Proof of FE

  • 148 Replies

Roundy the Truthinessist

  • Flat Earth TheFLAMETHROWER!
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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #60 on: March 28, 2007, 04:17:17 PM »
narcberry, I respect your opinion.  I think your proof can be disproven quite easily by the fact that you state as part of it "If the earth is round its curvature would be noticeable from France to Romania", and it is, because we can't see Romania from France, because of the curvature, but I think maybe if you try you can do better.

How about if you respond to my post?  There's nothing trollish about it, and I respectfully asked for FEers' opinions.  It's headed "How do FEers explain the horizon?"  So far, not a single FEer has stepped up to the challenge.
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #61 on: March 28, 2007, 04:33:06 PM »
I don't see how this proves FE when you cannot see Romania from France due to curvature.


I know the waterfalls shadow is wrong. Eat a dick you fuckin know-it-all :P
A Genius: PBF



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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #62 on: March 28, 2007, 04:39:12 PM »
Is there a simple experiment that can be done at home to prove the Earth is flat? (Dont say no but there isnt one for RE either, I think the earth is round, i want to know why i should think its flat) And no i dont want to look at the literature, it doesnt give me anything appropriate.

Contrary to the opinions of the morons above that do not understand the consequences of a proof, you can use my proof as the basis of your own home experimentation.

1: Look at your home floor
2: Notice it is flat, not curved
3: Realize that the earth consists of billions of flat surfaces, all parrallel to each other
4: Write a note to your parents, "Omg the world is flat, you liars"
5: Put the note on your table stand
6: Hang yourself for effect
QED, world is flat

1: Look at your home floor
2: Notice it is flat, not curved
3: Realize that the earth consists of billions of flat surfaces, all parrallel to each other
4: Realize that it is due to perspective
5: Eat some oatmeal

I know the waterfalls shadow is wrong. Eat a dick you fuckin know-it-all :P
A Genius: PBF



  • 209
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #63 on: March 28, 2007, 05:03:33 PM »
1: Look at your home floor
2: Notice it is flat, not curved

These statements have nothing to do with the earth.

My home floor is flat because my parents paid thousands of dollars for my house to be built that way.
Same goes for my apartment.  The architect that designed the building designed the floors to be flat because nobody wants a curved floor.

Have you ever seen a house being built?  The house is parallel with the ground because all of the earth is taken out from under the house for the foundation to be laid out.  The foundation is built and the earth is filled back in so that the house will be sturdy.  If the house was just built without this process the house would not be stable.  That is why it seems like all houses are parallel with the earth.  Not because the earth is flat, but because it is made that way to make the house stable.

« Last Edit: March 28, 2007, 05:21:03 PM by Ammo »
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

Tom has a BS in BS.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #64 on: April 02, 2007, 10:09:35 AM »
narcberry, I respect your opinion.  I think your proof can be disproven quite easily by the fact that you state as part of it "If the earth is round its curvature would be noticeable from France to Romania", and it is, because we can't see Romania from France, because of the curvature, but I think maybe if you try you can do better.

How about if you respond to my post?  There's nothing trollish about it, and I respectfully asked for FEers' opinions.  It's headed "How do FEers explain the horizon?"  So far, not a single FEer has stepped up to the challenge.

I wasnt intending to ignore your question. I have a simple answer that explains the horizon. I will post that in your topic, however.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #65 on: April 02, 2007, 10:22:11 AM »
Is there a simple experiment that can be done at home to prove the Earth is flat? (Dont say no but there isnt one for RE either, I think the earth is round, i want to know why i should think its flat) And no i dont want to look at the literature, it doesnt give me anything appropriate.

Contrary to the opinions of the morons above that do not understand the consequences of a proof, you can use my proof as the basis of your own home experimentation.

