not the sum of its parts?


Miss M.

  • 1854
  • Screw you.
Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2007, 02:46:25 PM »
You know the Earth’s surface and atmosphere stay warm when gases in the air trap heat from the sun. Have you ever been inside a greenhouse, the all-glass buildings where plants are grown? They’re very warm, because the glass walls allow the sun’s rays in but prevent the heat from getting out.

Think of the earth as being inside a giant greenhouse. The gases act like a greenhouse’s glass walls -- they keep heat from escaping into space, and the earth stays warm.

Try this easy experiment: Take two jars and put a teaspoon of water in each jar. Put a lid on just one jar. Place both jars in a sunny spot. After a few hours, check on the jars. You’ll see that the open jar hasn’t changed, but the closed jar will be steamy and hot inside. What happened? The heat from the sun could not escape from the closed jar.

We do not yet know enough about how Earth works to accurately predict what the increase in greenhouse gases caused by humans will do to the planet. The relationships among land, water, air, plants and animals do not follow a simple pattern, where one action automatically leads to the same result.

For instance, an increase in carbon dioxide (the main greenhouse gas) may warm the Earth, and with the greater warmth more trees might grow. Trees absorb carbon dioxide to make wood and grow larger. With more CO2 captured in trees and less CO2 in the atmosphere to hold in heat, the Earth would cool down. Right? On the other hand, trees are also very good at trapping the sun’s heat. So with more trees, the Earth would get warmer. Right?

Quote from: TheEngineer
I happen to like GG.
Quote from: Z, the Enlightened.
I never thought in my life I'd write the sentence "I thought they were caught in a bipolar geodesic?"

Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2007, 02:47:36 PM »
Haha, you expect to base your proof on the fact that you and press down on a piece of earth and make it flat, and the entire earth should be flat?  NASA should be your best friend than.  Their huge crawlers have made thousands of flat surfaces over the years.  I guess since you can make parts of the earth flat by hand, that it is indeed, flat. 

Are you saying the earth's curve is not the sum of its parts?

I'm saying that the earth curve is not noticable on a small amount of terrain.  Therefore, you trying to say that small flat surfaces make the earth a giant flat surface is complete bullshit.



  • 15
  • Cotton gravy!
Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2007, 02:49:48 PM »
narcberry, I sent a PM re. the women debate. However, I've noticed a flaw in your argument. Surely the term flat is a relative one, not a constant one? If I were to place a video camera on a piece of perfectly flat ground that would appear to a viewer as flat. If I placed it on a hill at a 10 degree angle it would still appear flat. To be the one observing the location of the video camera you could be on a piece of ground that was a further 5 degree ascent away from it and it would not appear to be flat. Hence the proof is false, as it works from the view of the video camera and not of true life.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2007, 02:50:41 PM »
Haha, you expect to base your proof on the fact that you and press down on a piece of earth and make it flat, and the entire earth should be flat?  NASA should be your best friend than.  Their huge crawlers have made thousands of flat surfaces over the years.  I guess since you can make parts of the earth flat by hand, that it is indeed, flat. 

Are you saying the earth's curve is not the sum of its parts?

I'm saying that the earth curve is not noticable on a small amount of terrain.  Therefore, you trying to say that small flat surfaces make the earth a giant flat surface is complete bullshit.

Since you dodged the question, let me answer it for you to avoid someone thinking you a coward.

The earth's curve is the sum of its parts.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2007, 02:52:32 PM »
narcberry, I sent a PM re. the women debate. However, I've noticed a flaw in your argument. Surely the term flat is a relative one, not a constant one? If I were to place a video camera on a piece of perfectly flat ground that would appear to a viewer as flat. If I placed it on a hill at a 10 degree angle it would still appear flat. To be the one observing the location of the video camera you could be on a piece of ground that was a further 5 degree ascent away from it and it would not appear to be flat. Hence the proof is false, as it works from the view of the video camera and not of true life.

A surface is flat irregardless of the viewers angle.

Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2007, 02:54:03 PM »
Haha, you expect to base your proof on the fact that you and press down on a piece of earth and make it flat, and the entire earth should be flat?  NASA should be your best friend than.  Their huge crawlers have made thousands of flat surfaces over the years.  I guess since you can make parts of the earth flat by hand, that it is indeed, flat. 

Are you saying the earth's curve is not the sum of its parts?

I'm saying that the earth curve is not noticable on a small amount of terrain.  Therefore, you trying to say that small flat surfaces make the earth a giant flat surface is complete bullshit.

Since you dodged the question, let me answer it for you to avoid someone thinking you a coward.

The earth's curve is the sum of its parts.

Typical FE'er. You take what I'm saying in the wrong direction, and when I try to correct it, you think it's avoiding the question.  Well it's not, I was simply further explaining what I said before to help you understand.


