You guys don't understand the mindset of FE. It's like fighting religion.
Because of their immutable opinion of the world around them, no level of convincing or solid evidence will sway them, because to them they are the paragons of right in a world completely steeped in wrong. That makes our points moot, because no matter how convincing our proof or conjectures, FE'ers will always see anything contradicting their tenets as heretical dogma and lies.
This is why there is no real debate between FE'ers and RE'ers. By the very arguments of all FE'ers, both sides are impossible to prove, so thusly there is no argument. No amount of "why would the government do that!?" or "People took pictures of a round earth!" will ever convince a FE'er, because they inherently reject any contradictory facts.
Amusingly, they always ask for proof of a round earth, but personally I don't think even they know what that would be, and if confronted by it, what they would do.