1: Look at your home floor
2: Notice it is flat, not curved
3: Realize that the earth consists of billions of flat surfaces, all parrallel to each other
4: Write a note to your parents, "Omg the world is flat, you liars"
5: Put the note on your table stand
6: Hang yourself for effect
QED, world is flat

1: Look at your home floor
2: Notice it is flat, not curved
3: Realize that the earth consists of billions of flat surfaces, all parrallel to each other
4: Realize that it is due to perspective
5: Eat some oatmeal

...the best you guys can do?
why cant you just admit the proof to be flawless and concede that the earth is indeed, flat.

Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #66 on: April 02, 2007, 10:45:34 AM »
Because it isn't flat.The flat earth theory has so many errors.Wake up and open up your eyes.It's time to end your one thousand year sleep.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2007, 10:47:47 AM by leclerc »




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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #67 on: April 02, 2007, 11:56:32 AM »
1: Look at your home floor
2: Notice it is flat, not curved
3: Realize that the earth consists of billions of flat surfaces, all parrallel to each other
4: Write a note to your parents, "Omg the world is flat, you liars"
5: Put the note on your table stand
6: Hang yourself for effect
QED, world is flat


Even assuming that the Earth is perfectly spherical (no hills, rivers, etc), a perfectly flat surface placed on the ground would have to be over 700 meters long in order for the ends to be just 1cm off the ground. Combine this with the fact that the Earth is a very bump sphere, us humans are very small, and it's far simpler to construct flat, square things than curved ones then you can see why we make our houses with flat floors.

And as to number 3 in your "proof", that is only true if you know that the Earth is flat already (as many other people have already stated), so your proof is a fallacy. It is essentially equivalent to me saying "2+3 = 6 therefore 2 = 3 therefore 2+3 = 6"
Quote from: Kasroa
Tom usually says at this point that people have seen the ice-wall. It is the Ross Ice Shelf. That usually kills the conversation by the power of sheer bull-shit alone.

Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #68 on: April 02, 2007, 12:40:59 PM »
1: Person A can have his home leveled parrallel to the earth
2: Person A's neighbor can level his home using the same vector
3: There exists a person in France
4: There exists a person in Romania
5: There exists an urban path between the person in France and the person in Romania
6: Each building on this path can be leveled using its neighbors vector
7: Therefore the path between France and Romania is flat
8: If the earth is round its curvature would be noticeable from France to Romania
9: Therefore the world is not round, but is flat at least where an urban path exists

Now all you have to do is perform this expiriment. If you just say that #6 is true, I could just say that hypothetically, the moon is cheese because if I say so, it must be true. Why? well it's quite simple really. The cheese in my refrigerator is white. The moon is white. Therefore, the moon is cheese.
Plato: People are inherently bad.
Aristotle: People are inherently good.
Me: People are inherently stupid.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #69 on: April 02, 2007, 12:44:01 PM »
... a perfectly flat surface placed on the ground would have to be over 700 meters long in order for the ends to be just 1cm off the ground.

These numbers arent as impressive as you think. In fact, I think it clearly demonstrates how curved the RE'ers think the earth is, and how easily it can be shown to be flat.

2+3 = 6 therefore 2 = 3 therefore 2+3 = 6

no wonder you guys think the world is round.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2007, 12:46:16 PM by narcberry »

Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #70 on: April 02, 2007, 12:45:21 PM »
The cheese in my refrigerator is white.

Ooh, what kind of cheese?
Can the FAQ...
Yes, it can.

Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #71 on: April 02, 2007, 12:46:28 PM »
Plato: People are inherently bad.
Aristotle: People are inherently good.
Me: People are inherently stupid.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #72 on: April 02, 2007, 12:52:30 PM »



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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #73 on: April 02, 2007, 06:13:29 PM »
back on topic, your kitchen floor is curved. Just the curve is ridiculously small (if your kitchen is five meters lengthwise, then a tile at one end is about 1 micrometer below a tile at the other, far, far, far too small to be noticed by eyes or even by precise instruments.

in addition, the houses in romania that were leveled with respect to the house in france would be slightly tilted. Indeed, the neighbor's house would be tilted, although by a mathematically insignificant number of degrees, incidentally also undetectable by a spirit level. People would start to notice roughly one-quarter the way to romania
I'm thinking about signing my first name as lexluther instead of alex...

