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Messages - Göebbels

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That's not empirical evidence of arc of water. Are you trolling?

It looks like a nice painting to me.

From a biased perspective everything is fake, cgi, painting or photoshopped.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Disproof of gravity
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:39:00 AM »
I'm going to play devi'ls advocate. Sceptic is talking about the pushing involved in the door pulling. He says that in order to pull the door, you need  a support point in where you push the other way. In this scenario, you pull with the hand and the feet pushes in the other direction.

I would say this is a perfect example of action-reaction. YOur hand pulls and your feet pushes. But sceptic is missing that you cannot just push the door with your feet. This would break Newton's third law.

It is true that you need to push your feet to pull the door, but that won't happen if your hand doesn't pull it. This explains why it's so hard to pull a steel door open. You need to "push" your feet harder in the opposite direction of your pulling hand.

The Lounge / Re: A way for our time traveler to prove himself
« on: July 16, 2015, 07:27:10 AM »
Picture of that time travel machine or it doesn't exist. Simple as that  :o

Einstein also said among other things  "the only thing that interferes with my learning is my education" and until people come to terms with this quote will another quote of his "there comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there" really be appreciated.

Fun thing is Sciende and nature don't give a f--- about what Einstein or Newton said.. they still work whether it was said by Einstein or a kid.

Flat Earth General / Re: Plimsole line on ships.
« on: June 18, 2015, 12:11:44 PM »
A long ship is small compared to the size of the earth.

You call me illogical and yet you are the one making assumptions that I am delusional.

It is the more probable and logical theory.

But you didn't address any of my points.

So the more probable and logical theory is that the Universe actually just popped into existence for no reason and me and most people around me are all delusional?  You have a strange definition of probable.

We're losing you. I don't think anyone knows exactly if the Universe just popped out. Could have always existed, but I will wait for the evidence to show us.

Q1/2. I became a MRINA 15 November 1978 and have written many articles in the RINA magazine Naval Architect.

Could you please provide some citations to these articles?
Yes ... but not to you and your brainless shit friends. You have first to pass a little test! The brainless shit test.
In other words, no.
No, you too must pass the test!

What about my presentation ? I think it is magnificent! What do you think? If you can think. I know you can write and read but ... think? And form an opinion?
And if you do not like my paper ... tell me.

What we are asking is independent sites that at least quote your "papers". External sources not coming from your "popular" website.

FE'rs say that doesn't happen at all. It's either circumnavigation or lies.

I did.

First off - I was on Antarctida twice.
Second off -  I did travel from north pole to south pole and back to north pole.

Well, I suppose that I will be the first person to call B.S. on this.  You can't even spell Antarctica, but you expect us to believe that you have been there twice as well as circumnavigated through the poles.  Did you really think people would believe this?  Maybe next, you can tell us about your space adventures, Captain Pantsonfire.

1. English isn't my first language, in my language we spell "Antarktyda".
2. I think people are more likely to believe me, than you and your freaks about aether and stuff. It's your problem, you just don't want to believe in.
3. Do you really think that in the era of cheap flights nobody flew from pole to pole? Silly man...

Which flights go from pole to pole?  I am really no buying this.  If you are going to lie, at least try to make the lie believable.

How to fly around the Earth.

Step 1: Buy a ticket to the Argentina from Grenland.
Step 2: After some months of registration, go to Antarctica polar base.
Step 3: Fly from Antarctica to Australia after few months.
Step 4: Buy a ticket to Grenland in winter.
Step 5: ???
Step 6: PROFIT.

Come on, use some real logic. Even if you can fly anywhere it proves in no way the Earth is a sphere. Not sure why people don't get that. You can't realize the real shape of the planet unless you fly in space.

It's logical that if you're flying from a north pole to a south pole and back to the north pole, the Earth is flat. Why? Because on a flat Earth the Antarctica doesn't exists as a normal Antarctica, but rather as a huge white circle.

