This website is a personal indulgence of mine. You're right, I probably do have better things to do! Why would the gravitational field be dependant on the velocity of an object and it's latitude? There is a simple vector calculus equation which summarizes all the pseudo forces from being in a non-inertial reference frame:
F = -ma -2mwXv - mwX(wXr) - m(dw/dt)Xr
The first term is the force from an accelating reference frame. The second term is the Coriolis Force, which depends on the rate of rotation of the earth (w) and the velocity of the object (v). The third term is the centrifugal force, which depends on the rate of rotation (w) and the distance from the axis of rotation (r). The last term has no name, but it depends on the rate of change of the rotation (dw/dt) and the distance from the axis of rotation. All of these terms, like gravity, scale with the mass. They will affect all objects with the same acceleration, reguardless of their mass.
There are mountains of scientific data that predict perfectly the rotation rate of the earth based on this equation. Missiles take into account the Coriolis force, which depends on their velocity perfectly according to the above equation. The different densities idea doesn't work because the gravitation force does not vary with the velocity of the object.
By the way, that above equation can be derived through the vector calculus chain rule. You want to deny RE theory, either deny all of that data, (which by the way, anyone on this site can measure themselves if they are so inclined) or start trying to disprove that law.