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Messages - MrKappa

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I thought it was the strong nuclear force?

This is a quick one. What if there is true and genuine symbolism with the snake and the apple and Adam and Eve.

Was Eve a Lilith?

The Hebrew term Lilith or "Lilit" (translated as "night creatures", "night monster", "night hag", or "screech owl") first occurs in Isaiah 34:14, either singular or plural according to variations in the earliest manuscripts, though in a list of animals. In the Dead Sea Scrolls Songs of the Sage the term first occurs in a list of monsters. In Jewish magical inscriptions on bowls and amulets from the 6th century CE onwards, Lilith is identified as a female demon and the first visual depictions appear.

Why would "God" cast them out of the garden of Eden?

Could that be the first historical account of a slave revolt? Perhaps the slaves, who were empowered by God, cast them out?

Maybe they ate an apple or something that weakened their powers over the populace?

Maybe the snake is symbolic of the most ancient type of medicine. Snake venom.

Any thoughts on what the Adam and Eve story is Genuinely about?

Oh Oh... maybe Eve, used and apple, with snake venom, to poison Adam?

In any event, this is the interesting part about Liliths.

The "screech owl" translation of the KJV is, together with the "owl" (yanšup, probably a water bird) in 34:11 and the "great owl" (qippoz, properly a snake) of 34:15, an attempt to render the passage by choosing suitable animals for difficult-to-translate Hebrew words.

Later translations include:

night-owl (Young, 1898)
night-spectre (Rotherham, Emphasized Bible, 1902)
night monster (ASV, 1901; JPS 1917, Good News Translation, 1992; NASB, 1995)
vampires (Moffatt Translation, 1922)
night hag (RSV, 1947)
Lilith (Jerusalem Bible, 1966)
lilith (New American Bible, 1970)
Lilith (NRSV, 1989)
Lilith (The Message (Bible), Peterson, 1993)
night creature (NIV, 1978; NKJV, 1982; NLT, 1996, TNIV)
nightjar (New World Translation, 1984)
night bird (English Standard Version, 2001)


930 years
Therefore, however long Adam and Eve may have been in the garden, one thing is certain: they were not there for any time period that exceeded Adam's life span of 930 years. But there is additional information that must be considered as well. Genesis 4:25 explains that Seth was born after Cain slew Abel.

That guy has a PHD.

it is obvious that Adam and Eve could not have been in the Garden of Eden any longer than 130 years!

It is NOT Obvious. These things are massive. Adam could have been a missing link for anyone knows, a megafauna version of man, seriously. Unlikely, as it's more likely that the Garden of Eden if taken literally was the most optimal environment for human health. No allergies, and so on.

Also known as the Arctic whale, the bowhead is by far the longest living mammal on Earth. Some bowhead whales have been found with the tips of ivory spears still lodged in their flesh from failed attempts by whalers 200 years ago. The oldest known bowhead whale was at least 211 years old.

For nine years, the greatest challenge Kim Yates Grosso faced each day was keeping her daughter Tessa safe. Tessa was so severely allergic to milk, wheat, eggs, nuts, shellfish and assorted other foods that as a toddler she went into anaphylactic shock when milk fell on her skin.

In 2004, when she was 38, Nadeau found out she had a rare cancer — cancer of the T-cell — for which there were no effective therapies. (T-cells play a critical role in the immune system and, coincidentally, the T-cell dysfunction that leads to food allergies was already a focus of her research.) Life expectancy was only a couple of years.

I know it isn't exact science.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Problem with the Sun
« on: November 13, 2013, 01:11:26 AM »
Sure it wouldn't look the same in the sky or through a telescope but it WILL cast light in the same manner as a spotlight.

Let's stay on topic and address one item at a time, the OP has asked a specific question about the direction in which light travels.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Problem with the Sun
« on: November 12, 2013, 02:43:09 AM »
It does emit light in all directions and it casts hard rather than diffuse shadows, that is how strong and sharp the light is.

