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Messages - Göebbels

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Flat Earth Debate / Re: The logic behind the DET model
« on: December 23, 2015, 02:20:33 PM »
If that were true, he would be the most famous person in the world. Such  great discovery would make headlines all over the world.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: The logic behind the DET model
« on: December 23, 2015, 11:42:06 AM »
"Therefore, if you want experiments to justify DET, there is your answer: all of them. Their predictions match with DET, far more than they do with the inelegant patchwork of RET."

Incredulity is not a refutation.

When you say "all of them", do you mean that every single experiment done on earth matches your theory?

You don't need citations for this kind of garbage, just the ability to see bullshit and call it. This is not only bullshit, it's bull diarrhea.

Only kids reading scifi and adults collecting comics, who between them are unconditionally married to the magic of the fictional fantasies, should be afforded the leeway to absorb themselves into this stuff without ridicule. If any of you are like this, then fair enough.

Any of you who still believe this stuff and who protest that you aren't this type of person, then you deserve to be put into stocks in a shopping mall and pelted with rotten fruit whilst nude and laughed at continually for the entire day.

The other's, like Pythagoras and Flat-orange, etc can carry on promoting the bullshit in the full knowledge that it is, indeed that.

all rant and no evidence of fakery.

Quote from: Papa Legba link=topic=65198.msg1741362#msg1741362
Don't play games with Legba, Mr. Shpokk; cos Legba sees all voodoo.

So toodle-pip, Loser!
Not only seeing the voodoo, pinpointing all the flaws in a joyful style.

All the crony crooky clownesque crows are silenced by your sharp texts.

Keep up the vibe!

BIG citation needed :) denial isn't rebuttal.

The answer is easy, there are no orbiting satellites. No picture it didn't happen, period. It seems satellites can not even takes pictures of satellites, as there are no pictures of satellites in space. Again, No picture it didn't happen, period.
I seriously doubt people around the world are ever going to believe your BS. There is hurricane monitoring/pictures via satellites. Why don't you take your BS to Mexico a few weeks back when it was hit with 200 mph winds and people were evacuated. Tell THEM satellites don't exist. I'm sure THEY will believe you after they clean up from the hurricane. You obviously don't live where hurricanes hit that rely on satellites.

You obviously never heard of or used dish TV either. These rely on satellites. Yep, those thousands of people are just fools. You are the smart one.

No worries though, LOTS, millions of people who believe in satellites get the benefits of them - you are probably a hypocrite that uses services based on them then says they don't exist. When you decide to live in the REAL world instead of your FE FANTASY world, let us know.

Couldn't help not saying this: TURN DOWN FOR WHAT  8)

Flat Earth General / Re: OMG I'm in space
« on: December 16, 2015, 09:21:25 AM »
Cry me a River,

Mr. Blither,

Cos nobody cares what you think.

You said this:

I'd also highly recommend you play the game Kerbal Space Program. It effectively illustrates, using real physics, how space travel works, and is possible.

Thus proving, beyond any doubt, that you are unable to tell the difference between Fantasy & Reality.

Here's your 'Reality': 01001011001100100111001010100110100101100101001001101001...

If you weren't such a thoroughly disturbed & unpleasant personality - as your vile posts on 'angry ranting' showed - I would pity you.

As it is, I am simply waiting for the mods whom you troll & spam so robotically to ban you...

Until then, toodle-pip, Loser!

Please, don't be an idiot. Programming isn't ones and zeros. Only a true retard like yourself would think this.

Careful there. When you write a high level program you need a compiler to turn into a file that can be read by the computer, that is, a logic built completely of zero's and one's. So programming in the end is zero's and one's. I could be wrong on that.

Flat Earth General / Re: What would convince you the world was round?
« on: December 16, 2015, 09:16:54 AM »
Hi everyone. I would love to hear what facts or proofs would cause you to realise that the world is round. How could it be proven to you? I suspect nothing will.
The only thing that would convince me that the earth is a spinning ball is if all of the shills left this forum.

