Moon Rocks

  • 12 Replies
Moon Rocks
« on: March 09, 2007, 10:43:42 AM »
In FE Literature there are three celestial bodies that inhabit the sky. The Sun. The Moon. And the Shadow Object.
You have performed an illegal operation. Tom Bishop will now shut down, you will lose all unsaved arguments.

Re: Moon Rocks
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2007, 10:48:42 AM »

Re: Moon Rocks
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2007, 10:50:00 AM »

Proof of this? If they were fake all the people that have examined them would have told everyone?
In FE Literature there are three celestial bodies that inhabit the sky. The Sun. The Moon. And the Shadow Object.
You have performed an illegal operation. Tom Bishop will now shut down, you will lose all unsaved arguments.



  • 3898
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Re: Moon Rocks
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2007, 11:29:08 AM »

Proof of this? If they were fake all the people that have examined them would have told everyone?
How would they know what is fake if they have never seen a real moon rock?

Re: Moon Rocks
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2007, 11:32:25 AM »

It's fucking rock. Go outside, look down, see the rocks? ROCKS! OMG! WE LIVE ON THE MOON!

Have you heard? On the stock market rocks went up by 3 points! No they haven't have they? Because it's fucking rock!
Quote from: BOGWarrior89

I'm giving you five points for that one

Re: Moon Rocks
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2007, 11:33:03 AM »
"Oh, judge, your damn laws: the good people don't need them and the bad people don't follow them so what good are they?"

It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets

Re: Moon Rocks
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2007, 12:41:01 PM »
There are currently three sources of Moon rocks on Earth: 1) those collected by US Apollo missions; 2) samples returned by the Soviet Union Luna missions; and 3) rocks that were ejected naturally from the lunar surface by cratering events and subsequently fell to Earth as lunar meteorites.

In general, the rocks collected from the Moon are extremely old compared to rocks found on Earth, as measured by radiometric dating techniques. They range in age from about 3.16 billion years old for the basaltic samples drived from the lunar maria, up to about 4.5 billion years old for rocks derived from the highlands. Based on the age dating technique of "crater counting," the youngest basaltic eruptions are believed to have occurred about 1.2 billion years ago, but we do not possess samples of these lavas. In contrast, the oldest ages of rocks from the Earth are about 3.8 billion years old.

In some regards, the rocks possess characteristics very similar to rocks on Earth, particularly in their composition of oxygen isotopes. Nevertheless, in contrast to the Earth, large portions of the lunar crust appear to be composed of rocks with high concentrations of the mineral anorthite, the mare basalts have relatively high iron concentrations, some of the mare basalts have very high concentrations of titanium (in the form of ilmenite), and all rocks are depleted in volatile elements (such as potassium or sodium) and are completely lacking in water. Furthermore, a geochemical component called KREEP, which has high abundances of incompatible elements, has no equivalent on Earth. Among the new minerals found on the Moon was armalcolite, which is named for the three astronauts on the Apollo 11 mission: Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins.

In FE Literature there are three celestial bodies that inhabit the sky. The Sun. The Moon. And the Shadow Object.
You have performed an illegal operation. Tom Bishop will now shut down, you will lose all unsaved arguments.


Franc T., Planar

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Re: Moon Rocks
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2007, 05:45:26 PM »
What about moon rocks? They are rocks from the moon. Is this some kind of weird RE code-word for something?

According to what another RE idiot just posted on another thread, the moon has an atmosphere. So go figure.
Broadcasting live from the Republic of Canada!
They say death and taxes are the only two absolutes. Actually, they're only half right.

Re: Moon Rocks
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2007, 06:24:51 PM »
What about moon rocks? They are rocks from the moon. Is this some kind of weird RE code-word for something?

According to what another RE idiot just posted on another thread, the moon has an atmosphere. So go figure.

1) FEers believe we didnt go to the moon and collect moon rocks.
2) He was joking you moron.
In FE Literature there are three celestial bodies that inhabit the sky. The Sun. The Moon. And the Shadow Object.
You have performed an illegal operation. Tom Bishop will now shut down, you will lose all unsaved arguments.


Franc T., Planar

  • 1051
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Re: Moon Rocks
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2007, 07:07:43 PM »
How am I supposed to know? REers say so many dumb things, it's hard to separate their true beliefs from their "jokes."

If you believe that the people on here are real FEers, you got another one coming. Most of them are government agents.
Broadcasting live from the Republic of Canada!
They say death and taxes are the only two absolutes. Actually, they're only half right.

Re: Moon Rocks
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2007, 07:43:10 PM »
Quote from: Raist
One thing we have learned is don't fuck around in Africa. It leads to bad.


Franc T., Planar

  • 1051
  • Leader of the Planar Army, Republic of Canada
Re: Moon Rocks
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2007, 07:50:52 PM »

Thats nice to know  ::)

Wow. Like many crackpots (such as Creationists), you can use the fallacious tactic of selective quotation. Thanks for helping prove that REers are crackpots.
Broadcasting live from the Republic of Canada!
They say death and taxes are the only two absolutes. Actually, they're only half right.

Re: Moon Rocks
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2007, 08:03:52 PM »

Thats nice to know  ::)

Wow. Like many crackpots (such as Creationists), you can use the fallacious tactic of selective quotation. Thanks for helping prove that REers are crackpots.

Why do you assume that I am a REer.  You are just proving your own ignorance and presumptions.
Quote from: Raist
One thing we have learned is don't fuck around in Africa. It leads to bad.