Anyways, I might as well drop this bomb on you...

the sun actually grows and shrinks over a period of one year

The answer is clear...

Now if you want to start questioning whether or not the Sun is Flat or Round, it makes no difference if light is cast in all directions (OmniDirectional). Additionally the shape of the light source, it being spherical or flat, is irrelevant as to whether it casts light uni-directionally, or omni-directionally. For all practical purposes, it only needs to cast uni-directionally, and theoretically, it can cast omni-directionally, the source light being any shape, will still cast light upon the earth in the same manner as a spot light would.

Man you are dumb, whether you believe in flat earth or round earth, OP.

Go back to grade school.

Yes, this one actually helped with a knot in my back.

Roleplay Mall Massage Therapist

#ws" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Roleplay Mall Massage Therapist (All their stuff is pretty good, imo)

If you are into "The Secret" this might interest.

#ws" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">ASMR - The Secret (Lot's of good experimental)

If you like music, this is more along the lines of Binaural Sounds, rather than ASMR specifically, however I find to be very effective. The whole channel is excellent.

#" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Solfeggio Arpeggio (with Alpha binaural beats)

This is very lightweight, and probably attractive to certain types. Not sure if that's you.

cutebunny992 Relaxing hand movements with light

#" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">cutebunny992 Relaxing hand movements with light

Okay... I'm going to warn you up front about this one. I had to stop and couldn't watch the rest. Just pure fear.

So I'm just saying, this one could be extremely unhealthy for your mind. I don't advise that you actually watch it.

#" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Snog - Make The Little Flowers Grow

Oh my god, I managed to watch it till 1:50 but I just couldn't handle more. HOW DO THEY DO THAT?

Did it scare the bejezus out of you? It did to me...

Must have something to do with being really resistant to death in general. Who wants to be fertilizer? Right?

Anyways... this whole thing inspired me so much I've gone and made a website for ASMR videos - It's not 100% working, as I am actually a real programmer and there are plenty of bugs still, but hey, why not?

Anyways... here's another serious one... if you ask me...

#" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Nuevo! żQue es ASMR? Parte II

Not entirely sure... however Theories are apparently totally different than actual working models.

The Lounge / Re: How often do you guys ban people here?
« on: November 24, 2012, 08:42:53 AM »
Really, because I remember a couple pissing matches in this place a few years ago, and there was no ban.

You must not know who I am, thus you have not formed a full opinion of myself as an individual. Whether warranted or not.

I bet post count really makes you stand out as a target... huh?

In any event, that's about as much welcome as I could expect. Thank you for your kindness.

I imagine that nobody here has any sort of chip on thier shoulder or pride which would cause them to target others in the community.

The last place I was at, was full of them. The mods even ganged up on me as if they were in a private shat elsewhere discussing the details on the very few members who actually existed in the forum.

To boot, I was accused of suffocating the community. There were more mods than members at that place if you ask me.

The Lounge / How often do you guys ban people here?
« on: November 24, 2012, 07:52:59 AM »
How often do you guys ban people here?

I am just curious, as I have just been banned from another forum. It's like the 5th or 15th one in my lifetime, I just do not keep track. FB, you name it, just about everywhere, with the exception of Twitter and Youtube so far, and I say that with my fingers crossed.

Okay... I'm going to warn you up front about this one. I had to stop and couldn't watch the rest. Just pure fear.

So I'm just saying, this one could be extremely unhealthy for your mind. I don't advise that you actually watch it.

#" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Snog - Make The Little Flowers Grow

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: US scientific breakthrough
« on: October 10, 2012, 08:58:10 AM »
Ah... Finally somebody with a brain.

People want to believe in God, Mermaids, Werewolfs, whatever...

The big problem is text communication, jmo... There is literally no way to read sarcasm and that get's more and more dangerous as anonymity and age groups blend together.

I mean stupidity is one thing, but it took me many years to realize that no-one gets my sarcasm.

The web might have been a little less engaging and a little less dense then, I don't know... but if people want to rant about mermaids, where is the harm?

From the article...