Political Compass: (-2.25, -4.92)



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #74 on: April 02, 2007, 06:17:35 PM »
back on topic, your kitchen floor is curved. Just the curve is ridiculously small (if your kitchen is five meters lengthwise, then a tile at one end is about 1 micrometer below a tile at the other, far, far, far too small to be noticed by eyes or even by precise instruments.

in addition, the houses in romania that were leveled with respect to the house in france would be slightly tilted. Indeed, the neighbor's house would be tilted, although by a mathematically insignificant number of degrees, incidentally also undetectable by a spirit level. People would start to notice roughly one-quarter the way to romania

Well thats the point, if the earth were round, then that would be true. But since the earth is flat, you can level your home in romania off a vector derived in france.



  • 78
  • slayer of Bright Theist
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #75 on: April 02, 2007, 06:51:20 PM »
or, as i have just thought of, you could use doublethink and simultaneously believe that the earth is both round, flat, and any other shape that comes to mind, while at the same time disbelieving each. Likewise, you could believe that what you suggested is both possible and impossible, (whichever suits the matter at hand).
I'm thinking about signing my first name as lexluther instead of alex...

Political Compass: (-2.25, -4.92)

Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #76 on: April 02, 2007, 07:37:59 PM »
you don't notice a curve because the earth is so large, if you look at a tennis ball and a basketball then you would notice that the basketball's curve is much less significant which is what causes it's size, the earth is so immense that you don't notice the curve at all

Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #77 on: April 02, 2007, 08:05:48 PM »
1: Person A can have his home leveled parrallel to the earth
2: Person A's neighbor can level his home using the same vector
3: There exists a person in France
4: There exists a person in Romania
5: There exists an urban path between the person in France and the person in Romania
6: Each building on this path can be leveled using its neighbors vector
7: Therefore the path between France and Romania is flat
8: If the earth is round its curvature would be noticeable from France to Romania
9: Therefore the world is not round, but is flat at least where an urban path exists
I find this very funny!  You are using circular logic to explain a flat Earth!  How hilarious.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #78 on: April 02, 2007, 08:08:38 PM »
1: Person A can have his home leveled parrallel to the earth
2: Person A's neighbor can level his home using the same vector
3: There exists a person in France
4: There exists a person in Romania
5: There exists an urban path between the person in France and the person in Romania
6: Each building on this path can be leveled using its neighbors vector
7: Therefore the path between France and Romania is flat
8: If the earth is round its curvature would be noticeable from France to Romania
9: Therefore the world is not round, but is flat at least where an urban path exists
I find this very funny!  You are using circular logic to explain a flat Earth!  How hilarious.

This is coming from a female scientist. Which of us is being hilarious?



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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #79 on: April 02, 2007, 08:10:09 PM »
Don't be so mean.  :-X

Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #80 on: April 03, 2007, 01:44:36 AM »
1: Person A can have his home leveled parrallel to the earth
2: Person A's neighbor can level his home using the same vector
3: There exists a person in France
4: There exists a person in Romania
5: There exists an urban path between the person in France and the person in Romania
6: Each building on this path can be leveled using its neighbors vector
7: Therefore the path between France and Romania is flat
8: If the earth is round its curvature would be noticeable from France to Romania
9: Therefore the world is not round, but is flat at least where an urban path exists
I find this very funny!  You are using circular logic to explain a flat Earth!  How hilarious.

This is coming from a female scientist. Which of us is being hilarious?

narc, I love you.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #81 on: April 03, 2007, 11:46:43 AM »
Yet another vote for my proof. Can anyone find a leak yet?



  • 19303
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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #82 on: April 03, 2007, 11:50:17 AM »
Umm looks like its saying you can use your neighbors house to level yours all the way to Romania.  You would then have to compaire the first and last houses.

