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Messages - Demouse

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Flat Earth General / Re: No sense of scale
« on: March 08, 2011, 12:06:51 AM »
What if a situation calls for perfectly flat glass?  Do the manufactures simply say, "Sorry, Chap.  You'll just have to deal with glass that bends with the earth."?


I suppose then, that you can conclusively prove the roundness of the earth by testing any sample ever made for a curve?


If you had tools sensitive enough.

In a window-sized pane of glass however you would need some pretty impressive equipment to notice a significant curvature once you take into account the diamiter of the earth.

(unless the process of creation takes the curvature into account)

Flat Earth General / Re: No sense of scale
« on: March 07, 2011, 11:33:45 PM »
What if a situation calls for perfectly flat glass?  Do the manufactures simply say, "Sorry, Chap.  You'll just have to deal with glass that bends with the earth."?


Flat Earth General / Re: earth is sphere
« on: March 07, 2011, 11:15:35 PM »

Yes, NASA's claims of creating never before seen rocket technologies, exploring the solar system, sending robots to mars, and landing man on the moon are all radical suppositions indeed.

I instinctively inferred sarcasm into that statement.

Since it now appears that you think it actually is radical my faith in humanity has dropped. I wasn't sure that was still possible considering i spend time on a certain image board that shall remain unnamed.

Flat Earth General / No sense of scale
« on: March 07, 2011, 11:07:25 PM »
I think the biggest reason people could possibly think the earth is flat is simply due to having no sense of scale.

Case in point: people arguing that perfectly flat industrial glass requires a flat surface. The reality of the situation is that the glass is effectively perfectly flat due to the massive scale of the curvature of the earth causing the flaws to be effectively unnoticable.

You flat-earthers would probably make great Sci-Fi writers.

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