It is thought some viewers may have mistaken the programme for a documentary.

"No evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been found," the service wrote in an online post.

Does that read like it's funny? Probably not to half of the BBC readers. jmo...

Then at least another half are probably going to take it seriously enough to get vigilante about it.

When everybody knows, the ocean is for the most part totally underwater and unexplored and Mermaids are fast like Giant Squids. These are brand new discoveries within the last few years... not making it up...

#" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Unknown World - Giant Squids

But in all honesty... what really pisses me off, and this is just a hunch, the BigFoot episode of Ancient Aliens, that gets the most runs, doesn't it?

Not because people are interested in BigFoot... Come On... It has to be because it's the most stupid of them all while the others have real educational value.

Again... jmo...

BTW... whoever runs this forum... it's like lightning compared to some others...

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: US scientific breakthrough
« on: October 10, 2012, 07:38:53 AM »
That's what happens when people lose their religion... I guess.

I mean if people can get up in arms about it. So Secularism wins.

Governments around the world should make a public announcement apologizing for Dr.Suess

Shame is forbodden

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: The Sun is Held together by Pressure
« on: September 18, 2012, 06:39:29 PM »
If this was in the upper forums I would laugh and join in. However, this is not the upper forums and this is not funny.

Okay so let's pretent the sun is instead a giant ball of gas which ignited under pressure into a giant ball of fire...

This ball of fire blasted all the little chunks of rock into deep space.

Now... how did the asteroid belt get there?

It's a little off topic but to say the least, maybe there are frequencies to gravito-electromagnetism which bind the planets into common orbital zones.

If not... how did it get there?

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: The DNP degree
« on: September 18, 2012, 09:13:26 AM »
I could see a whole cathy bates thing happening, but that happens in people's home care as well.

Why not just decide at which point in time no cure is going to be available to someone, and at which point in time they are no longer capable of being autonomous?

Oh that's right... you need money for cheetos

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: The Sun is Held together by Pressure
« on: September 18, 2012, 09:10:36 AM »
Kappa, perhaps you will find this very helpful:,39728.0.html (impossibility of a spherically shaped sun and many other topics)

Yeah, that's hilarious, but you missed the five paradoxes...

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: The Sun is Held together by Pressure
« on: September 16, 2012, 05:05:08 PM »
If it were external forces then why would there be a high density core instead of a ball of uniform density?

Why would there be a helio-pause or a helio-shpere if there were nothing but spin and mass shaping the force of gravity?

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: The Sun is Held together by Pressure
« on: September 16, 2012, 03:40:35 AM »
If it helps, this was the video which originally inspired me to consider that perhaps it might be an external pressure of sorts binding the sun together, rather than the spin of the sun and gravitational forces creating a monopole well of sorts. I am not saying it doesn't have many elements of an entertainment piece, because it does.

#" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Thunderbolts of the gods Part 5 of 7

The full piece is here and it works to discredit the smaller piece above simply because it follows so many bizarre lines of thinking all at once. Jmo... It's still an interesting watch, even if it's not physics class.

#" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Thunderbolts Of The Gods

Quote from: Irushwithscvs
That is a lot of words in one post just to say "No."

It's just an introduction to physics lecture series without the math, but it's a good one, and that professor Richard Muller is actually a good teacher, jmo...

Okay, I'm warning ahead of time... I had to take a break and have only made it halfway through... enjoy...

#ws" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Micropoint live @ No choice

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: The Sun is Held together by Pressure
« on: September 15, 2012, 10:38:24 AM »
Christ, MrKappa, have you actually attended a physics class before?

Yes... Physics for Future Presidents - #" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Physics 10 - Lecture 01: Atoms and Heat

I thought this was flat earth though. Everybody seems to have such a closed and rigid mind.

I guess everybody knows where the earths water came from too...,55567.0.html

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: The Sun is Held together by Pressure
« on: September 15, 2012, 01:26:14 AM »
Gravity is a force, which exerts pressure.

Electro Magentism indeed exerts electromagnetic pressure.

