One of the most adamant anti-flat Earth groups are evangelical fundamentalists. Many but not all of these are creationists. They distance themselves from Christian flat Earth advocates and persons who believe the Moon landings were fake, and ridicule such persons stating that they are deluded. This hatred towards flat Earth believers by most prominent evangelical creationists is well documented.
In the case of Buzz Aldrin and especially Jim Irwin, the evangelical creationists have played a part in the Moon landing hoax.
Jim Irwin was a member of Apollo 15 who has used this to spread Moon landing propaganda in the protestant community. He is a creationist who led several trips to Mount Ararat, and he was a friend of Henry Morris, the founder of the modern creation science movement. He was evidently selected as a member of an Apollo group specifically because of his religious orientation as to spread the NASA propaganda within the evangelical community by means of his efforts which were endorsed by NASA. fact that the Apollo men were of varied backgrounds serves NASA's aim by using them to more thoroughly indoctrinate as many target groups as possible.
Significantly, in spite of the overwhelming amount of information that Jim Irwin collected confirming the existence of Noah's Ark on the Mountains of Ararat, he proclaims that it is not located there. The following esaay is incorrect, but linked merely to prove that these alleged Christians are trying to disprove the Bible by their visits to Ararat and alleged Moon landings: Morris's Institute For Creation Research promotes the Moon hoax: