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Messages - kopfverderber

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Flat Earth General / Re: Midnight sun
« on: August 20, 2019, 02:38:48 AM »
Here's a cool vid of what it looks like (Time lapse starts at about :50):

On southern circle, the sun is real.
On northern circle, the sun is just a reflection.

So far no flight cross the northern rim. No wonder, north pole doesn't exist.

And what is Air India AI-173?

Flat Earth General / Re: how to know the altitude of a DirecTV satelite
« on: August 20, 2019, 01:26:16 AM »
Maybe angels are moving the transponders around, either that or the tooth fairy.

Flat Earth General / Re: Flat Earth is the wrong size.
« on: August 20, 2019, 12:35:26 AM »
In the FE map the southern hemisphere is three times as big the northern hemisphere but somehow they both get the same amount of light when the sun is on the equator.

In the FE map Australia looks bigger than Russia and Brazil looks like it could fit the USA twice.

The FE map is so wrong in so many levels it can't be called a map anymore. It's there just for the memes.

Flat Earth General / Re: Midnight sun
« on: August 20, 2019, 12:12:14 AM »
The flat earth map was invented in XIX century when few people had been to Antarctica. This is what Rowbotham hat to say about the topic:

FE has no real answer for midnight sun in Antarctica, so the just deny it happens or the come up with magical explanations involving  refraction or the dome acting as a mirror. Most of them will just avoid answering the question though.

Some FE have invented alternative FE maps where Antarctica is a continent.

If you do a google search you will find a few videos of people testing if rockets work in a vacuum chamber, like this one:

But of course people will argue that the chamber is not big enough and the experiment is not valid.

Flat Earth General / Re: When will RE Community Accept Defeat?
« on: August 19, 2019, 01:13:42 AM »
Whe can discuss pictures of boats going over the horizon for another thirty pages and never come to an agreement  thats not how you defeat RE Platts.

You will know you have defeated RE when billions believe the earth is flat. When FE is taught at schools and universities.

When RE community is reduced to a bunch of freaks sharing their funny RE ideas in silly youtube channels, then you can claim victory.

Flat Earth General / Re: Poll on the FAQ map
« on: August 18, 2019, 11:54:07 PM »
The map is faqe therefore it's fine, it should stay

Flat Earth General / Re: When will RE Community Accept Defeat?
« on: August 18, 2019, 12:45:47 PM »
A now a classic, lake Pontchartrain

Flat Earth General / Re: Flat Earth is the wrong size.
« on: August 18, 2019, 11:25:33 AM »
Shouldn't you really be more worried about the major problems with the alledged circumfrence of your Sphere Earth theory and fixing the problems instead of focusing on something you don't understand? The curvature of your Earth changes hourly. Tell us why?

I'm more worried about the atmospheric bank, I don't go anywhere without a flashlight, just in case.

Hi wise, nice to see you again  :). Do you know why there are so many black people in Brazil? 43% of Brazilians are black or mulatto.

Flat Earth General / Re: When will the FE community accept defeat?
« on: August 17, 2019, 11:13:39 PM »
Quote from: Tom Bishop
Again, we receive nothing interesting except attempts to somehow show that Rowbotham was a religious fundamentalist in contrast to his instructions of putting the bible under the severest of criticism and that truth should be emperically verificatied by experiment and investigation.

What severest of criticism does he apply when he affirms  that the earth rests upon and within the waters of the great deep? What is the evidence of the "great deep"?

All I find in Rowbotham is just unjustified assumptions and cherrypicked quotes. Then invariably the world and all natural phenomena are found out to be just as described in the bible. But he says the bible should be put under the severest of criticism, what a joke.

There is no trace of severe criticism of the bible anywhere in Rowbotham , or maybe you could point at some. What I see is him baselessly claiming  he has demonstrated that the everything in the bible is literally true and that it should be the standard to put to test all theories and systems. He claims that science should no longer be employed to test the truth of the scriptures but the other way around. If that isn't religious fundamentalism then what is.

Flat Earth General / Re: When will the FE community accept defeat?
« on: August 17, 2019, 03:06:01 PM »
Quote from: Stash
"To say that the Scriptures were not intended to teach science truthfully is, in substance, to declare that God Himself has stated, and commissioned His prophets to teach things which are utterly false!”

Totally out of context Stash. Rowbotham is responding those people who say that scripture was never meant to teach science, yet it is true, and that we should look past the FE and wrong science to get our truthful philosophy. That's a stupid argument, as rightly pointed out by Rowbotham.