The Sun being a big ball of plasma is totally susceptible to pressure.

If you put the words Gravity and Electro-Magnetism together, they create the words GravitoElectroMagnetism.


Try again guys.

How do you know for certain the Sun is instead a larger Jupiter held together by gravitational forces, rather than external pressure?

Earth itself is said to be more dense than the Sun. Yet the gravitational forces of the Sun should dictate that it be some of the most dense material in existence.

More Mass, More Size = More Gravitational Force or Pressure.

I'm not saying the Cymatics are the perfect model for the Sun.

I just need to know your rational which draws you to the conclusion that it is impossible for the Sun to be held together by external forces.

The orbit is stable.  Stable orbit means it doesn't change.  Orbits also don't "settle".  They're either stable or unstable.  Our plants have a stable orbit.  Eliptical is a stable orbit.

It's predictable, however it's elliptical path is not explained. That's what I asked. Accretion theory by it's very nature dictates that orbits must stabilize, or "settle".

There are no plants in orbit around the sun.

Forces do not exert pressure.  And, I think in all the other places where you say pressure, you mean force.

Okay, when gravitational forces act upon mass, the mass is forced, or pushed together, and that bunch of mass which is amassing, creates pressure.

And I'll add, that electromagnetic pressure is indeed a result of the force.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: The Sun is Held together by Pressure
« on: September 15, 2012, 12:21:33 AM »
Well gravity is an electro magnetic force.

Yeah, that word doesn't mean what you think it means. You should probably read the link.

Gravity is a force, which exerts pressure.

Electro Magentism indeed exerts electromagnetic pressure.

The Sun being a big ball of plasma is totally susceptible to pressure.

If you put the words Gravity and Electro-Magnetism together, they create the words GravitoElectroMagnetism.


Try again guys.

How do you know for certain the Sun is instead a larger Jupiter held together by gravitational forces, rather than external pressure?

Earth itself is said to be more dense than the Sun. Yet the gravitational forces of the Sun should dictate that it be some of the most dense material in existence.

More Mass, More Size = More Gravitational Force or Pressure.

I'm not saying the Cymatics are the perfect model for the Sun.

I just need to know your rational which draws you to the conclusion that it is impossible for the Sun to be held together by external forces.

The orbit is stable.  Stable orbit means it doesn't change.  Orbits also don't "settle".  They're either stable or unstable.  Our plants have a stable orbit.  Eliptical is a stable orbit.

It's predictable, however it's elliptical path is not explained. That's what I asked. Accretion theory by it's very nature dictates that orbits must stabilize, or "settle".

There are no plants in orbit around the sun.

Even the concept of magnetic diopoles and the presumption or the search for gravitational diopoles should warrant real explanations rather than grammar wars.

I'm asking to learn, not preach dogma.

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: The Sun is Held together by Pressure
« on: September 14, 2012, 08:32:23 PM »
Well gravity is an electro magnetic force.

Now let's consider accretion theory where the planets have collected mass and traveled in orbit around the sun. After billions of years of "settling" these planets should be in stable orbit, but for the most part using optical measurements we've determined them to be eliptical.

What would cause the Earth to have an elliptical orbit. Certainly it's not Jupiter.

As for pushing pressure: EM energy can't compress atoms.  They can knock off electrons but that's about it.

Pressure can certainly compress mass.

Please try again...

Technology, Science & Alt Science / The Sun is Held together by Pressure
« on: September 14, 2012, 12:09:51 PM »
So I found this awesome video on cymatics from Hans Jenny in the 1960s. I believe he was a Swiss physicist.

The most remarkable thing about it is that it shows a pattern which is reminiscent of the Sun, with convection, and perhaps magnetic sun spots as well.

#" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Cymatic Soundscapes - Excerpt

So the immediate conclusion, once we can prove that the sun exists, is that gravity does not pull together hydrogen and other elements towards the center of the sun, but instead the solar system pushed inwards with unseen electro magnetic forces pushing the sun together into a giant ball of plasma.


Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: Air
« on: September 14, 2012, 01:08:04 AM »
It's the stuff which is delivered to the atmosphere from thousands of oxygen comets which pummel the earth on a daily basis.

Once the comets have bursted into a giant flame, chemical compounds which are lighter escape blast center, raining down in a gas, creating what we know as fresh air. We call this the Big Bang effect.

Afterwards, the Bendy Aether traps the oxygen comets in the atmosphere after they burst.

We can call air a gas because in the late 1600s a British scientist revolutionized our understanding of the Universe as we know it when he tried to breathe liquid water.

I checked a couple pages of the thread and didn't see it mentioned...

This is a good documentary on AIDS and the lies or the mis-interpretations which surround it.

"House of Numbers"

#ws" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">House of Numbers, Full Documentary

Normally I'd write it off as non-sense, but they do have a nobel laureate interview towards the end, and it to my memory it didn't seem like it was taken out of context or mis-quoted, ect...

Anyways, the jist of it seems to be that the Nobel Laureate feels that HIV is spread to people with weak immune systems rather than those who have a lot of sex...

So the New York Times is blatantly playing off the concept that Gay activity among men is the cause for AIDs when it's probably the Heroin.

Heroin is a massive problem in North America, much moreso than it was in the Nineties... jmo...

SO the New York Times, must be Catholic... that's my final answer

Meh after nobel laureate's don't do it for me anymore.

That's for real? People vaccinate their children to prevent autism?

Lobotomies on the house...

I checked a couple pages of the thread and didn't see it mentioned...

This is a good documentary on AIDS and the lies or the mis-interpretations which surround it.

"House of Numbers"

#ws" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">House of Numbers, Full Documentary

Normally I'd write it off as non-sense, but they do have a nobel laureate interview towards the end, and it to my memory it didn't seem like it was taken out of context or mis-quoted, ect...

Anyways, the jist of it seems to be that the Nobel Laureate feels that HIV is spread to people with weak immune systems rather than those who have a lot of sex...

So the New York Times is blatantly playing off the concept that Gay activity among men is the cause for AIDs when it's probably the Heroin.

Heroin is a massive problem in North America, much moreso than it was in the Nineties... jmo...

SO the New York Times, must be Catholic... that's my final answer

No, it's different. Have you ever taken any medicine that made your scalp tingle?

I think you are talking about SSRI withdrawl? No? That I am pretty sure is a little different.

You said you get it right down your spine. Me too, and it's more like a either a warm sensation or a dry chill of sorts, mostly in the shape of a triangle. The wiki claims one of the chakras is right on the back in the shape of a triangle.

Then there is Synesthesia. Did anyone mention that yet? That's something different too possibly, but probably not...

In any event here is another ASMR trigger video. It's pretty good, jmo... #" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Tapping & Scratching *ASMR TRIGGER*

Technology, Science & Alt Science / Re: The DNP degree
« on: September 03, 2012, 04:36:39 PM »
In Canada anyways, the Nurses have Unions do they not?

Whatever they learn, is basically on the job training and any knowledge learned is discouraged from being used.

So it's giving teacher jobs and injecting the economy with a good supply of busy.

Okay, well I'll just add that vitamins seem to enchance it. Specifically ones that are good for blood circulation. Cutting out grease seems to help as well. Same with sugar, ect...

The other day, I was able to put headphones over my temples and I could feel the tingles like crazy. I couldn't hear the sound at all. It's like I could feel the soundwaves or magnetism interacting with my brain.

Does that help? In any event, it doesn't seem to be autonomous. Or perhaps it is as it might be unique to each individual. Not sure how autonomy plays a role in it.

Certain videos are just better at triggering it, but once it gets going, I noticed I could get nearly every video to trigger it.

The really crazy part about it, which might add some credence to chakra religions, is that I can get the ASMR response in different areas of my body all things depending. Without knowing a single thing about chakras, and reading up on it, the ASMR "vibrations/tingles/chills" seem to correlate with descriptions of chakras.

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