BTW: There are thousands of pictures of Earth in space, but FE'ers (because it proves that they're wrong) say that these pictures are faked. How? How they deduced it?
1. There are no thousands of photos from space, but PICTURES. Huge difference. They are artwork. They are not fake, but they are not photos just drawings, paintings, CGI etc.
Evidence for CGI and artwork, insert here please.
2. No one has flown from the North Pole to the South Pole and back. There was no such a flight ever. Actually, you can't even cross Antarctica if you want to. It hasn't been done by anyone independently.
Why can't you cross it? How do you know no one has ever done it?
3. You shouldn't sound so convinced unless you have made those trips yourself. The opposite suggests you're naive.
We know you won't believe him cause it would go against your flat earth theory. This suggests you are biased.

If you know who did it please tell me. As for the evidence for CGI, please give me an example of a real photograph from space showing the Earth. I am not going to show you something which doesn't exist. You should show me and prove that whatever you claim is correct exists not vice versa.

No. You have made the claims. So again:
1. Evidence for CGI and artwork, insert here please.
2. Why can't you cross it? How do you know no one has ever done it?
3. We know you won't believe him cause it would go against your flat earth theory. This suggests you are biased.

Hello? You can't talk to anyone without making any claims. You can't have a debate that way. What do you believe in? You're not sharing anything.  Obviously you have made up your mind and talking to you is just as meaningless as talking to the wall.

Nice deflect and stonewalling =)

Flat Earth General / Re: Easy Gravity Experiment
« on: March 10, 2015, 03:59:15 PM »
the aether works. deal with it.

i type like this because it lets me see who's interested in intellectual discussion

So similar to what sceptimatic would say.
scepti : I will only discuss with those who are open minded
Jrow: I will only discuss with those who are interested.

Similar nickname, while Jrowe's active, scepti is suddenly nowhere to be found.

FE'rs say that doesn't happen at all. It's either circumnavigation or lies.

I did.

First off - I was on Antarctida twice.
Second off -  I did travel from north pole to south pole and back to north pole.

Well, I suppose that I will be the first person to call B.S. on this.  You can't even spell Antarctica, but you expect us to believe that you have been there twice as well as circumnavigated through the poles.  Did you really think people would believe this?  Maybe next, you can tell us about your space adventures, Captain Pantsonfire.

1. English isn't my first language, in my language we spell "Antarktyda".
2. I think people are more likely to believe me, than you and your freaks about aether and stuff. It's your problem, you just don't want to believe in.
3. Do you really think that in the era of cheap flights nobody flew from pole to pole? Silly man...

Which flights go from pole to pole?  I am really no buying this.  If you are going to lie, at least try to make the lie believable.

How to fly around the Earth.

Step 1: Buy a ticket to the Argentina from Grenland.
Step 2: After some months of registration, go to Antarctica polar base.
Step 3: Fly from Antarctica to Australia after few months.
Step 4: Buy a ticket to Grenland in winter.
Step 5: ???
Step 6: PROFIT.

Come on, use some real logic. Even if you can fly anywhere it proves in no way the Earth is a sphere. Not sure why people don't get that. You can't realize the real shape of the planet unless you fly in space.

It's logical that if you're flying from a north pole to a south pole and back to the north pole, the Earth is flat. Why? Because on a flat Earth the Antarctica doesn't exists as a normal Antarctica, but rather as a huge white circle.

BTW: There are thousands of pictures of Earth in space, but FE'ers (because it proves that they're wrong) say that these pictures are faked. How? How they deduced it?
1. There are no thousands of photos from space, but PICTURES. Huge difference. They are artwork. They are not fake, but they are not photos just drawings, paintings, CGI etc.
Evidence for CGI and artwork, insert here please.
2. No one has flown from the North Pole to the South Pole and back. There was no such a flight ever. Actually, you can't even cross Antarctica if you want to. It hasn't been done by anyone independently.
Why can't you cross it? How do you know no one has ever done it?
3. You shouldn't sound so convinced unless you have made those trips yourself. The opposite suggests you're naive.
We know you won't believe him cause it would go against your flat earth theory. This suggests you are biased.

