I'm an extremely logical person and don't try to slate me on that because you won't prove anything except your inability to reply with a sensible answer
Now, I'm no scientist but there are many basic things that are very logical if your think about
First of all, the meaning of this post
If you believe that the RE theory is a government conspiracy, doesn't that mean that if genuine proof was presented to you, you would still deny the existence of a spherical earth?

And if a fellow FE actually did an experiment which proved RE,you would slander them for being part of the conspiracy
So no matter what is brought forward, you will belive only FE and deny everything else
Get me wrong, but isn't that what extremist religions do???
only except terrorism isn't the case here, it's paranoia
Now im not gonna sit here slandering because even though i do believe RE, im open minded (as a psychologist, i have to be)
but think of a few things.
In psychology, it's basic knowledge that you should never put trust in theories. Theories are only theories. They're thoughts that "could" explain something but they can very much be wrong
In this forum I have only seen theories to FE. no facts, no proof. However, I've done some of the experiments to prove RE and it settled my opinion in a strong belief to RE.
Now, you'll probably tell me that RE is just a theory but this theory has a huge amount of research behind it that is mathemtically correct and can create very accurate depictions of our universe and predictions of events
The first thing i'd like to bring up is about the atmosphere
well there's many instances of oxygen to help argue against FE
for example, we know tree's and plantlife create oxygen, this can be proved very simply by urself
now it's common fact that high altitudes contain less oxygen for us to survive. u can prove this urself by going to the highest peaks in the world and testing it yourself. or even go really high in an aeroplane and don't close the doors. lol
so we know theres a limit to how much oxygen is in the world
now if it wasn't for plantlife, we wouldn't have oxygen
how does this go against FE??? well oxygen is just a gas and even gases move.
so if the earth is moving constantly upwards, this would mean it would move through the gas or if u think the gas moves at the same speed, it would still disperse like every other gas. some rise, some fall, none just float in the same place perfectly for millions of years
so if the earth has an edge which a flat earth would, then surely the gas would flow out of it and there is not enough plant life in the world to provide oxygen to an entire universe
also, we know that gas disperses, so what keeps it in the world???
it can't be trapped here by an invisible layer because then the oxygen content would be equal in all altitudes, therefore the pull near the earth MUST be stronger than the pull near the atmosphere (for oxygen content to be denser near the low areas of land) therefore adding logical reasoning to the RE theory with gravity as gravity is stronger near the earth crust than it is towards the atmosphere
gravity is a lot stronger basis for proving how oxygen stays near the earth
if u believe this earth is flat, then u must believe that other planets are flat. and this is extremely easy to disprove. all u need is a quite pricey telescope. and u can do this urself
if other planets are flat, why do they appear round to us when we look at them?

well, this would have to mean that we was seeing the tops of every planet but that would be physically impossible for every other planet to face us because for it to be consistent, we would have to face them directly too which is impossible at certain times of the day because the movement of planets in the sky. at some point, they'd have to show the side (due to the movements in an arc shape, it would also show they do not follow this "the earth moving upwards" theory because they would be moving up and down
northern lights??? how would they be manifested??
RE theory and experiments have give us mathemtical and physics related proof to show us common elements on earth can only be here due to a spherical earth
i read in another post about someone saying that light can bend
this is only true if a physical object is put in the way. light cannot bend through gas as accurately as solids and liquids and would therefore create an effect like heat where waves or ripples would appear so optical illusions would be near impossible in many explanations unless the earth has a rabbit, a hat and a magic wand lol
closing statement
There are a lot of things easily testable. What I have given you are some very easily testable, common knowledge facts mixed with logic.
Now, from what I see in these forums, you guys seem to be quick to condemn people as part of the conspiracy, but I have presented you with some very easy ways to test for yourself. Make your own apparatus if you have to just to make sure it isn't tainted.
The FE logic is hugely flawed and appears to be more of a small religious cult than actual evidence but then again, even other religions have accepted a spherical world view
Many of the posts I've read seem to be nothing but logic thats like it's from 3000 years ago where you try and explain everything from a source that cannot be proven (ie, in old times, many people blamed a lot of things on God which we now know is to do with something more logical)