Would be too boring for you to be singing to the choir. How high your paranoia must be to believe we are really shills? Paid shills to keep only 10 people in the whole world?

Flat Earth General / Re: Rocket launch
« on: December 16, 2015, 09:13:10 AM »
Cause military rockets are mostly designed to explode. Space rockets are designed to carry a payload. Quite a different purpose don't u think?


Simpler than you think. Denial isn't a rebuttal.

Statement isn't proof.

Plenty of proof out there. But where's is this evidence of it being fake? Never provided.

Flat Earth General / Re: Rocket launch
« on: December 16, 2015, 09:11:56 AM »
Cause military rockets are mostly designed to explode. Space rockets are designed to carry a payload. Quite a different purpose don't u think?


Simpler than you think. Denial isn't a rebuttal.

Flat Earth General / Re: People on skateboards.
« on: December 15, 2015, 02:15:05 PM »
Nice, you could only find a typo. Better luck next time.

Yuo difeetd adn distroyyd himm!!1!11!!111

If your argument were so strong, it wouldn't have needed 53 pages of your trolling.

Flat Earth General / Re: People on skateboards.
« on: December 15, 2015, 12:03:23 PM »
I'll take that as your defeat. Funny how one example of a soda bottle can destroy your entire thread.

Flat Earth General / Re: People on skateboards.
« on: December 15, 2015, 10:43:09 AM »
Papa did you acknowledge my post?
You mention that you've shown Papa how rockets work in your last post. Tell me: what is your expansion gas expanding into?

what do you mean by expanding into? As in converting, turning into something? You've seen this reaction everytime you pour soda into a glass, you see the gas making efervescence, if that's the english word, and goes to the top. Everytime you shake a gassified soda can, bottle, gas that was expanding inside, tries to escape from any exit in pressure. This causes an action/reaction force. If the force is strong enough to lift the container's weight, it will make it move. That is first and third newton's laws.
Explain where it causes this action/reaction force in your world, because all you're explaining to me is exactly what you've been told about how rockets work  by expanded gases being thrown against the atmosphere and the atmosphere being compressed by the expanded gas until it springs back against it.
A lot like a person (imagine this) doing a super huge fart onto a trampoline and pushing himself up by forcing that fart against that trampoline fabric which warps because it's stretched to resistance and creates a barrier springboard for that enormous fart.
If that fart continued and that trampoline resistance followed, you would have your rocket propulsion.

There are no resistant trampolines in your space to react to action, meaning space rockets are now reclassified as non-space rockets,

Action reactions occurs between 2 objects, object A is the bottle and object B is the gas. This action/reaction of forces occurs whether there is atmosphere or not. I'm not even talking about the mechanics of where this 2 forces come from. If you do this experiment you will get that result. That same principle is used in rockets.

Flat Earth General / Re: People on skateboards.
« on: December 15, 2015, 09:21:30 AM »
Papa did you acknowledge my post?
You mention that you've shown Papa how rockets work in your last post. Tell me: what is your expansion gas expanding into?

what do you mean by expanding into? As in converting, turning into something? You've seen this reaction everytime you pour soda into a glass, you see the gas making efervescence, if that's the english word, and goes to the top. Everytime you shake a gassified soda can, bottle, gas that was expanding inside, tries to escape from any exit in pressure. This causes an action/reaction force. If the force is strong enough to lift the container's weight, it will make it move. That is first and third newton's laws.

Flat Earth General / Re: People on skateboards.
« on: December 15, 2015, 09:09:01 AM »
Papa did you acknowledge my post?

Flat Earth General / Re: What would convince you the world was round?
« on: December 15, 2015, 09:08:09 AM »
I would be convinced that the Earth is round if it was not for all of the mountains of evidence that says it is not.