It's no slur if it's fact.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #83 on: April 03, 2007, 11:54:48 AM »
That is exactly what it is saying, astute observation. I think it is finally clicking with everyone as to why the earth must be flat.



  • 19303
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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #84 on: April 03, 2007, 11:56:33 AM »
That is exactly what it is saying, astute observation. I think it is finally clicking with everyone as to why the earth must be flat.

Ok now go do it.  Report back. 
In the mean time I will ask if you know the thought experiment that brought on calculus?

It's no slur if it's fact.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #85 on: April 03, 2007, 12:00:05 PM »
That is exactly what it is saying, astute observation. I think it is finally clicking with everyone as to why the earth must be flat.

Ok now go do it.  Report back. 
In the mean time I will ask if you know the thought experiment that brought on calculus?

Let me give you a little information about a proof.

A proof is not a conjecture based on emperical evidence. A proof is a guided conclusion based on concepts already accepted as true/ proven. As you follow my proof, you will see that the earth is flat.

To prove a proof wrong, you cannot ask that it be performed. You can disprove it from your little chair. You just need to show how any of its conclusions are faulty. You have failed to do this. So my proof stands.

Accept truth.


Roundy the Truthinessist

  • Flat Earth TheFLAMETHROWER!
  • The Elder Ones
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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #86 on: April 03, 2007, 12:02:18 PM »
What exactly is an "urban path"?

If I understood this term, I might be more accepting of your proof...
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #87 on: April 03, 2007, 12:14:05 PM »
That is exactly what it is saying, astute observation. I think it is finally clicking with everyone as to why the earth must be flat.

Ok now go do it.  Report back. 
In the mean time I will ask if you know the thought experiment that brought on calculus?

Let me give you a little information about a proof.

A proof is not a conjecture based on emperical evidence. A proof is a guided conclusion based on concepts already accepted as true/ proven. As you follow my proof, you will see that the earth is flat.

To prove a proof wrong, you cannot ask that it be performed. You can disprove it from your little chair. You just need to show how any of its conclusions are faulty. You have failed to do this. So my proof stands.

Accept truth.
yeah ok.  So in other news if a person walks toward a wall they will never hit the wall.  This is because at some point they will have traveled half the distance to the wall.  Then there will be other points that will be half the distance to the wall and the first halfway point.  Thus there will always be a point that is half the distance to the wall no matter how close you are to the wall..  This makes the person never hit the wall.

It's no slur if it's fact.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #88 on: April 03, 2007, 12:25:15 PM »
That is exactly what it is saying, astute observation. I think it is finally clicking with everyone as to why the earth must be flat.

Ok now go do it.  Report back. 
In the mean time I will ask if you know the thought experiment that brought on calculus?

Let me give you a little information about a proof.

A proof is not a conjecture based on emperical evidence. A proof is a guided conclusion based on concepts already accepted as true/ proven. As you follow my proof, you will see that the earth is flat.

To prove a proof wrong, you cannot ask that it be performed. You can disprove it from your little chair. You just need to show how any of its conclusions are faulty. You have failed to do this. So my proof stands.

Accept truth.
yeah ok.  So in other news if a person walks toward a wall they will never hit the wall.  This is because at some point they will have traveled half the distance to the wall.  Then there will be other points that will be half the distance to the wall and the first halfway point.  Thus there will always be a point that is half the distance to the wall no matter how close you are to the wall..  This makes the person never hit the wall.

You are a master of un-science. Calculus clearly explains the this.



  • 19303
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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #89 on: April 03, 2007, 12:38:38 PM »
That’s why I said it led to calculus but if you aren’t going to go the calculus (aka just claim you can keep leveling buildings off the neighbor) then calculus doesn’t answer the question, its just a word. 

I can say you can't level a build of your neighbor and you cant disprove it.   

It's no slur if it's fact.