If you know who did it please tell me. As for the evidence for CGI, please give me an example of a real photograph from space showing the Earth. I am not going to show you something which doesn't exist. You should show me and prove that whatever you claim is correct exists not vice versa.

No. You have made the claims. So again:
1. Evidence for CGI and artwork, insert here please.
2. Why can't you cross it? How do you know no one has ever done it?
3. We know you won't believe him cause it would go against your flat earth theory. This suggests you are biased.

Flat Earth General / Re: Easy Gravity Experiment
« on: March 10, 2015, 11:12:07 AM »
Prove that the Stars/Lights in the sky have moved at all in 5000 years. There are star charts going back thousands of years. Gravity is a load of crap, the stars always return where they started by the command of God.

EASY, lad! What is your evidence that they move by the command of God?
Note: You can't use the Bible.

My evidence is the fact that "purpose" exists. Where does purpose come from? It comes from the Creator.
Just because something has a purpose, doesn't mean it comes from a creator.
No evidence of such Creator has been presented.

If I tell you gasoline flows in a car according to the creator of the vehicle you would agree right?
A gasoline flows in a car by action of mechanism inside the car itself. This doesn't suggest the existence of a creator.

Nothing is random in life. Everything has a purpose.
It depends. There are stuff in nature that are not random, ie. natural selection. Not everything has a purpose. What is the purpose of color red?

FE'rs say that doesn't happen at all. It's either circumnavigation or lies.

I did.

First off - I was on Antarctida twice.
Second off -  I did travel from north pole to south pole and back to north pole.

Well, I suppose that I will be the first person to call B.S. on this.  You can't even spell Antarctica, but you expect us to believe that you have been there twice as well as circumnavigated through the poles.  Did you really think people would believe this?  Maybe next, you can tell us about your space adventures, Captain Pantsonfire.

1. English isn't my first language, in my language we spell "Antarktyda".
2. I think people are more likely to believe me, than you and your freaks about aether and stuff. It's your problem, you just don't want to believe in.
3. Do you really think that in the era of cheap flights nobody flew from pole to pole? Silly man...

Which flights go from pole to pole?  I am really no buying this.  If you are going to lie, at least try to make the lie believable.

How to fly around the Earth.

Step 1: Buy a ticket to the Argentina from Grenland.
Step 2: After some months of registration, go to Antarctica polar base.
Step 3: Fly from Antarctica to Australia after few months.
Step 4: Buy a ticket to Grenland in winter.
Step 5: ???
Step 6: PROFIT.

Come on, use some real logic. Even if you can fly anywhere it proves in no way the Earth is a sphere. Not sure why people don't get that. You can't realize the real shape of the planet unless you fly in space.

It's logical that if you're flying from a north pole to a south pole and back to the north pole, the Earth is flat. Why? Because on a flat Earth the Antarctica doesn't exists as a normal Antarctica, but rather as a huge white circle.

BTW: There are thousands of pictures of Earth in space, but FE'ers (because it proves that they're wrong) say that these pictures are faked. How? How they deduced it?
1. There are no thousands of photos from space, but PICTURES. Huge difference. They are artwork. They are not fake, but they are not photos just drawings, paintings, CGI etc.
Evidence for CGI and artwork, insert here please.
2. No one has flown from the North Pole to the South Pole and back. There was no such a flight ever. Actually, you can't even cross Antarctica if you want to. It hasn't been done by anyone independently.
Why can't you cross it? How do you know no one has ever done it?
3. You shouldn't sound so convinced unless you have made those trips yourself. The opposite suggests you're naive.
We know you won't believe him cause it would go against your flat earth theory. This suggests you are biased.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Your attitude toward FE ?
« on: March 10, 2015, 11:01:01 AM »
So now tell me how it's possible to hold conspiracy when there's a war between two countries, or like when there was a Cold War going on. Yeah. If Russia, with their great millitary intelligence, couldn't discover that the Moon landing was fake, then it must be true. It's simple.

