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Messages - Demouse

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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: North Korea Wut U Doin?
« on: November 04, 2012, 12:57:12 AM »
Hopefully this Kim is the last of this psychotic dynasty. Unfortunately, if Kim Jong-Un goes, that'll leave a power vacuum  and a lot of power-hungry generals ready to fill it. A part of me fears that uan unstable nuclear power with artillery ready to level a major capital city might not be the bes solution to the mess that is NK.

It's like if you have a spinter.

Sure pulling it out is gong to hurt. But it will hurt a whole lot more if you just let it get infected and fester first.

BEST KOREA needs to be fixed before they can figure out how to launch an ICBM.

You can tell by my line of reasoning in my previous post that I believe life starts at conception. When do you believe life starts?

When the neurons in the brain start recording information.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Morality of War
« on: June 07, 2012, 07:19:06 PM »
How could WW2 been resolved without violence?

If germany hadn't been made to foot the bill for all of WW1 then WW2 as we know it probably wouldn't have happened.

The Soviets might have made a move at some point if not for WW2 though so we will never really know for sure.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: God Hates You
« on: June 07, 2012, 07:16:20 PM »
Everyone who follows the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth is a Christian.
Not by my definition, but okay. Reading the rest of your posts, an argument wouldn't go anywhere.

Also, are you implying that anyone who doesn't follow Jesus' teaches isn't Christian? Jesus was depicted as having never condemned homosexuals and was very politically inactive. If so, that would make all those gay rights opponents non-Christian.

No because at no point did he specifically endorse it. So their opinion on homosexuality has no bearing on wheather they count as christians or not. They consider Jesus to be the messiah and follow his explicit instructions so far as they interpret them.

After personally interpreting what Jesus taught if you then agree with him and follow those teachings then you are a Christian.

I should point out that I am personally not a Christian.

The horse you're beating is so dead you should be arrested for it.

Last I checked there were no laws preventing cruelty to dead animals...

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Morality of War
« on: June 06, 2012, 06:10:57 AM »
I think WW1/WW2 were both Pointless AND necessary

Humanity needed a truly pointless war like that to start to see how bad war is, especailly with modern weapons.

Everyone got the message after that except for the U.S. who sorta jsut swooped in at the end and played hero. Took the Vietnam war to get them to catch up to Europe in that regard.

There's hardly any science in FET. If there was, there would be no FET.

That just means that it is bad sceince though. Or pseudosceince at the very least.

Call it out on how bad the sceince is, don't get hung up on definitions that mean nothing.

At least I would trust God about this thing and leave it in his hands. I can't believe you guise would kill your own baby because he is not normal. The baby would probably die anyway on his own. It is barbaric to command the doctor to end his life without even giving him a chance. Where is the love people?

If the doctor had a moral objection he would refuse to do it for you. But a baby born without a frontal lobe is in the exact same situation as somone who is brain-dead. Most likly the organ donation people would be asking you if they could harvest the baby's organs since it is effectivly dead already. That way some good would come of it.

Your god isn't going to solve all your moral quandries for you. People not thinking for themselves and instead just trusting "God"/preachers/politicians is a major reason for the problems with our world.

the Flat Earth Hypothesis because it's only a theory if it's commonly accepted by the general public while a hypothesis can be an observation made by a small group of theory.

Uhhh, this again?  I know it's a semantics debate, but I'll give it another go.  There is more than one definition for the word "theory" and flat-earth theory qualifies for the scientific definition as it is a body of knowledge that describes a phenomenon.  Also, your definition is patently wrong.  I recommend a dictionary.

Now, others will tell you that it's a zetetic theory.  I'm fine with that, it's their prerogative to label what is or isn't a zetetic theory and we can't argue with that.  I however, reject the zetetic ideals, but regardless of this, flat-earth theory is both a theory in the normal use and zetetic use of the word.


The minute you inserted the word "science" you were wrong.

Sorry man but bad science is still science.

If we don't let FET use the word science to describe itself then we are hypocrites whenever we point out the stupidity of the whole "not true christians" thing.

I miss demouse.


I'm back and with a vengance.

The world is overpopulated as is. Abortion is a distinct non-issue untill we get our population in check.

The problem is that all the extra people are being born in third world countries where they don't have access to birth controll/enough police to stop rapists/enough education to not to believe the bile that the Catholic church spews forth about condoms. Let alone abortions.

My rule of thumb on wheather I value somthings life is sapience (assuming i'm not mixing up sapience and sentience). If you can determine a creature to not be sapient then its life is not particularly valuable. If its sentient but not sapient then it deserves to not be met with unecessary cruelty. This baby would not even be sentient so the logically this living corpse (undead even) should be cut up for organs/medical research.

This is what I think on an intellectual level. However if I were the parent then I would probably be making emotional decisions and I have no idea what I would do in all honesty.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: God Hates You
« on: June 04, 2012, 01:53:02 AM »
Christian Atheist seems to be a false label. Jesus emphasized God in many of his teachings, so I'm not sure how you can reject such a component of a philosophy and yet still call it by its name.

One can agree with a person's philosophies and moral teachings while still thinking they are wrong on other subjects, such as the existance of god.

Not to mention that Christian Athiests tend to hold the opinion that the church greatly exagurated Jesus's emphasis on God when they chose which books to include in the bible.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Dear Religionists
« on: June 04, 2012, 12:43:09 AM »
All the evidence directly contradicts the stories of specific gods. So I have good reason to not accept any of the dogmatic religions.

When it comes to diestic type beliefs all I have to say is "I have no reason to believe those things exists. So I do not believe they exist, though I do accept that it might be possible."

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Morality of War
« on: June 04, 2012, 12:27:04 AM »
Is it moral to blindly follow orders?