"That of its diurnal and annual motion, and of its being one of an infinite number of revolving spheres, is equally false; and, therefore, the Scriptures, which negative these notions, and teach expressly the reverse, must in their astronomical philosophy at least be literally true. In practical science, therefore, atheism and denial of Scriptural teaching and authority have no foundation.”

Are you quoting random things that you see now? Rowbotham says that if astronomy is false and the truth reflects the bible, then the bible is the conclusion and therefore the RE science atheists have no foundation.

Seems pretty clear to me he is not saying "if" the earth exists as described in the Bible, he is saying the earth "does" exist as described in the Bible.

It "seems pretty clear" that Rowbotham has directly stated several times that truth must be based on physical evidence and not faith.

He may have stated that truth must be based on physical evidence and not faith, but he doesn't practice what he preaches.

He references the 'firmament' many times, yet there is no physical evidence of such. He refers to how the Great Flood could never have worked on a globe earth and would only have worked on a flat plane - Seems he's using scripture to bolster a flat earth notion, not the other way around, again, without physical evidence.

And why only referencing Christian scripture? Are all of the other religious doctrines of the world incorrect and unsupported by flat earth?

He also claims that "The earth rests upon and within the waters of the great deep." I wonder what evidence Rowbotham found of the great deep, other that reading the bible.

Flat Earth General / Re: When will the FE community accept defeat?
« on: August 17, 2019, 01:49:24 PM »
The main characteristics of christian fundamentalism is the believe in biblical inerrancy and literal interpretations of the bible. Christian fundamentalism starts as a reaction to scientific progress contradicting the bible and opposed to most other Christians adapting their interpretation of the bible to scientific facts. Rowbotham fits very well in the description above. His work is a rejection of astronomy, physics and other fields of science in favor of biblical inerrancy and biblical literalism.  The fact that he doesn't say it explicitly  or that he adopts a sort of scientific disguise doesn't change the fact that his motivation is theological. The theological motivation becomes even clearer in his many biblical citations, biblical reasoning and creationist ideas.

In his reasoning "If the earth is a globe, revolving at the rate of a thousand miles an hour, all this language of Scripture is necessarily fallacious" so he has to prove the earth is not round in order to prove the bible is correct. His motivation is not to find out what the earth is, but to prove the bible right.

Science (newtonian physics and astronomy) is a curse
"A system of philosophy which makes such havoc with the human soul; which destroys its hope of future rest and happiness, and renders the existence of Heaven impossible, and of a beneficent, ever-ruling God and Father of creation useless and uncertain, cannot be less than a curse---a dark and dangerous dragon, hell-born and tartarean in its character and influence"

All unscriptural teaching is false
"To truthfully instruct the ingenuous Christian mind, to protect it from the meshes of false philosophy, and the snares of specious but hollow illogical reasoning; to save it from falling into the frigid arms of atheistic science; to convince it that all unscriptural teaching is false and deadly, and to induce great numbers of earnest deep-thinking human beings to desert the rebellious cause of atheism; to return to a full recognition of the beauty and truthfulness of the Scriptures, and to a participation in the joy and satisfaction which the Christian religion alone can supply, is a grand and cheering result, and one which furnishes the noblest possible answer to the ever ready Cui bono."

The scriptures as standard to test all systems or theories
"....the Scriptures are thus found to be absolutely truthful in their literal expressions, it is simply just and wise that we take them as standards by which to test the truth or falsehood of all systems or teachings which may hereafter be presented to the world"

The theological motivation of Rowbotham's work is undeniable.

Flat Earth General / Re: When will the FE community accept defeat?
« on: August 17, 2019, 09:48:23 AM »
You appear to have quoted statements from Rowbotham's chapter which say the same thing said above about how evidence supports the bible, with some random words bolded. HIS WORD. LITERALLY. You forgot the "REEEEEEEEE"

If the earth is flat in a way like the bible says then it is evidence that the bible has some form of authority behind it. Merely statements of fact.

Sorry, what is "REEEEEEEE?"

Flat Earth General / Re: When will the FE community accept defeat?
« on: August 17, 2019, 09:27:37 AM »
The work of Rowbotham is full of biblical citations and "proof" that the bible is literally true and inerrant. I call that religious fundamentalism.

Actually, he doesn't say that at all, and what you have said is merely the common peddled ignorance.

Rowbotham says that if physical evidence of the world supports the world depicted in the Bible then it suggests that the Bible may have some authority behind it.

Hardly the "Rrrrreeeee fundamentalism!!!" trash that is stated on this subject.