The cold war was just a ruse to fool the people.

Big citation needed.

Flat Earth General / Re: Easy Gravity Experiment
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:26:49 AM »
Prove that the Stars/Lights in the sky have moved at all in 5000 years. There are star charts going back thousands of years. Gravity is a load of crap, the stars always return where they started by the command of God.

EASY, lad! What is your evidence that they move by the command of God?
Note: You can't use the Bible.

Why do they allow preaching here? Shouldn't it be against the rules?

Flat Earth General / Re: New flat earth motto
« on: March 06, 2015, 10:52:59 AM »
"I like to look inteligent by just going against the status quo"

I'll rest my case if he suggests that that man was paid to suicide himself, or if someone from his family was paid for it.

This is getting silly now.* What about all the people who lost their lives on that day? Mothers/daughters/fathers/sons/husbands/wives perished. Real people who were known to have existed died. How do you explain that?

*It was silly a long time ago

Nobody died. It was all a silly show for brainwashed Americans believing Earth is flat with Jesus walking on the Hudson river water and Moses receiving stone tablets from a cloud in the Manhattan sky, etc. Broadway, you know. Not far away. The illusionist made one serious error though. He could not solve the Heiwa Challenge (topic). When the illusionist clapped his hands and the first tower exploded in a fountain of debris, the top C vanished in the smoke.
The weak top C should now crash or crush down the strong bottom A but ... it, the top C, was not there. So more clap, clap ... and the whole intact, bottom tower A was gone behind a screen of more smoke (of course). Screens of smoke or green are standard parts of any illusion.
No top C crushing bottom A. More US fairy tales for boys (adventure) and girls (violence)  can be down-loaded at .
Please tell me what you think.

thousands of families who lost relatives there on that day suggest otherwise.
You still not understand!? They are all paid and part of the show! They were already brainwashed and easy to convince to participate in the show. And they were paid in advance!

BIIIIIIIG Citation needed.

I wonder why this thread went quiet. Weren't people supposed to redo the experiment?

They are afraid of the results.

This is getting silly now.* What about all the people who lost their lives on that day? Mothers/daughters/fathers/sons/husbands/wives perished. Real people who were known to have existed died. How do you explain that?

*It was silly a long time ago

Nobody died. It was all a silly show for brainwashed Americans believing Earth is flat with Jesus walking on the Hudson river water and Moses receiving stone tablets from a cloud in the Manhattan sky, etc. Broadway, you know. Not far away. The illusionist made one serious error though. He could not solve the Heiwa Challenge (topic). When the illusionist clapped his hands and the first tower exploded in a fountain of debris, the top C vanished in the smoke.
The weak top C should now crash or crush down the strong bottom A but ... it, the top C, was not there. So more clap, clap ... and the whole intact, bottom tower A was gone behind a screen of more smoke (of course). Screens of smoke or green are standard parts of any illusion.
No top C crushing bottom A. More US fairy tales for boys (adventure) and girls (violence)  can be down-loaded at .
Please tell me what you think.

thousands of families who lost relatives there on that day suggest otherwise.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Atheism = arrogance
« on: March 04, 2015, 11:58:58 AM »
No. You are describing what I described. A fallacious leap in logic. If someone claims they believe in ghosts, then they have to leave room for the possibility of God. If they're not then they have a below average IQ and just simply cannot grasp this logic.

In this case, they are not an atheist... they are just stupid. Also, unwittingly agnostic.

Assertion. God and the supernatural are distinct entities. You can believe in ghosts without believing in, for example, premonition: what does being able to peer through time have to do with whether or not the dead go on? Nothing. They're accepted by similar people, but they're similar areas.
Don't treat an entire category as one thing. Everyone has to leave room for the possibility of God, by your logic: that's nothing to do with the supernatural. Why specifically would, to take your example, believing in ghosts lead to believing that there's a powerful, transcendent being? Beyond the 'not allowed by materialism' perspective, what do they have in common?
For example: believing in an afterlife doesn't mean the afterlife's governed. And, for another example, why does something like Epicurus' classic problem of evil cease to apply if you think astrology is accurate?

