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Messages - Mythix Profit

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The Lounge / What is your religion?
« on: September 27, 2006, 03:55:20 PM »
all hail the spaghetti and meatball god. pasta as sacrement?hey,  everybody loves grain products; right?.  it has good market conversion potential with natural overlay points at most traditional seasonal "Holy Days". but it needs a little more thickness and spice to the cosmology and keep grating the parmesan,.. yeah that's fine... do adam and eve live in a garden salad in this model?.... yes,  i'll have another of the same, thankyou, and a to go box, please.

The Lounge / The McDonalds Conspiracy
« on: September 27, 2006, 03:31:12 PM »
It's obviously feline code meant for the member of that ilk lazing around here and the other agents spying on all of us for Bast. They're onto you now, so you'd better watch your moves around the house. If you're one who talks in their sleep; you're already fully compromised and will be food , come the revolution. Your only true defence is to kick the cat out and patronize the new fast food restaurant "Taco del Gato". Bite them first.

Flat Earth Q&A / There is no way a round earth is credible. Please read
« on: September 27, 2006, 02:39:05 PM »
this doesn't seem to be any different than on a round earth? How fast is  flat earth moving "forward"? what is this motion measured in relation to?  would this be represented by linear velocity on the X pole of an X,Y,Z  spacial axis? How is it stabilized in all 3 axis?  Does the atmosphere effect the 'inertial motion' that replicates gravity.  Where are the good ski lodges near the Icewall.  in the absence of atmosphere and in cases of contained nuetral bouyancy the most stable shape seems to be a spheroid. this is clearly more 3D trickery devised by the "conspiracy" Conspiracy.

The Lounge / Second biggest sport in the world?
« on: September 27, 2006, 01:33:15 PM »
i think that you've stumbled upon the true number one sport from a predominantly male perspective; topless girls. I suspect that porn sites outnumber all sports related sites combined,with gambling in second. hopefully, I'm wrong. If the world is flat; the only true iconic sport would be freestyle Frisbee.

The Lounge / The McDonalds Conspiracy
« on: September 27, 2006, 12:59:03 PM »
My motto is McD as a last resort when it's the only option in a small town where they roll up the sidewalks @ 9:00 PM. As a Corp., they do have a well oiled and honed market propaganda machine. They are also the largest single owner of Real Estate in the world with Walmart a close second. there are now McD's inside Walmart. A Clown has entered the Halls of Wally World! The Evil Empire is upon us already! They are breeding alien hybrid cattle out @ Area 51!!! They're bigger than elephants and are streamlined like whales because they produce 100 times as much methane and can be used as air transport when the exhaust is ignited rather than put to daily collection as fuel reserves....I predict that there will be a multi functional McWally's Station at every commercially viable point on this Flat Earth including the Ice Wall. At which point Cthulu will awake in the ocean depths and destroy us all for no other apparent reason...So; caveat emptor,  and Hail Tiamat. White Castle sliders are pretty damned good, but you usually can't beat a local one- off greasy-spork 1/2 pound special for 1.49, along with a real icecream milkshake that will put anyone into a partial coma for hours after.

The Lounge / What is your religion?
« on: September 27, 2006, 12:02:29 PM »
Listing Islam, Hindu or Buddhism is common courtesy as the constituencies of these are of comparable number. 'Other' comprises a majority of belief models worldwide that are not Christian , and could be misconstrued by some to display an inherent, if subconscious bias. So:  I'm not an atheist; but, I played a real artist on TV once! (Reuters clip from Thailand on CNN in 7/03).... Now; If I were an atheist? : I would personally disbelieve in any god that disbelieves in the existence of any god that can disbelieve in it's own existence....... This is why I am a Semi-Manic Holodynamic Neoteric Gnostic Mechanic entertaining concurrent evolutionary polytheist, animist and naturist musings w/ a side of ancestral memory theory and trans dimensional data crossfeed.

The Lounge / Photos of Area 51 (no, really)
« on: September 27, 2006, 10:59:16 AM »
Google earth confirms my personal observation. From Tikapu peak one can see across grommlake to the base there . It is supposed to be Area 51; where cutting-edge flight tech is tested (or reverse engineered et al). So; everyone knows it's there and the govt. admits to it now. I do recall that several years ago(when it was still "Base? What base?) a sibsection of the annual military buget requests was a little item earmarking $6,000,000.oo to relocate some of the ops from that "secret" site. My pet theory is this; the li'l aliens is only there to produce substandard clones of Elvis, most of what is there are styrofoam and urethane 'props' and the Military Elite squandered the money in Vegas on golf, gambling, hookers and blow; not necessarily in that order.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / The "Worldwide" Flood
« on: September 27, 2006, 09:00:05 AM »
Aprox. 13,000 years ago the earth warms a bit (9-12 degrees F) entering into an inter glacial period. As glaciers retreat, the melt water generates both initial localised flood events as well as raising sea levels to current level (+120m/393')which produce other world wide serial localised coastal flooding events of low lands. This whole process could have ocuured over a period of thousands of years or as short a period as a single generation of humans. Either way; as there were numerious catestrophic flood events, it is no wonder that almost every culture has such mythic tales tailored to their respective localitie. Over time, generationally transmitted tradition evolves onto myth; which can and will incorporate any other similar compatible source material encountered.

