« on: June 11, 2006, 09:26:14 PM »
want proof? I used to work on a cruise ship, I've been all kinds of places, and we never sailed off the edge or into any "ice wall", want more? people have walked across, dogsledded accross, snowmobiled accross, and flown accross that "ice wall", I've seen camera footage of it on world news tonight, and you know what I didn't see? the dropoff. want more? while standing on deck 13 of the Pride of Aloha, which sailed on a daily basis, I could look out over the water and see a definite curve in the horizon! want more? it's called the space program, and not only has it been to the moon, but we've had probes on mars, moons of jupiter, flown out past pluto, etc.
guys, i know this may be hard to swallow, but even the catholic church admitted that the earth was round and that they were wrong for persecuting Galeleio, it took them until 1992, but they did it.
go flush a toilet in austrailia!