The two are separate topics. The sceptical response to them is similar, but there is no inherent link between God and the numerous ideas contained in 'supernatural'.

I'd be happy to say someone who's an atheist is a bad sceptic, but being a sceptic does not need to have anything to do with being an atheist.

Same way I don't believe in gods, but I sometimes feel afraid when I'm alone in the dark and hear stuff at home. Not because I believe in supernatural, but because I can still feel afraid of "something unknown".

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Since air doesn't exist...
« on: March 04, 2015, 11:53:41 AM »
Since air doesn't exist, I believe scepti's denpressure theory goes to waste. I mean, this theory contradicts it. Denpressure cannot work without air.

Flat Earth General / Re: 5 Reasons that Satellites are Stupid
« on: March 04, 2015, 09:10:41 AM »
Gotta love the extremely fake looking stars pasted in the left corner.

Why do you think those are supposed to be stars? They're between the camera and Earth; probably debris from the separation. Even SpaceX knows there aren't stars there.

I would really like to see a flat earth picture even if it looks fake

Flat Earth General / Re: 5 Reasons that Satellites are Stupid
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:51:56 AM »
Why can't these masters of space exploration give us just one uncut/nonstop video?

Because space missions are really long and nobody would want to watch a 5 day long video, and why would NASA make a video that nobody would watch?

But why don't you ask anyway?

Here's how I see this playing out:
  • If they have one and provided it to you, then you'll just declare it fake.
  • If they don't have one, then you'll declare the whole operation fake.
  • If they do have one but decline to give it to you, or want to charge for it and you refuse to pay, you'll go on and on about what they're hiding and declare the whole operation a fake.
Since the end result is the same regardless the evidence, just save yourself the bother of asking (and possibly looking at it a video if delivered), and just declare the whole operation a fake. Which is what you already do.

...and we are the biased  :o

With hard solid and real pictures, I'm not surprised no FE'er even responds to this thread.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Why Do They Hide The Truth From Us?
« on: March 02, 2015, 11:14:41 AM »
According to the bible, god has killed around 25 million people.
Satan has killed about 60.

I chose satan.

Looks like a losing pick to me.  8)

Looks like "god" is soo weak he needed to kill 25 million people to get his point across. Satan must be a badass, only 60 and humanity respects him.

Flat Earth General / Re: 5 Reasons that Satellites are Stupid
« on: March 02, 2015, 11:08:42 AM »
Why would you need an Airplane with a pilot, fuel and other limitations..... WHEN YOU COULD HAVE..... A F-CKING TELESCOPE FLOATING IN SPACE.

Why not put 1000 telescopes floating in space? No wings, no jet engine. JUST A F-CKING TELESCOPE F-CKING FLOATING IN F-CKING SPACE.

I'm sorry Mods, please don't get upset, but at this point I feel like extra emphasis is needed to truly express the amount of absurdity is involved in this discussion. I hope I didn't offend anyone.

The Hubble space telescope costed 2.5 billion dollars, and that's before it was launched into orbit at a cost of about $100,000 per pound and serviced by space shuttles on two different occasions.  1,000 telescopes is not practical by any stretch of the imagination.

Excuses, excuses...

not believing is not an argument, less, a rebuttal.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Why Do They Hide The Truth From Us?
« on: February 27, 2015, 11:24:15 AM »
Any more questions?

Yes, I have one.

What did any of that have to do with what is going on in this topic?

And why should we care about what's in the Bible?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Why Do They Hide The Truth From Us?
« on: February 27, 2015, 10:32:15 AM »
You haven't proved a thing.

Before you can answer the question, first you have to prove that there is indeed an alterante "truth" from what we already know. Then you have to have evidence that there is a conspiracy hiding this truth and why. THen we can answer them why are they hiding it.

Are you ready?

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