Proof of FE

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  • 5623
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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #90 on: April 03, 2007, 12:58:22 PM »
That’s why I said it led to calculus but if you aren’t going to go the calculus (aka just claim you can keep leveling buildings off the neighbor) then calculus doesn’t answer the question, its just a word. 

I can say you can't level a build of your neighbor and you cant disprove it.   

So you are saying that if you and your neighbors home had parrallel floors, either your home or his would be unlevel?


Roundy the Truthinessist

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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #91 on: April 03, 2007, 01:30:37 PM »
Well, unless something was done to flatten the earth beneath the two houses, no, they wouldn't be level.  Show me where on earth there is a perfectly flat piece of land.
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #92 on: April 03, 2007, 01:39:14 PM »
duuuh, why dont you wait on the sidelines for a bit. I dont think you're quite up to speed as to what we are saying.


Roundy the Truthinessist

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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #93 on: April 03, 2007, 01:43:27 PM »
Well, the point is, anyway, that no, they wouldn't be perfectly level, although that wouldn't be visible to the naked eye.  The earth's curvature is so big we can't observe it with the naked eye.
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #94 on: April 03, 2007, 01:50:52 PM »
duuuh, sidelines... now please.

We are talking here. We are both making the same assumption for the sake of argument, and you think the assumption is up for debate? Just cool it.

Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #95 on: April 03, 2007, 01:54:15 PM »
Yet another vote for my proof. Can anyone find a leak yet?
Oh, don't misunderstand. I was laughing at your insult to women. To hell with your proof. :3

Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #96 on: April 04, 2007, 07:17:37 AM »
By saying "parallel to the earth" you are already assuming the world is flat. Or do you mean tangent to?

Your proof is not backed up. What evidence do you have that shows that 8. is true?



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #97 on: April 04, 2007, 07:28:58 AM »
By saying "parallel to the earth" you are already assuming the world is flat. Or do you mean tangent to?

Your proof is not backed up. What evidence do you have that shows that 8. is true?

Must have been a slip, since I think in terms of a flat earth. What I mean is the first home is leveled and is parrallel to the earth at that point. The rest are leveled off of that vector, making it parrallel to the earth if the world is flat, or in tangent to the earth if the earth is round.



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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #98 on: April 04, 2007, 10:28:26 AM »
Narc on a curve if you tried to level something based on a tangent found 20 miles away the something wouldn't be tangent to the curve anymore....

Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #99 on: April 04, 2007, 11:38:56 AM »
That is exactly what it is saying, astute observation. I think it is finally clicking with everyone as to why the earth must be flat.

Ok now go do it.  Report back. 
In the mean time I will ask if you know the thought experiment that brought on calculus?

Let me give you a little information about a proof.

A proof is not a conjecture based on emperical evidence. A proof is a guided conclusion based on concepts already accepted as true/ proven. As you follow my proof, you will see that the earth is flat.

To prove a proof wrong, you cannot ask that it be performed. You can disprove it from your little chair. You just need to show how any of its conclusions are faulty. You have failed to do this. So my proof stands.

Accept truth.
yeah ok.  So in other news if a person walks toward a wall they will never hit the wall.  This is because at some point they will have traveled half the distance to the wall.  Then there will be other points that will be half the distance to the wall and the first halfway point.  Thus there will always be a point that is half the distance to the wall no matter how close you are to the wall..  This makes the person never hit the wall.
Add time. Just like Achilles and the Tortoise. This is arithmetic series. The distance gets smaller and smaller...

Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #100 on: April 04, 2007, 11:42:35 AM »
If you want to prove a flat earth, STOP thinking in terms of it. think in terms of just Earth...btw, throughout this whole thread you are just throwing out all evidence that contradicts your 'proof'. Stop thinking houses first of all. Houses are built a certain way. The only experiment that holds merit here is that laser experiment out on a flat field that someone posted earlier. Do that. Report back. And you will have almost indisputable evidence of a flat earth. Wouldnt you want that? Go do it.



Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #101 on: April 04, 2007, 12:58:13 PM »
Umm looks like its saying you can use your neighbors house to level yours all the way to Romania.  You would then have to compaire the first and last houses.


