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Messages - stume

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Wait a sec... a noob skipped the 'OMG FLAT EARTH IS WRONG!!!!!!!!111!!!!!oneONE!!!!!' phase and went straight to P,R&S? I'm impressed.

I honestly don't care what shape anyone thinks the earth is, I know what I believe and anyone else's beliefs are their own business. The main reason I joined was because I figured I might find good debate

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Scientology fact check
« on: February 20, 2011, 04:07:03 PM »

He was declared not guilty. In america you can only be brought to court once for a crime. He could have written a book "Here's how I did it and got away with it." In fact he was even charged in a wrongful death suit and had to pay his wife's family money.

yeah, I know double jeopardy laws... it's pretty bad though... it just sounds like it's not proper justice, if you can get off by prattling bs

Ok, while I actually agree with the argument that an omniscient being that knows the future cannot exist in a reality with free will, I just had a thought, what if it's not that this being knows what is going to happen, it just knows everything that possibly could happen

If it does not know what I am going to eat for breakfast tomorrow, only my options, is that omniscience?

Ok, it took me about 10 attempts to try wording my thoughts, and the more I think about it, the less it makes sense to me, so I concede that my thought was a completely irrelevant waste of time, sorry. It was only a thought that appeared while reading the thread, then put it's self into a post with little approval from the rest of my being so I don't really care.

I am really sorry that my semi sarcastic remark caused such an outrage

I'm really glad you still haven't lurked moar.  Welcome to FES!

Thank you.

It's weird, I've been on many forum sites before, and I have never, until I started looking at this one, heard anyone use the phrase "lurk moar," and while I can figure the meaning, it seems to be used out of context, and then someone said that it often means you're wrong... it makes no sense!

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Does pronunciation matter?
« on: February 20, 2011, 05:33:46 AM »
Well, it depends on the word. Nulear and Nucular aren't really matters of concern but if someone wants to axe something, should you run or be prepared to answer questions?

I have actually had someone say "can I axe you something" that was a weird situation

why was that a weired situation?

Generally having crazy looking people walking up to you on the street saying "can I axe you something" could be described as a weird situation

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Scientology fact check
« on: February 20, 2011, 05:31:16 AM »

If we went to trial our use of FET would be as nonsensical to the jury as the Chewbacca defence.

so the Chewbacca defence is about confusing the jury so much that they forget what it's all about and just rule in your favour?

I like it

So do lawyers. How do you think OJ got off? Instead of talking about relevant data proving he did it, they yelled about gloves not fitting until the jurors were happy.

OJ? ... nevermind, i'll google

Edit: Ah, american footballer, no wonder I haven't heard of him

He's more famous for killing his wife, getting away with it, then writing a book "If I had killed her this is how I would have done it" I'm not shitting you either.

Wow... why would you? I mean, writing a book like that is just screaming out that you did do it? What, was this guy an idiot or something? Though I do hear that American football is a lot more violent than our's, so maybe it's just too many blows to the head...

Sure, that's reasonable...and what is it that would convince you to trust a scientist's methodology? Or are you saying that you never would?

Why should I trust the results of something I've never experienced or tested for myself?

In the middle ages there were plenty of self declared men of higher learning who claimed that witches existed and were the cause of certain phenomena. A large majority of people believed in the existence of witches and witchcraft for a span of several hundred of years.

If I was alive in the middle ages what reason would I have to believe their claims? I would need to see witchcraft for myself to be convinced of its validity.

You might not want to hear this, and I'm sure I'll get flamed and trolled for this, but do you realise that there is a witch reading this, and yet you imply that witchcraft has not been around since the middle ages.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Scientology fact check
« on: February 17, 2011, 10:06:39 PM »

If we went to trial our use of FET would be as nonsensical to the jury as the Chewbacca defence.

so the Chewbacca defence is about confusing the jury so much that they forget what it's all about and just rule in your favour?

I like it

So do lawyers. How do you think OJ got off? Instead of talking about relevant data proving he did it, they yelled about gloves not fitting until the jurors were happy.

OJ? ... nevermind, i'll google

Edit: Ah, american footballer, no wonder I haven't heard of him

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Does pronunciation matter?
« on: February 17, 2011, 07:53:48 PM »
Well, it depends on the word. Nulear and Nucular aren't really matters of concern but if someone wants to axe something, should you run or be prepared to answer questions?

I have actually had someone say "can I axe you something" that was a weird situation

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Scientology fact check
« on: February 17, 2011, 07:47:24 PM »

If we went to trial our use of FET would be as nonsensical to the jury as the Chewbacca defence.

so the Chewbacca defence is about confusing the jury so much that they forget what it's all about and just rule in your favour?

I like it

Ok, while I actually agree with the argument that an omniscient being that knows the future cannot exist in a reality with free will, I just had a thought, what if it's not that this being knows what is going to happen, it just knows everything that possibly could happen

I am really sorry that my semi sarcastic remark caused such an outrage

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Compasses
« on: February 17, 2011, 06:23:34 PM »
Hmm, OE'er...perhaps one of the elusive Octahedron Earthers?

While octahedron earth sounds cool, and I almost kinda wish I believed that, I was referring to oval earth, because the earth bulges out at the equater, so it can never be round  :P

The part that confuses me is something that a little research tells me is a RE thing too... don't worry about it then, this question belongs elsewhere, my mistake... I didn't realise that magnetic north was at geographic south in both theories... I need to research more to find out why that is now......

so what if my first post is pointing out that "I am never wrong" isn't a valid argument to confirm the validity of a claim

Gayer had it right with Amerikkka

I am never wrong

because that's a great argument...

because who the fuck are you...

If you wanted to know who I am, I would appreciate if you asked a little more politely
Gayer had it right with Amerikkka

I am never wrong

because that's a great argument...
I don't see what is wrong with it.  Some people are like that.
What's wrong with your argument is it show you have completely failed at lurking before hand. 

and i'm sorry if i don't feel like spending days sifting through every conversation on here before I start posting... I know it's not nice to start arguments on your first day amongst new people, but with a welcoming this warm....

P.S: I actually do believe on the old maps and such it was spelt Amerika, though don't hold me to that

Flat Earth Q&A / Compasses
« on: February 17, 2011, 09:02:02 AM »
I'm sorry if this has come up before, but I don't really want to search through 400 odd pages of topics to find what I want. I read the FAQ and it's question on how compasses work, but honestly it confused me and made little sense... and the diagram just confused me more, would someone please be able to clarify?


(neither RE'er nor FE'er, I find it fascinating that you all still believe this, but I am a firm OE'er)

Gayer had it right with Amerikkka

I am never wrong

because that's a great argument...

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