This is something a believer of a deity or leprechauns/ghosts/fairies would say about their belief. All words and not evidence.

Flat Earth General / Re: People on skateboards.
« on: December 15, 2015, 08:19:49 AM »
Papa, just a honest question...

What happens when you hold a 2 Lt soda bottle and shake it? Gas inside expands, yes. Now turn the tap slightly so the gas still doesn't escape the bottle. Now throw it hard onto the floor and the tap escapes the bottle, tell me what happens to the bottle?

YOu will see it flies in the opposite direction that of the gas escaping the bottle. That's object A, the bottle, and object B the expansion gas. YOu just understood how rockets work.

Flat Earth General / Re: OMG I'm in space
« on: December 15, 2015, 05:56:44 AM »
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

since i already know u're gonna claim is fake...could u tell me why u consider space missions impossibile?
would be nice also to point out why u think is fake

It will be more like "Cause I don't believe it and I am afraid of being proven wrong".

Flat Earth General / Re: People on skateboards.
« on: December 15, 2015, 05:53:48 AM »
Seriously, after all this time people in this century have trouble understanding the simple concept of action and reaction? All the trolling I have read here is "I don't get how a rocket's fuel can be object B, therefore it's a lie".

Verification from space is unacceptable for obvious reasons, we can easily verify it down here.

In other words, all evidence that supports round earth and destroys flat earth is not allowed.....

Not at all, I mean Hollywood blockbuster footage portrayed as reality is inadmissible. We have all the means we need down here.

Please provide us with a couple of examples of 'Hollywood' footage portrayed as reality. I will also expect you to provide evidence as to why you think it is 'Hollywood' and not actual reality.....

Still waiting....

Footage from space is clearly 'Hollywood' the evidence being that space possesses the properties of a fluid, not a vacuum, and so travel into and through it is not possible with the crafts they claim to use.

This one won't get old but... Citation needed.


« on: October 28, 2015, 12:55:42 PM »
PaPa is absolutely correct!!!! No one can really believe in all honestly that a rocket propels itself in space by pushing on its own exhaust gas. Just letting that thought enter your mind is preposterous. The exhaust gas molecules leaving the combustion chamber and entering the vacuum of space never slows down and never collides with any outside objects. Any force at all from the exhaust is rapidly moving away from the rocket as fast as it can go. There is no way for that exhaust force to stick around long enough to return any force to the rocket that can be used for propulsion. Any force from the exhaust will be carried off into the far corners of space as soon as it leaves the rocket nozzle. This is also known as Joule Expansion. Remember that as soon as the nozzle is opened, the combustion chamber becomes part of the vacuum of space and is subject to its laws. A closed chamber is under pressure but not an open one. If rockets truly work in space, it is definitely not because they push against their own feces. Try it, go take a dump and see if you get lifted off the ground.

Sorry Yendor, but Papa Legba is absolutely INCORRECT!!!!

Yendor, at this stage I am only looking at a rocket system's operation within the atmosphere, as others are dealing with propulsion in a vacuum on other threads.

Do you agree, that in my first post, I have established that the fuel, which was previously stationary within the fuel tanks, has now been given a huge amount of momentum force, as it is being ignited and forcibly ejected out of the engine nozzles?

Yes or no?

If a rocket gets propelled by pushing on it's own exhaust than if a large shield or deflector was tied on the back of the rocket and used for the exhaust to push against, it should work really well and the rocket should go a hellin'. Like this masterpiece I drew for you. Wouldn't this work better than only pushing against the exhaust there would be a solid wall to push against?

Is that deflector fully closed? If that was the case, I believe it would just explode due to gas accumulating inside.

Enough of that! Reported for religious preaching.

You don't need to quote everything every single time.  This thread is unreadable.

And fuck off somewhere else with this religious shit.

Why is God's word unwelcome?

Same reason why Krishna's word is not welcome. Or Zeus' or Thor's. Meaningless for the discussion.