If someone is your neighbor, then they would live right next to you.
If your neighbor lives in Romania, then you live in Romania

Due to the curvature of the earth being so slight, you could, realistically, use said neighbors house to level yours.  Theoretically, however, it would not be completely flat.



  • 19303
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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #102 on: April 04, 2007, 01:02:34 PM »
Umm looks like its saying you can use your neighbors house to level yours all the way to Romania.  You would then have to compaire the first and last houses.


If someone is your neighbor, then they would live right next to you.
If your neighbor lives in Romania, then you live in Romania

Due to the curvature of the earth being so slight, you could, realistically, use said neighbors house to level yours.  Theoretically, however, it would not be completely flat.
You missed what I was getting at,  comparing the first and last house would show the curvature. 

It's no slur if it's fact.

Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #103 on: April 04, 2007, 09:29:52 PM »
The earth is round but bumpy, warped, wrinkled and deformed so this proof seems quite full of holes.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #104 on: April 05, 2007, 02:01:45 PM »
If you want to prove a flat earth, STOP thinking in terms of it. think in terms of just Earth...btw, throughout this whole thread you are just throwing out all evidence that contradicts your 'proof'. Stop thinking houses first of all. Houses are built a certain way. The only experiment that holds merit here is that laser experiment out on a flat field that someone posted earlier. Do that. Report back. And you will have almost indisputable evidence of a flat earth. Wouldnt you want that? Go do it.

I agree with the intention of a laser experiment, however the light from a laser will bend as forces act on it. This makes it useless over very long distances. I left the idea of "extending a vector" as theoretical to avoid the confusion to the topic that would arise from including a specific method.



  • 19303
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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #105 on: April 05, 2007, 02:21:58 PM »
If you want to prove a flat earth, STOP thinking in terms of it. think in terms of just Earth...btw, throughout this whole thread you are just throwing out all evidence that contradicts your 'proof'. Stop thinking houses first of all. Houses are built a certain way. The only experiment that holds merit here is that laser experiment out on a flat field that someone posted earlier. Do that. Report back. And you will have almost indisputable evidence of a flat earth. Wouldnt you want that? Go do it.

I agree with the intention of a laser experiment, however the light from a laser will bend as forces act on it. This makes it useless over very long distances. I left the idea of "extending a vector" as theoretical to avoid the confusion to the topic that would arise from including a specific method.

Well light is traveling at 3x10^8 m/s so I think the experiment will be fine. 

It's no slur if it's fact.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #106 on: April 05, 2007, 02:24:24 PM »
If you want to prove a flat earth, STOP thinking in terms of it. think in terms of just Earth...btw, throughout this whole thread you are just throwing out all evidence that contradicts your 'proof'. Stop thinking houses first of all. Houses are built a certain way. The only experiment that holds merit here is that laser experiment out on a flat field that someone posted earlier. Do that. Report back. And you will have almost indisputable evidence of a flat earth. Wouldnt you want that? Go do it.

I agree with the intention of a laser experiment, however the light from a laser will bend as forces act on it. This makes it useless over very long distances. I left the idea of "extending a vector" as theoretical to avoid the confusion to the topic that would arise from including a specific method.

Well light is traveling at 3x10^8 m/s so I think the experiment will be fine. 

It would work enough to prove my point, yes. I was just trying to avoid having to explain anything about lasers and just focus on the proofs.



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #107 on: April 05, 2007, 02:34:07 PM »
Yeah I know you wouldnt want to explain how they can use lasers to tell how far away the sun and moon are. 

It's no slur if it's fact.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #108 on: April 05, 2007, 02:37:04 PM »
Yeah I know you wouldnt want to explain how they can use lasers to tell how far away the sun and moon are. 
I love that topic, it is the perfect example of how people have been confused into believing the round earth theory. But please, stay on topic here.



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #109 on: April 05, 2007, 02:38:36 PM »
Yeah I know you wouldnt want to explain how they can use lasers to tell how far away the sun and moon are. 
I love that topic, it is the perfect example of how people have been confused into believing the round earth theory. But please, stay on topic here.
How can I stay on topic when there is no proof the earth is flat?