Ok so he went researching the world and he found out everything is exactly as the bible says, what a coincidence.

To the religious mind this matter is most important--it is indeed no less than a sacred question; for it renders complete the evidence that the Jewish and Christian Scriptures are absolutely true, and must have been communicated to mankind by an anterior and supernal Being. If after so many ages of mental struggling, of speculation and trial, of change and counterchange, we have at length discovered that all astronomical theories are false; that the earth is a plane, and motionless, and that the various luminaries above it are lights only and not worlds; and that these very facts have been declared and recorded in a work which has been handed down to us from the earliest times--from a time, in fact, when mankind had lived so short a period upon the earth that they could not have had sufficient experience to enable them to criticise and doubt, much less to invent and speculate--it follows that whoever dictated and caused such doctrines to be recorded and preserved to all generations must have been superhuman, omniscient, and to the earth and its inhabitants pre-existent. That Being could only be the Creator of the world, and His truth is recorded in the Sacred Writings. The Scriptures--the Bible, therefore, cannot be other than the word and teaching of God. Let it once be seen that such a conclusion is a logical necessity; that the sum of the purely practical evidence which has been collected compels us to acknowledge this, and we find ourselves in possession of a solid and certain foundation for all our future investigations.

That everything which the Scriptures teach respecting the material world is literally true will readily be seen. It is a very popular notion among modern astronomers that the stellar universe is an endless congeries of systems, of suns and attendant worlds, peopled with sentient beings analogous in the purpose and destiny of their existence to the inhabitants of this earth


Just as in bygone times a voice was heard to say that "a universal solvent cannot be held," so now an unostentatious, but terribly dangerous and destructive, cry has been raised that water is not convex but horizontal, which will work a revolution in science greater than the world has yet seen. It will do what has never yet been done, destroy the vain and flimsy structures of human ingenuity, and turn the hearts of philosophers and all grades of men of learning to the wisdom and consistency and demonstrable truths contained in the "Word of God," the Scriptures of the all-wise, long-patient, and, by philosophers, almost forgotten Creator of the world. A reverence for, and solemn attention to, the teachings of His dictated Word will rapidly grow and spread in all directions, and our men of science and learning will become the servants of their Creator, and the true friends of their fellow-men. Vain systems of science and false honours and applause will be swallowed up in an ever-spreading, all-influencing, all-inclusive, and reverential philosophy--which will become to all progressive minds the long-hoped-for true and universal religion.

Flat Earth General / Re: When will the FE community accept defeat?
« on: August 17, 2019, 08:59:38 AM »
Have you read what he actually believes on that topic? A summary of Rowbotham's views of religion and FET can be found here:

Your "fundamentalism" holds untrue. Rowbotham says to put the bible under severest of criticism and that any evidence for the systems of the bible should be based on evidence rather than belief or faith.

The fundamentalist accusations are completely incorrect and ill researched. A typical smear attempt befitting of those who cannot present conclusive evidence for their case.

The fact is that what Rowbotham says in the above link is correct. If FE were true and the world was found to be of similar to depiction in the Bible, then it would provide physical evidence for the Bible, and that has nothing to do with "fundamentalist belief".

The work of Rowbotham is full of biblical citations and "proof" that the bible is literally true and inerrant. I call that religious fundamentalism.

Flat Earth General / Re: When will the FE community accept defeat?
« on: August 17, 2019, 08:20:18 AM »
The RE are the religious fundamentalists here, spamming answers like the sinking ship effect that they know have contradictory results, and who continue to do so repeatedly as some sort of evidence despite the contradictory observations, videos, timelapse, &., being pointed out to them. A purely belief based system.

Even if that would be true, it wouldn't be religious fundamentalism. FE or RE are not religions.

The believe that the bible is inerrant and should be interpreted literally, that's religious fundamentalism for you and FE is full of that. Where does the believe in the Dome of the firmament come from? It comes from the bible.  Many Christian and Muslim FE appeal to bible, I have seen that even in this forum.

Rowbotham is full of the biblical fundamentalism. Why else would he write something called "The inconsistency of Modern Astronomy and its Opposition to the Scripture", but it has gotten even worse today. Look at the list of presenters in the Dallas Conference, most of them are  biblical creationist

FE is full of things like this:

Flat Earth General / Re: When will the FE community accept defeat?
« on: August 17, 2019, 02:21:35 AM »

Many FE are religious fundamentalist.

How many?
How did you determine the number or percentage?

Are you barking from your butt hole?