No. It is imorral to not consider your own actions and their consequences. Blindly following orders is immoral in the same way that it would be immoral for a bridge building company to never test the materials they were being supplied with.

What constitutes a just war?

A war that does more good than harm for the world is just. For instance the invasions of Nazi Germany was just because the Nazis were not only subdugating their own people and committing genocide, but they would have continued waging war against everyone untill the planet was under their domination anyway. It would have been unjust to not wage war against them.

Say a policy maker wages an unjust war and orders mass amount of people to their deaths in order to kill mass amounts of other (otherwise innocent) people. Is this not morally comparable to genocide?

Not only is it morally comparible to genocide. It IS genocide.

Can you tell I'm bored?

Who isn't?


To summarise my feelings on war. I don't care what the motivations for the war were. A just war is determined by its cost to the civillians in the warzone, the lives lost in persuing it, and the outcomes that result from it. Men who wage war should not have their motivations looked at. If an unjust war is caused by mistaken information then the leader needs to be punished just as much as waging it without the justification as punishment for not checking their information. However just because inaccurate information was the cause of the war does not mean that the war was necessarily unjust once you look at its results.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: God Hates You
« on: June 04, 2012, 12:18:12 AM »
The new Catholic church is most certainly NOT the same Catholic church that compiled the bible.


The Catholic church diddn't compile the bible though. It was the Eastern Roman Empire which first compiled the Bible, giving rise to the Orthodox Church (now known as Eastern/Greek Orthodox)

Everyone who follows the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth is a Christian. Catholics do this, egro they are christian. So do Orthodox christians, Baptists, Born Agains, Anglicans, Christain Athiests, etc...

Thems the breaks. You might not think they are the "best" version of christians but they are still christians.

In my case I think you are all full of shit except the Christian Athiests who I simply have a few philosophical differences with.

I've actually noticed that of the people who come here to troll/make fun of/debate against the flat earthers there is a dispropotionately large number of us Aussies.

Coincidence? I'm sure it isn't that people from other countries have more respect for the concept of a flat earth. Why are there so many Aussies here then?

Australia does not exist.  They are the conspiracy.

Well this is a new development. Last time I was here the generally accepted map of the Flat Earth included Australia.

Now I have to prove I exist?

How would nuclear power help the conspiracy fake photographs?

We can only speculate.

Sorry man. I lost it here. I quite litterally burst out laughing in real life.

+1 Internets my good sir.

I've actually noticed that of the people who come here to troll/make fun of/debate against the flat earthers there is a dispropotionately large number of us Aussies.

Coincidence? I'm sure it isn't that people from other countries have more respect for the concept of a flat earth. Why are there so many Aussies here then?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Will animals out evolve humans?
« on: December 31, 2011, 02:06:50 AM »
Considering that natural selection in humans has now been thrown out the window, will animals, that are only getting stronger and more intelligent due to natural selection eventually out evolve us?

At the point where they catch up to us they will likely fall into the same stagnation.

I agree with you on every point except thechnology.

I have a large ammount of faith(lol) in human progress and science.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: An accurate political test.
« on: December 16, 2011, 12:09:20 AM »
So. It seems we have established that this is a much better test than the one we were using before.


Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trickle Down Economcis
« on: December 16, 2011, 12:06:22 AM »
most batshit retarded enconomic strategy, or most obvious attempt to misinform the public that still somhow managed to succeed?

You decide!

Because he never existed.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: An accurate political test.
« on: November 15, 2011, 03:27:31 AM »
I am very proud of my 102% anthropocentric score.

Fuck nature.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / An accurate political test.
« on: November 14, 2011, 03:01:16 AM »
It has been estrablished that Political Compass is pretty lacklustre in figuring out people's political leanings.
The other night I found a much more accurate version which is shorter to boot.
It is also kind enough to name your political grouping.

Don't forget to select five questions to mark as more heavily weighted than the others.

Here are my results

Names me as a National Liberal Democrat.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: A Question to Atheists
« on: November 11, 2011, 03:14:16 AM »
Little "Circular" diemsions rolled up along the phisical dimensions.

There are three dimensions only

String theory speculates up to 15 dimensions (Including time). We just don't notice most of them.

Off the top of my head some of them are: Up/Down, Foward/backward, Left/Right, Time, Gravity and the circular ones that cause gravity.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Occupy Wall Street
« on: November 08, 2011, 03:38:45 AM »
I agree with the spirit that the protests are being made in.

However the protestors would achieve more by starting up competing businesses which don't utilise these underhanded practices than performing a protest which will not be listened to by those who they are targeted at.

They would achieve nothing by doing that because such a business would not prosper, which is the whole point.

It would if there were enough people willing to make such a corperation.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: God keeps his promises?
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:05:20 PM »
The bible speak of Isreal during the end times, Isreal only came back into existence in 1948. It was not a country for hundreds if not thousands of years. God promised Isreal would be here at the end.

Yeah but the only reason that the jews put so much effort into re-creating isreal was to fulfill that prophecy in the hope that it would bring on the end-days.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Occupy Wall Street
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:03:38 PM »
I agree with the spirit that the protests are being made in.

However the protestors would achieve more by starting up competing businesses which don't utilise these underhanded practices than performing a protest which will not be listened to by those who they are targeted at.

I think he was still fairly douchy in the NT, he introduced the concept of Hell, for one thing.

Err, I'm pretty sure that the catholic church made up hell all on its own. I'm quite sure there is no concept of hell in orthodoxy which keeps closest to the version of christianity that the roman emperors imposed.

The concept of orininal sin was invented in the NT though and thats enough douchebaggery for me. But don't blame somthing that doesn't exist. Blame the ones who actually came up with the whole riddiculous concept.

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