Do you realize how little substance there are to your objections? Given how often you've made similar posts I'm not sure you do. There is no possible way for me to respond to a complete lack of an argument.
You think my overview is unclear. Great. I've started threads on that subject before. There aren't responses, the best case scenario is people quoting random bits, but you never say why.
Odd. My objection contained multiple questions which you attempt to answer below, so what on earth are you talking about?
Secondly, if nearly everyone who comes across your
rambling wall-of-text "model" says they can't understand it, are confused or object to the brief and bland descriptions given, does this not point to things either a) not being explained properly, b) does not contain enough detail to curtail confusion, c) is poorly written or d) all of the above? Is that not an explanation? Are such complaints not pointing to obvious deficiencies about your "model"? It's very clear nobody really understands what they've read on your site given the rudimentary questions they ask.
I think a review of your wall-of-text is in order at the very least.
Leaving aside the lie and personal attacks about aether, you give no indication as to why it doesn't. The best you offer, in this one case, are tangentially related questions that themselves hold little water.
How can I "personally" attack your aether? What the actual fuck...? Are we back to it being a sentient being again? Also, what "lie" are you referring to? If it's about you having no evidence for
your aether being real, that's not a lie, that is axiomatic to everyone.
Secondly, I don't understand what you mean by "you give no indication as to why it doesn't". Why it doesn't what?
Everything you ascribe to aether already has very well-defined phenomena and, better yet, actually has a rigorous mathematical framework that works and from which we can make predictions about, so what need is there for your aether?
This is the definition of rotation; thus the flow in that direction no longer meets the lit face of the Sun.
What flow? Flow of aether? Flow of the whirlpool?
What direction?
Is the sun a spheroid in your world, or is it a spotlight? I ask because because when you say
the lit face of the Sun, that implies to me that sun either isn't always shining or it's a spotlight.
Again, these bland, detail-free "explanations" aren't satisfactory in the slightest.
The top-down/bottom-up aspect is simply down to the fact it is rotating out of view.
So a reflection off the 'aether dome' or whatever is
rotating out of view? I don't understand why this only coincides with the physical horizon where we observe it appearing and disappearing. I also don't understand why climbing to a higher elevation when this reflection is "cutting off" I can then see more or less of it when it is setting or rising, respectively.
Again, a diagram would greatly help out here.
What you observe is the unlit face cutting off the lit, from your perspective. It is absolutely compatible because it is just the same principle at work.
So... just to reiterate:
the unlit face cutting off the lit...
from my perspective. I have no idea what this means. It is meaningless gibberish even taking in the entire context of your "model".
Why is the "unlit" face "cutting off" the lit face? I feel making a dirty joke but... I'm just so confused. From what I think I understand, the aether carries the light from the sun
in the center of Earth to an aether dome of some sort whereby what we see is just a
reflection of the sun projected into the sky... because
simple elegance! you say so. Is that how it goes? I'm really confused over why the aether just "cuts off" the light from the sun but only at the horizon.
You know JR, there is a much simpler and much more elegant explanation for this so... just let me know if you'd like for me to explain that.
If you were to ask simple questions like this, which takes all of two lines, instead of page-long rants about grievances, much more might be achieved.
Well, erm.. I'll just have to take your word for that because I don't see you engage in much discussion with anyone. It's nearly always a circular argument with you. JB took you to task in another thread and you stopped engaging with him, despite him clearly explaining his objections to your assertions.
But hey, maybe this will be different.