"Many" as in more than "few". People can make rough estimations like "many" or "few" without knowing the exact number. If I say many germans have bloond hair it doesnt mean I have to know the exact number.

So yes its my subjective opinion based on my observations of what I find in social media or looking at the list of proponents in the next FE conference in Dallas.

Do you disagree many FE are religious fundamentalist?

Flat Earth General / Re: When will RE Community Accept Defeat?
« on: August 16, 2019, 10:35:33 PM »
In the RE superior mirage light bends down. That allows light to go over the curvature and reach the observer. Without curvature, light bending down would hit the ground or the surface of the sea, maybe the fish would see it, but not an observer sitting at same or higher altitude.
So how does the superior mirage work in FE? Could you please describe how is light bending and what is causing it, a diagram would help.
It works in the same way. Light bends down. The key thing to remember is that the light from an object goes out in basically all directions except those blocked by the object.

e.g., for a RE:

The direct light path (blue) would go through Earth, but the refracted one (purple) would curve downwards.
Note that the curved light path is going out at a higher angle than the direct light path and appears at a higher angle, making the object look higher.

For a hypothetical and purely fictional FE:

Effectively the exact same thing.
The refracted light path goes out at a higher angle, it is refracted downwards and is observed at a higher angle.

You are right it can work. However in Platt's theory the light from the ship or buildings is not refracted, only the light from the water in front of them. That would require a very odd light path. I tried to draw it, but it's difficult to make it work:

In this this example (if I drew it correctly)   it's not clear what is happening with the lighthouse. Why refraction is affecting only the water and not the lighthouse? And can a mirage completely block an object behind it? shouldn't  we see the image of the lighthouse mixed with reflection from the sea?

EDIT: In the picture I made you would actually see the sea floating in the air not covering the light house from bottom up. Maybe like this:

Like I said, it's difficult to make a picture of what Platt is saying.

Flat Earth General / Re: When will RE Community Accept Defeat?
« on: August 16, 2019, 01:31:51 PM »

Why is it not possible?  It happens all the time on the Plane Earth.

You have yet to prove a curved surface projects a horizontal mirage.

In the RE superior mirage light bends down. That allows light to go over the curvature and reach the observer. Without curvature, light bending down would hit the ground or the surface of the sea, maybe the fish would see it, but not an observer sitting at same or higher altitude.

So how does the superior mirage work in FE? Could you please describe how is light bending and what is causing it, a diagram would help.

You also don't explain why the refraction makes the surface rise up and not the ship or the buildings or how can a mirage completely block the sight of the ships or buildings, what's stopping the light from coming through? And how can that possibly work consistently for every situation and for all observers looking from different altitudes and for every weather situation.

It just doesn't make any sense. What you are saying doesn't look possible and it doesn't even match what others FE say, I think you have misunderstood something. This is what others FE say, maybe you need to do some more research:

Flat Earth General / Re: When will RE Community Accept Defeat?
« on: August 16, 2019, 11:12:45 AM »
A superior mirage can happen with any surface on this Plane Earth. It can happen with water or land. The surface will rise up and mask anything in the distance. If a building or boat is off in the distance, it will be masked and didn’t go over an imaginary curve. It was either blocked by the mirage or sailed into it and blended in. Boats’ going over a curve is just an illusion and a silly argument.

I told you to learn some physics before making your theories. Your post is nonsense.

In a superior mirage light bends down, I repeat in case you missed it, light bends DOWN. The object is then seen above you because of the earths curvature.

In FE that is obviously not possible, so how does a superior mirage work in FE? Can you describe the light path?

And light is blocked by objects. How does a mirage block the image of the ship as you claim? you think light blocks light? what you would see in your fantasy refraction is a blended image of sea and ship.

Flat Earth General / Re: When will RE Community Accept Defeat?
« on: August 16, 2019, 09:41:23 AM »
A superior mirage can happen with any surface on this Plane Earth. It can happen with water or land. The surface will rise up and mask anything in the distance. If a building or boat is off in the distance, it will be masked and didn’t go over an imaginary curve. It was either blocked by the mirage or sailed into it and blended in. Boats’ going over a curve is just an illusion and a silly argument.

No. Light refraction doesnt happen in random ways. First learn how refraction works and then make your theory.

Flat Earth General / Re: When will RE Community Accept Defeat?
« on: August 16, 2019, 01:05:25 AM »
The East/West sunrise/sunset direction is part of the same explanation for why the sun does not change size and is discussed at

The description of flat earth equinox in that link is pure fantasy.  It's just a bunch of ideas pulled from someone's ass in order to give FE some appearance of fitting reality. It does not stand up to scrutiny.

