Flat Earth Q&A / A way to make FE work!
« on: August 12, 2006, 03:17:32 PM »
String theory is neither science nor philosophy; in its present state it is nothing more than math. String theory is currently untestable, but it is not inherently untestable, unlike this four-dimensional hypothesis. So it is not at the moment science, but once we are able to test it, it will be falsified or confirmed, and become science. However this 'theory' of Risratha's fails. Not because it cannot explain the facts- it can. The reason it fails is because, though both it and RE explain the same facts, the RE model predicted many of these currently know facts, whereas Risratha's model only explains them post-hoc. If two theories have equal explanatory power, but one has no predictive power and requires the invocation of a massive assumption in the first place, then that theory fails.