Yes, all three of them.
Ok, so heres more then what you have said, theres Russia, USA, Canada, Japan, China. There are more.
As compared to the tens of billions all of the space programs make combined.
I didn't give an exact number, I just said Billions.
Smart enough? You want to talk about smarts? Why would a smart person, then, who you so boldly single out, want to give up a billion-dollar-a-year salary for a few minutes of fame and glory? Honestly...That sounds pretty dumb to me.
If the person were to prove it was a flat earth they wouldn't get a few minutes of fame and glory. It would be hundreds of years. Just remember the person who said it was a flat earth. Hes still famous.
Again, there are three, and the governments probably aren't even involved.
Then why is it that many other people have said it? Why is it that the government is giving out the bribes? The government doesn't give the space exploration companys enough money to allow them to go into space, get the flat earth photos, photoshop them, then still have the money to bribe the people in the companys.
Do you REers have any real photos? I doubt it.
Actually we do. Go and take a look around on Google, and on this site.