Flat Earth General / Re: computerized telescope aiming question
« on: August 16, 2019, 12:31:43 AM »
Read the second link for a description of perturbations. Newtonian gravity and the inverse squared law is used as a variable in the perturbation computations as the ideal.

Perturbations = Epicycles.

Do you mean the description of perturbations in your link  from a book published in 1922? How is that even relevant?

Flat Earth General / Re: When will the FE community accept defeat?
« on: August 16, 2019, 12:12:48 AM »
Many FE are religious fundamentalist. Their faith in FE is based in literal interpretations of the bible or other sacred scriptures. Many of them are also creationists, although most creationists reject FE, because FE makes creationism look dumber than it already is.

No amount of science and facts is going to defeat religious fundamentalism.  Different sorts of religious fundamentalism are present today even in very developed countries such US and UK unfortunately. It's marginal, but it is nowhere close to dying away.

Then there's the non-religious FE side. Those are mostly conspiracy nutcases and other gullible individuals deceived by youtube videos. Those aren't very likely to last long. FE like pseudoscience is very static. They are basically saying the same things for the last 150 years, there's no progress or innovation, the amount of content FE can offer is very limited, so people will get bored and jump to the next thing. One can watch only so many videos of great lakes mirages before getting bored.

Flat Earth General / Re: I only have one question
« on: August 15, 2019, 07:38:36 AM »
When I look through a telescope, all I see is a fuzzy dot. Scientists keep conveniently coming up with these photos that supposedly show the Earth and other planets to be round, but the rest of us have no way of verifying that they're anything other than pure fiction."
Or something along those lines.

A decent telescope to watch the planets will be expensive. However you dont need a telescope to watch the shadow of the earth on the moon during a lunar eclipse.

Not all the photos you find come from scientists. There are thousands of amateur astronomers taking photos of the planets. Some of them even build their own telescopes.

Flat Earth General / Re: When will RE Community Accept Defeat?
« on: August 15, 2019, 04:17:32 AM »
The Flat Earth app is great for showing that FE doesn't work and for the humor.

Flat Earth General / Re: What evidence is there that the earth is round
« on: August 15, 2019, 02:09:08 AM »
My language is Bengali. May I send the text in my language.

I don't think Bengali would help, but maybe you can make a drawing.

Flat Earth General / Re: When will RE Community Accept Defeat?
« on: August 15, 2019, 01:18:11 AM »
What Ever,

Your failure to understand refraction isn't a surprise, your refusal to answer all the other questions isn't a surprise neither. The fact that you think you can prove RE wrong with a single picture of Toronto in a hot day only shows how delusional you are.

Refraction and superior mirages have been explained to you several times in this thread. Several posters have explained why the image of Roger Center is caused by light refraction. If you think those explanations are wrong then show where they are wrong. Your baseless claims don't prove anything.

Flat Earth General / Re: When will RE Community Accept Defeat?
« on: August 15, 2019, 12:03:22 AM »
None of that matters. You are deflecting because you are wrong.  The Rogers center being visible destroys you Globe theory with a 3959 mile radius.  What is your new Earth's Radius and the size of the new Heliocentric theory? The foundation for your current theory has been destroyed. So what's the new one?

If FE had any interest in researching the issue they would take pictures from the same spot for a period of time and show the sequence. Instead they wait for the mirage to happen and take the picture only then. Mirage hunting is not going to disprove the globe, but I guess that's good enough for someone making a living on some silly FE youtube channel.

There are tons of pictures from the same spot where the Rogers center can't be seen. The distortion on your video pretty much confirms the mirage:

Mirages aren't going to disprove the globe, but the are confusing enough for FE'ers like you to hide behind them and avoid answering all the difficult questions:
- You didn't provide any valid explanation for the sun not getting smaller as it gets further away. Showing a picture of a glass of water doesn't prove anything.
- You didn't prove your atmospheric fog theory, neither showed it to work consistently.
- You have no explanation for the shadow of mount Rainier under the clouds
- You can't explain sunrise and sunset
- Heck, you don't even know where the sun or the moon are or have a working map of the earth.
- You cant explain convincingly what makes ships disappear behind the horizon or why is half of Toronto missing in your videos.
- You can't explain why the horizon is below eye level.
The list of things you can't answer goes on and all you have is some pictures of mirages, creationist misconceptions  and lots of magical thinking.

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