It's no slur if it's fact.



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #110 on: April 05, 2007, 02:42:06 PM »
Yeah I know you wouldnt want to explain how they can use lasers to tell how far away the sun and moon are. 
I love that topic, it is the perfect example of how people have been confused into believing the round earth theory. But please, stay on topic here.
How can I stay on topic when there is no proof the earth is flat?

While we are off-topic, do you ever feel like it's just us two on these forums some times?



  • 19303
  • Extra Racist
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #111 on: April 05, 2007, 02:43:58 PM »
Yeah I know you wouldnt want to explain how they can use lasers to tell how far away the sun and moon are. 
I love that topic, it is the perfect example of how people have been confused into believing the round earth theory. But please, stay on topic here.
How can I stay on topic when there is no proof the earth is flat?

While we are off-topic, do you ever feel like it's just us two on these forums some times?
Everyone things this site is a joke.  No one care if a thread goes off topic. 

It's no slur if it's fact.



  • 1779
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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #112 on: April 05, 2007, 03:36:55 PM »
While we are off-topic, do you ever feel like it's just us two on these forums some times?

Don't worry narc, some of us just watch from the shadows.

*vanishes in a poof of smoke*



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #113 on: April 05, 2007, 03:43:42 PM »
While we are off-topic, do you ever feel like it's just us two on these forums some times?

Don't worry narc, some of us just watch from the shadows.

*vanishes in a poof of smoke*

blast, he's gone again.



  • 5623
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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #114 on: July 16, 2007, 12:28:50 PM »
With one quick bump, countless others are converted to FE theory.



  • 1779
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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #115 on: July 16, 2007, 12:33:50 PM »
Next you'll bump the "My kitchen floor is flat, so the Earth is flat" thread right?



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #116 on: July 16, 2007, 12:39:19 PM »
Next you'll bump the "My kitchen floor is flat, so the Earth is flat" thread right?

Thats this one.



  • 1779
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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #117 on: July 16, 2007, 12:41:44 PM »
Oh, I thought one started like that.  Hehe  ;D


Ferdinand Magellen

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Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #118 on: July 16, 2007, 01:48:46 PM »
Want to do an interesting experiment regarding circles and tangent lines? Lets inscribe a circle in a shape. A square will produce four tangents, an octogon eight, a dodecahedron, twelve. As you increase the number of lines, and the limit approaches infinity, so too does the number of tangent lines. In short, a circle is a polygon with infinite infintesimal sides and angles. Thus, when you take the vectors of these houses, the variation in the angle between them is something extraordinarily tiny (after all, a large house is 20 meters long, and given that the earth's circumfrence 39891240 meters, this creates an angle so infintesimal that we cannot possibly measure it without calculating it. It makes it hard to declare houses to be on the "same vector," especially when the earth's surface is dotted with hills and mountains and rivers and oceans and lakes as well.
Ignoring the truth does not make it go away, it just makes you ignorant and disempowered.

Can you change reality by inventing new names for ordinary things?



  • 5623
  • Official Flat Earth Society Spokesman/min
Re: Proof of FE
« Reply #119 on: July 16, 2007, 02:27:12 PM »
Want to do an interesting experiment regarding circles and tangent lines? Lets inscribe a circle in a shape. A square will produce four tangents, an octogon eight, a dodecahedron, twelve. As you increase the number of lines, and the limit approaches infinity, so too does the number of tangent lines. In short, a circle is a polygon with infinite infintesimal sides and angles. Thus, when you take the vectors of these houses, the variation in the angle between them is something extraordinarily tiny (after all, a large house is 20 meters long, and given that the earth's circumfrence 39891240 meters, this creates an angle so infintesimal that we cannot possibly measure it without calculating it. It makes it hard to declare houses to be on the "same vector," especially when the earth's surface is dotted with hills and mountains and rivers and oceans and lakes as well.
Are you saying that two neighbors cannot level their homes on the same vector?