Don't we hold higher standards to Police and Judges? I think the same would apply to someone like a priest that has dedicated his life to serving the people.
that is called "idol worship", and only leads to disappointment. they are human no more or less than us. what we *do* expect out of police officers, is vastly more training on how to handle weapons, how to manage conflict, and how to deal with anger. what we *do* expect out of police officers is more *accountability* than the rest of us without such power.
ditto with judges, but hopefully they are not carrying pistols, shotguns, and assault rifles.
i may have misunderstood your argument, but ultimately, just "expecting" people with lofty labels to behave better than the rest of us, is idol worship. and people get all worked up when athletes fail drug tests. why? they are human. they live in our same culture of cheating. they are no better than the average. fortunately they have no real power other than "star power", so we don't feel compelled to hold them *accountable* to higher standards.