Miss M.

  • 1854
  • Screw you.
Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2007, 02:56:19 PM »
yo Narcberry: you going to respond to my post or have you simply got nothing to say?

You know the Earth's surface and atmosphere stay warm when gases in the air trap heat from the sun. Have you ever been inside a greenhouse, the all-glass buildings where plants are grown? They're very warm, because the glass walls allow the sun's rays in but prevent the heat from getting out.

Think of the earth as being inside a giant greenhouse. The gases act like a greenhouse's glass walls -- they keep heat from escaping into space, and the earth stays warm.

Try this easy experiment: Take two jars and put a teaspoon of water in each jar. Put a lid on just one jar. Place both jars in a sunny spot. After a few hours, check on the jars. You'll see that the open jar hasn't changed, but the closed jar will be steamy and hot inside. What happened? The heat from the sun could not escape from the closed jar.

We do not yet know enough about how Earth works to accurately predict what the increase in greenhouse gases caused by humans will do to the planet. The relationships among land, water, air, plants and animals do not follow a simple pattern, where one action automatically leads to the same result.

For instance, an increase in carbon dioxide (the main greenhouse gas) may warm the Earth, and with the greater warmth more trees might grow. Trees absorb carbon dioxide to make wood and grow larger. With more CO2 captured in trees and less CO2 in the atmosphere to hold in heat, the Earth would cool down. Right? On the other hand, trees are also very good at trapping the sun's heat. So with more trees, the Earth would get warmer. Right?
Quote from: TheEngineer
I happen to like GG.
Quote from: Z, the Enlightened.
I never thought in my life I'd write the sentence "I thought they were caught in a bipolar geodesic?"


Roundy the Truthinessist

  • Flat Earth TheFLAMETHROWER!
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Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2007, 02:56:53 PM »
He just doesn't get it.  The concept of a round surface being too large to observe a curve on a small degree just seems to fly over his head.  I loved how he accused you of dodging his question when you actually answered it perfectly reasonably.  narcberry is a moron.
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?

Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2007, 03:01:29 PM »
you guys can't be believing this guy is actually serious? i mean, nobody actually believes that women are inferior anymore.

Also "duuuuh" disproved all of his "proofs" and he's just not listening to people when they prove him wrong...

It's all a rather entertaining read really...


Miss M.

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Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2007, 03:03:32 PM »
Actually, I do know at least 2 blokes who think they are better than women and the woman's place is in the kitchen. :-\ They aren't very popular.
Quote from: TheEngineer
I happen to like GG.
Quote from: Z, the Enlightened.
I never thought in my life I'd write the sentence "I thought they were caught in a bipolar geodesic?"



  • 5623
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Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2007, 03:07:10 PM »
yo Narcberry: you going to respond to my post or have you simply got nothing to say?

You know the Earth's surface and atmosphere stay warm when gases in the air trap heat from the sun. Have you ever been inside a greenhouse, the all-glass buildings where plants are grown? They're very warm, because the glass walls allow the sun's rays in but prevent the heat from getting out.

Think of the earth as being inside a giant greenhouse. The gases act like a greenhouse's glass walls -- they keep heat from escaping into space, and the earth stays warm.

Try this easy experiment: Take two jars and put a teaspoon of water in each jar. Put a lid on just one jar. Place both jars in a sunny spot. After a few hours, check on the jars. You'll see that the open jar hasn't changed, but the closed jar will be steamy and hot inside. What happened? The heat from the sun could not escape from the closed jar.

We do not yet know enough about how Earth works to accurately predict what the increase in greenhouse gases caused by humans will do to the planet. The relationships among land, water, air, plants and animals do not follow a simple pattern, where one action automatically leads to the same result.

For instance, an increase in carbon dioxide (the main greenhouse gas) may warm the Earth, and with the greater warmth more trees might grow. Trees absorb carbon dioxide to make wood and grow larger. With more CO2 captured in trees and less CO2 in the atmosphere to hold in heat, the Earth would cool down. Right? On the other hand, trees are also very good at trapping the sun's heat. So with more trees, the Earth would get warmer. Right?

Sorry I dont mean to ignore any valid claim. But truth be told, Im posting from work and am specifically targetting shorter posts. I havent even read yours yet. I'll ge to it.



  • 5623
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Re: Trinity of FE Proof
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2007, 03:08:15 PM »
you guys can't be believing this guy is actually serious? i mean, nobody actually believes that women are inferior anymore.

Also "duuuuh" disproved all of his "proofs" and he's just not listening to people when they prove him wrong...

It's all a rather entertaining read really...

duuh has disproved nothing. His ignorance only derails this thread, if you subscribe to his ideas than you, too, do not understand the theories in question here.