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Flat Earth Q&A / What's up?
« on: June 14, 2008, 08:55:28 PM »
Anyone I know that still posts here? What about that guy with like over 10000 posts that kept changing his name? Anyone? :[

The Lounge / Useless Crap Subforum
« on: May 03, 2007, 01:40:11 PM »
Just offering my opinion to the mods and admins, take it for what it is.

Personally, I find these forums unreadable.  I occasionally log on during class because most forums worth visiting are blocked, and when I come here with the intent of "checking up on the gang," I run into this:

What I'm getting at is, should the Everything Else forum be used BOTH as a forum for non-FE-related discussion AND as members' personal playground on which to play assgrab?  Speaking from experience, I mod a forum for one of the oldest (if not, THE) oldest online games still being played - Subspace/Continuum - where whiny shits are abundant.  Having a Useless Crap subforum for inside jokes and very specific messages that may be addressed to only one or a few forum members does wonders.  It makes the other subforums readable: all the posts in that subforum would actually CORRESPOND to the name of that subforum.  Basically what I'm suggesting is, take the useless crap out of Everything Else and make Everything Else more than just a refuse bin for spam and upping post counts.  Maybe even merge Everything Else into the General Discussion forum with the addition of a Useless Crap forum.  I know half of you will respond with "Just don't read it, then," which is why I'm directing this post at the mods and admins who realize what a terrible answer that is.


April 24, 2007 — Astronomers have found the first Earth-sized world circling its mother star at a distance suitable for life. It also has good prospects for liquid surface water — believed to be a key ingredient for life.

"This planet will most probably be a very important target of the future space missions dedicated to the search for extra-terrestrial life," said Xavier Delfosse, with Grenoble University in France.

It will be years before more sensitive instruments are developed to glean additional clues about whether life exists on the planet.

"It is not possible with current telescopes and instruments yet," Xavier Bonfils, an astronomer with the Lisbonne Observatory in Portugal, wrote in an e-mail to Discovery News. "But in the next decade, we may have the tools to answer this question."

The planet, which is about 50 percent larger than Earth, circles a star in the constellation Libra known as Gliese 581, about 20.5 light-years away. Light travels in a vacuum at about 187,000 miles per second.

Astronomers previously have found a Neptune-sized world circling Gliese 581, as well as strong evidence for a third planet about eight times the mass of Earth.

The new planet, which is the smallest planet beyond our solar system found to date, circles its star 14 times closer than Earth orbits the sun. But because Gliese 581 is smaller and colder than our sun, the system's so-called habitability zone, where liquid water and thus life is possible, is closer to the mother star than in our solar system.

Astronomers estimate the mean temperature of the newly discovered planet to be between 0 degrees and 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

"Water would be liquid," notes lead researcher Stephane Udry with Switzerland's Geneva Observatory. "Models predict that the planet should be either rocky — like our Earth — or covered with oceans."

The discovery likely will bolster efforts to find other Earth-like planets circling so-called red dwarf stars, which are the most common type of stars in our galaxy. Of the 100 closest stars to the sun, 80 are red dwarfs.

"Red dwarfs are ideal targets for the search for such planets because they emit less light, and the habitable zone is thus much closer to them than it is around the sun," Bonfils said.

Planets closer to their mother stars are typically easier to find than those farther away. The scientists, part of an international team from Switzerland, France and Portugal, submitted their findings for publication in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.

The discovery was made using with the Chile-based European Southern Observatory High Accuracy Radial Velocity for Planetary Searcher instrument.

Interesting stuff.

The Lounge / :(
« on: April 26, 2007, 10:17:31 AM »
I was riding home from a store today on the bus, listening to music and not paying attention to anything. As we we're at a bus stop, a girl started screaming her head off at the back of the bus and pointing out the window, as soon as I looked I saw 3 guys. One on the ground, bleeding everywhere, and saying "Please, I didn't mean it" over and over, one with a baseball bat, and one standing there yelling at the man on the ground. As soon as they realized there was a whole bus of people staring at them, the man who was yelling took a gun out and shot the man on the ground in the head. The bus instantly went up in screams, and the two men got in a car and sped away. As the bus driver radioed in for help, a third of the bus was screaming, a third calling 911 and the other third (including me) just staring silently.

Eventually they let us leave the scene after getting statements, and I finally got home around 2pm. When I came home I was visibly shaken, and I told my mom what I had just seen. Then all of a sudden my mom got scared, she said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said "Fresh" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought "Nah, forget it, Yo holmes, to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo holmes, smell ya later!" I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.

Flat Earth Q&A / Planet Earth
« on: March 27, 2007, 10:47:14 PM »
Anyone see this this past sunday on the Discovery Channel?  I DVR'd it because the commercials were awesome, they had 3 different episodes on, going to watch it when I have time.
The ad they ran was like "A new breakthrough series... over 2,000 days of film shot, over 100 locations"... sounds tight and LOOKS tight. ;)

Flat Earth Q&A / Gravity At Different Altitudes
« on: August 20, 2006, 12:19:23 AM »
I haven't searched the forums for a post about this, and frankly I wouldn't even know what keywords to use, so I'll address it here.

The acceleration due to gravity has been measured at different altitudes on the earth.  It's been shown that that acceleration is lower at high altitudes than it is at sea level.  How would the FE model account for this?

Flat Earth Q&A / This is all fine and dandy, but...
« on: August 16, 2006, 01:11:20 AM »
Don't you all agree that if this site were created in the context of complete scientific neutrality, it would be a lot harder to counter RE arguments?
I'm saying, what if it were the "Let's determine the shape of the Earth" society?  Here at the FE society, discussion is supposed to flow with the FAQ, and anyone who even disagrees with it is told to read it again (picture a PC tech support office, and an asian guy telling you to reboot for the 3rd time in a row.  Or talking to a machine spitting back at you what you already know).
In the neutral society, with no FAQ policing the arguments, I personally think that in the long run... discussion would start out with "Look outside. It's flat." and eventually evolve as it did over the course of history.  Given enough time and resources, of course.

Flat Earth Q&A / Question for Dogplatter
« on: July 20, 2006, 08:38:02 AM »
If the government conspiracy is planning on milking the earth of its financial resources (I'm paraphrasing), and then evacuating just as the earth is destroyed by whatever means you claim they are planning, then at what point in time do you believe this conspiracy originated?  According to history, this conspiracy would've had to have been started hundreds, if not thousands of years ago.  A couple things:
1) Technology obviously comes into play here.  This conspiracy must have been founded on the assumption that given enough time, they'd have the technology to escape a ruined earth.
2) Why would a group of individuals with extreme power thousands of years ago plot something that would have zero chance of taking place in their own lifetime?
If it's so important that others are 'enlightened' about FE, you will inevitably have to come up with some sort of convincing argument, rather than just a string of beliefs.  You can't sell beliefs just by themselves.  Since I don't see any hard evidence behind your beliefs, you WILL need some sort of explanation of this conspiracy's history and its motives.

Flat Earth Q&A / Maps
« on: July 15, 2006, 10:41:38 PM »
Can someone draw, or link, me to a few FE maps of the Earth?  Just so I get a feel for what you guys are working with.

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