Flat Earth Q&A / I have proof the world is round.
« on: September 26, 2006, 05:12:05 PM »
What is being pushed against and what is doing the pushing? Why has no one mapped the "underbelly"? Surely we have tech do do so. Or is that all Fake science and therefor part of the Conspiracy too?

Flat Earth Q&A / Global Positioning Systems
« on: September 26, 2006, 05:04:10 PM »
Ok, GPS = Governmental Propaganda Station; designed to continue the Great RE Conspiracy amongst the deluded masses. I know it's flat cause I almost fell off of the surface of the urt while drinking at apparent altitude in Colorado; fortunately, I was able to hang on to my friends lawn to keep from doing so whilst vomiting obeisance to the gods of alcohol. Said event was witnessed by very reputable community figures.

Flat Earth Q&A / Global Positioning Systems
« on: September 26, 2006, 04:47:50 PM »
Right . We tested our bird's HF in Kaneohe Bay by transmission to a post in the Phillipines. Radio is a clearly observable and testable phenomena. Thanks to Mr. Tesla.

Flat Earth Q&A / I have proof the world is round.
« on: September 26, 2006, 04:33:58 PM »
OK. If earth is flat; is it complelely 2 dimensional plane and all apparent 3 dimensional observations are clever illusions or govt. mind control ? Or is it like a cylinder or lens shape . How is "forward"  determined and what is the action that produces motion. Now, I've seen Elvis Clones and Greys out at that non existstent base on the dry lake, and had lunch at the Hard Rock with Nessie and a buddhist Yeti only yesterday, but this flathead earth thing is a bit much for even them to swallow.

Flat Earth Q&A / In regards to the ice wall
« on: September 26, 2006, 04:03:22 PM »
The mountains of the ice wall continent are called the Mountains of Madness and were explored by a research team from Miskatonic Unuversity about a hundred years ago. This range is at the uttermost edge of the earth and reaches a staggering elevation of over 40,000 ft.In the midsdst of this titanic range is the plateua of Leng and beyond; the twilight lands of Unknown Kadath where the old ones move in restless slumber. H.P.L. is about as valid as any other myth based cosmologic model of the last few centuries. Smile; Cthulu loaths you.

Flat Earth Q&A / There is no way a round earth is credible. Please read
« on: September 26, 2006, 03:24:23 PM »
Can any FE explain why that drop of rain water is always a sphere dynamically distorted by gravity and/or  pressure as it moves in an atmoshere, and not a flat disk?

Technology, Science & Alt Science / The evolution thread
« on: September 26, 2006, 03:06:08 PM »
Yes, I'm a John come lately to this thread. Ok so; this is an unusually polite and (mostly) thoughtful group. Here's my 2 cent's worth: From 7 to 10 years of age I had read every book in the local libraries on subjects I liked; such as Goelogy, Paleontology, Anthropology, Archeology, Mythology/ Religion, History and Art along w/ smatterings of others. I maintain the same conclusions as I formulated then: Evolution is is an open ended and flexible developmental model based on observable, logical and reasonable change in form over time , environment and circumstance that is internally cosistant w/ other provable scientifically derived data and conclusions drawn therefrom. Mythology is a way of explaining the nature and origin of the world in simple human biased terms , in this case "as we knew it" at pre bronze age dates thru the development of stable sedentary societies that evolve written versions of various languages and become city/states that can promote their particular cosmology. Thus mythology evolves to becomes religion.  History is replete w/ examples of written records and mythic tales from cultures that predate the genesis of Genesis, w/ or w/out flood narratives. For me; there is only reason to follow the ever accumulating evidence in all fields of scientific inquiry which favor the simplest solution: everything alters over time. Evolution is the process by which organisms mutate and modify to survive or not as environmental conditions alter. Myths are fine for a limited cosmologic view born around Pastoralist campfires 4.000+ years ago, but hardly stand up as literal truth under the close scrutiny of cumulative past and current research. I still love all the stories though and  all of the art, especially the Cro Magnon cave painting @ 40,000 years ago.

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