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Messages - FlexGirl

Pages: 1 [2]
Flat Earth Q&A / I have a great idea
« on: October 18, 2006, 12:58:24 PM »
Perhaps someone already came up with this idea, but I think its a good one. Why dont we get someone on the inside. WHy dont we have someone who is in the military, who believes in the idea of a Flat Earth, and have them find out how to become a Ice Wall guardand then report back to the FE community. I mean, the flat earth community is growing and Im sure someone from the military could fnd out more info on the subject. I think we need to get more substantial evidence proving the FE theory. Someone help me out with this.


Flat Earth Q&A / Thank You
« on: October 18, 2006, 08:01:11 AM »
Thank you all for your input. You have given me lots to ponder over.

Does anyone have a good website with more information about proof for a flat earth? I may have some questions later.

Thank You

Again, please let me know of any websites relating to this topic.

Flat Earth Q&A / My first question still not answered
« on: October 17, 2006, 01:10:22 PM »
I appreciate you answering my questions so promptly, however I feel as though my first question is being avoided. My desire to learn more about the idea of a flat earth is an earnest one.

Thank You

Flat Earth Q&A / In response to your answer on question 1
« on: October 17, 2006, 12:39:29 PM »
I do not understand your answer. Please clarify the answer for the first question. Since the stars are about as far as San Francisco is from Boston. (3100 miles) that should mean that you sjould beable

I have another question. I understand that Google Earth was already mentioned elsewhere in this forum, but I can see my house with google earth. The photos taken look very real. I try to stay out of the gleaming eye of our goverment so they have no reason to watch me or my suroundings. Yet they have a very detailed picture of my house. I am in the printing industry so I am very formiliar with photoshop and other design programs and the manipulation of photos and other art. With that said, I do not believe the photos are fake.

Thank you very much for responding to my last question.

I feel that this is a very interesting topic, with very interesting ideas. True, I have always believed the earth was round, only because I have not heard of otherwise until a co-worker informed me of your society. I did a little research of your beliefs and I still have a few quesstions if someone does not mind answering.

Question 1
If the earth is flat, how is it that you cant see the north star from below the equator?

Question 2
Posted elsewhere in this forum is the explanation of why no one has ever seen the great wall of ice due to govermental control of the borders. Now I was thinking, the Circumference is 78225 miles, with enough man power to have control of that much distance, why are there so many illegal imigrants entering US border from Mexico who's borders are only 1951 miles across?

Now that these questions are thrown out there, I dont want anyone to think that I am attacking them in anyway, or making fun of anyones beliefs. There were a few arguments for pro flat earth that actually made me begin to question my beliefs in a round earth and am now interested in this belief.


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