Flat Earth General / Re: Nuclear scare scam?
« on: September 10, 2015, 07:38:49 AM »
When you have nothing left to say you insult. Okay.

They are a client of mine, I don't work for them.
The Government is a client of yours? what the hell are you talking about?

Shocking eh?

Flat Earth General / Re: Do these people have any sense of decency?
« on: September 08, 2015, 12:18:05 PM »
I don't know what's wrong with having fun being in orbit. Just because they are astronauts doesn't mean they don't have hobbies or like music.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Apparently Light=Sound now
« on: September 03, 2015, 10:26:59 AM »
People don't like to be shown wrong. Specially in public view.

Flat Earth General / Re: 9/11
« on: September 01, 2015, 09:28:31 AM »
Is anyone going to try to debunk my arguments or do you agree with them?

I'm totally convinced now that you are not who you say you are and you do in fact work for the government. Your job it to debunk every conspiracy that is out there. Why else would you be bring up the whole 9/11 thing. It has nothing to do with Flat Earth. I think you are going too far with this one.

Seriously? Some people really like to argue for entertainment or whatever. I blieve you jump into conclusions way too fast.

Just by thinking there is an imaginary force called gravity that keeps us held down on Earth
So what force do you think keeps us "held down to the earth"?  Whatever you want to call it, it's clearly not imaginary, as we are not all floating around....

Simple old mass and pressure.
Without getting into much detail, I'll explain it like this:
We live in a pressurized system and items with the most mass would be affected the most and they are. Because we live in a pressurized system, at sea level and, because air is compressible, the weight of all that air above us compresses the air around us, making it denser. As you go up higher, the air becomes less compressed and is therefore thinner, which is what we have. In a pressurized system, this effect is only in our atmosphere, as we all know. Anything with mass that is pushed or pulled should fall to the ground at some rate. In a pressurized system, only the items of greater mass than the air around it should fall to the ground, which is what we observe. This is why smoke, hot air and clouds, to name a few, rise in the air simply because they are lighter in mass than the surrounding air. When the apple hit Newton on the head, he should have called it atmospheric pressure, not gravity.

Begs the question. What is pushing the atmosphere "down" if there is no pressure in space? Certainly if one goes higher according to your model, pressure is less the higher you are. If you reach to the place where no pressure exists up in the atmosphere, then what keeps atmosphere in place on earth?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Gravity is real, get over it
« on: August 25, 2015, 09:39:06 AM »
The moon goes around the Earth. If the theory of gravity were true, it would mean that the sun's gravitational force on the moon is much stronger than the Earth's gravitational force on the moon, so the moon would go around the sun. Do you see that happening? if gravity was working on the early Earth, then Earth's gravity would have caused Earth to have been bombarded out of existence with asteroids, meteors, comets, and other space junk being attracted to it. Then there is the question about tides. If the moon's "gravity" were responsible for a bulge underneath the water, then how can anyone explain a high tide on the opposite side of the Earth at the same time? Anyone can observe that there are two — not one — high tides every day.

Sun's gravitational pull on the moon is nothing compared to earth's gravitational pull on the moon. Sun has greater mass but also a ridiculously great distance to both the moon and the earth.

True, that's why the theory of gravity is untrue. The Sun is 864,400 miles (1,391,000 kilometers) across. This is about 109 times the diameter of Earth. The Sun weighs about 333,000 times as much as Earth. It is so large that about 1,300,000 planet Earths can fit inside of it. With a mass that much larger than the Earth, common sense should tell you the moon should be orbiting the sun.

Science isn't about common sense. That's another point. THe moon orbits the Earth the same way the earth orbits around the sun. Keeping that in mind, the Moon DOES Orbit the Sun. Correctly, because Sun has that much mass it keeps earth and planets together in orbit. If that didn't happen, t here wouldn't be life here.

Why do you even bother? 128 pages and hardly any progress.

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