Before explaining the influence of perspective in causing-the hull of a ship to disappear first when outward bound, it is necessary to remove an error in its application, which artists and teachers have generally committed, and which if persisted in will not only prevent their giving, as it has hitherto done, absolutely correct representations of natural things, but also deprive them of the power to understand the cause of the lower part of any receding object disappearing to the eye before any higher portion--even though the surface on which it moves is admittedly and provably horizontal.
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?
Evidently, in order to understand FE theory, you have to throw out a lot of what you think you know, including something as seemingly arbitrary as perspective:QuoteBefore explaining the influence of perspective in causing-the hull of a ship to disappear first when outward bound, it is necessary to remove an error in its application, which artists and teachers have generally committed, and which if persisted in will not only prevent their giving, as it has hitherto done, absolutely correct representations of natural things, but also deprive them of the power to understand the cause of the lower part of any receding object disappearing to the eye before any higher portion--even though the surface on which it moves is admittedly and provably horizontal.Flat-earthists: changing the rules of science, mathematics... and art.
I'm so tempted to put a scratch and sniff at the bottom of a pool and see what you do...
Just like you FE'ers blindly accept the book and its teachings?Whoa, just like Christians...
As I said in another thread...Forget "Earth: Not a Globe". Why don't you try reading "Earth: Not a Book, the Real Thing".
I happen to like GG.
I never thought in my life I'd write the sentence "I thought they were caught in a bipolar geodesic?"
Also, Chris is hot.