
  • 13 Replies


« on: February 19, 2007, 02:31:17 PM »
If the earth is indeed flat (which I have 0% belief that it is)  wouldn't comets just fly right over it, never to be seen again? Considering they ORBIT masses such as the sun (in our crazy spherical earth belief system), it makes perfect sense why we would see it every so often. Clearly something as small as 32 miles in diameter could not make something roughly 3 miles in diameter orbit it.
So with that said, wouldn't in theory, a comet only ever been seen once before flying right out into deep space?



  • 209
Re: Comets
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2007, 06:21:43 PM »
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

Tom has a BS in BS.



Re: Comets
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2007, 09:30:15 PM »
So no ones able to tackle this question eh? I was really hoping to hear a rebutal in some form or another.  :-\

I guess the earth  is a sphere, as is the sun and the moon. Just gotta have to face facts I guess. Ya gave it a good run.

lets all applaud the FEers on their valliant efforts.
Now take a bow FEers

So is there an encore, or is this case closed?



  • 76
Re: Comets
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2007, 09:32:45 PM »
I think case was closed 400+ years ago

Re: Comets
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2007, 09:50:58 PM »
I can see it now, some jackass will say "the earth is flat and that is a conspiracy by nasa" a conspiracy for what? to sell telescopes or tv? honestly, why would nasa lie about the earth being round. what the hell would that do for them? Oh the ice wall blah blah blah, i was there! I SAW IT! OMFG!!!!!Shift+1      last time I checked, the earth, and every other planet in our solar system is some sort of sphere. and the sun is NOT 32 miles in diameter or whatever. ever looked at the moon on a clear night? notice the SHADOW on it and how it is CURVED? the earth is casting a shadow on the moon. you dont need nasa to prove that, just an IQ greater than that of a rock to realize that the earth is indeed round. kthxbye!


Tom Bishop

Re: Comets
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2007, 09:51:17 PM »
It's a slight misconception. Comets, and the entire universe are actually moving around the earth.

The Earth is the center of the universe, after all.

Re: Comets
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2007, 09:54:34 PM »
It's a slight misconception. Comets, and the entire universe are actually moving around the earth.

The Earth is the center of the universe, after all.

The earth is NOT the center of the universe, you are an idiot.

Re: Comets
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2007, 09:59:56 PM »
I can see it now, some jackass will say "the earth is flat and that is a conspiracy by nasa" a conspiracy for what? to sell telescopes or tv? honestly, why would nasa lie about the earth being round. what the hell would that do for them? Oh the ice wall blah blah blah, i was there! I SAW IT! OMFG!!!!!Shift+1      last time I checked, the earth, and every other planet in our solar system is some sort of sphere. and the sun is NOT 32 miles in diameter or whatever. ever looked at the moon on a clear night? notice the SHADOW on it and how it is CURVED? the earth is casting a shadow on the moon. you dont need nasa to prove that, just an IQ greater than that of a rock to realize that the earth is indeed round. kthxbye!

how did you check to see if the earth was round? How did you check the other planets? Did you go there in your spaceship?

I just said it in my post moron. look at the moon on any clear night and see that the shadow on it is indeed a curve, not a straight line. and look through any telescope that can see distant planets and find out for yourself.

why i am sitting here wasting time explaining shit that is already proven is beyond me.


Tom Bishop

Re: Comets
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2007, 10:00:08 PM »
The earth is NOT the center of the universe

Actually, yes it is.

Re: Comets
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2007, 10:02:40 PM »
The earth is NOT the center of the universe

Actually, yes it is.

whatever you say buddy, im wasting my time arguing with a bunch of morons..


Tom Bishop

Re: Comets
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2007, 10:06:13 PM »
whatever you say buddy, im wasting my time arguing with a bunch of morons..

When you leave, don't come back.



  • 152
  • Deal with it.
Re: Comets
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2007, 11:45:45 PM »
whatever you say buddy, im wasting my time arguing with a bunch of morons..

When you leave, don't come back.

Yeah, because god forbid anybody with a brain more developed than a baboons talk some sense into Tom.
"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; if there be one, he must approve of the homage of reason over that of blind-folded fear."
-Thomas Jefferson

Re: Comets
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2007, 12:55:38 AM »
Tom, if the earth is accerating and making the FE gravity due to the expansion of the universe


the earth is the centre of the universe

See the problem?

Which is it?



Re: Comets
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2007, 06:05:00 AM »
It's a slight misconception. Comets, and the entire universe are actually moving around the earth.

The Earth is the center of the universe, after all.

damn, I'm so stumped now. Actually no I'm not. It's like playing a ball game with a three year old. They just keep making up rules as they go along so they can win.
But yeah those Comets are one hell of an illusion.

But also, if everything roates around the earth, and your theory of acceleration is what binds us to the earth, you are implying that EVERYTHING is moving upwards at 9.whatever^2 m/s. How is that the more logical way of thinking?
« Last Edit: February 20, 2007, 06:11:35 AM by Syphh »