You guys need to acknowledge that not everybody went to college for a science, or was a science buff in school. A lot of people see flat earth and ask, "What the hell are they going on about," and so they sign up and ask questions. Yeah, you guys get asked the same questions over and over again, but you should expect that. If you want mass appeal, you need to be welcoming and prepared to answer questions. I've seen the opposite though, and I've seen why this theory is doomed to obscurity and ridicule. If this forum is any indication of the flat earth community that is.
One thing in paticular that caught my attention when I was reading another topic, was a moderater disrespecting somebody who was asking a simple question, he went so far as the mock the poor guy, posting a list of a dozen books that the guy never heard of and telling him he'd have to read them before he could be taken seriously.
Just my two cents.