That means you believe the first line of the argument is false.
The first line of the argument was that everything has a cause, not everything except God.
As such, you believe the first line of the argument is false.
Only God (the creator) exists without cause. Everything "after" God has a cause. There is no concept according to Theists for "before God"
Again, this is special pleading.
You have accepted that things can exist without cause.
This means you need to justify why things need a cause, you can't simply say everything else does.
According to some, there is no concept of before the universe, as time began to exist at the big bang.
So how was there a "before" the big bang in which a god could exist to create the universe?
Do you notice how your arguments for a god being special also work for the universe?
This is why it is dishonest special pleading.
Your argument merely pushes the problem back and then you pretend it doesn't apply to your god.
If you are going to baselessly assert that the universe needs a cause, I see no reason why I shouldn't assert your god does as well.
If you are going to assert your god doesn't need a cause, I see no reason why I shouldn't assert the universe doesn't.
The simple reality any excuse that works for a god has a corresponding excuse that works for the universe.
Any reason the universe needs a cause has a corresponding reason that works for your god.
1. No. God is not part of creation.
I didn't ask if he was a part of creation. I asked if he was part of everything.
This is the biggest deal with Atheists who simply cannot comprehend the concept of Creator and Creation.
No. This is the biggest deal with theists. Rather than trying to honestly and rationally answer questions (which would destroy their argument) they resort to some bullshit to distract from it, typically by making their god special.
It was a simple question, is god part of everything? Not every creation or any crap like that, merely is god part of everything, i.e. the set of entities which exist?
Yes or no?
2. Yes. Every creation has a cause. God is not part of His creation.
Prove the universe is a creation.
And again, this doesn't answer the question.
Does EVERYTHING have a cause. If not, you refute the first line of the argument and thus need to justify why the universe needs a cause but your god doesn't.
3. I answered No and Yes respectively meaning your question flow came to an incorrect conclusion.
No. You avoided my questions.
You did not tell me if EVERYTHING has a cause (which if you negate you refute the first line of the argument presented, and would otherwise need to justify why your god doesn't have a cause but the universe does).
And you did not tell me if your god is part of everything.
You didn't answer either question.
This is why I say you simply do not understand the concept of "God"
Yes. This is why you say it. Because if you admit that I do understand it you are left with no argument.
So instead of even trying to honestly and rationally refute my argument, you need to attack and insult me to try and pretend I am just too stupid and thus shouldn't be listened to.
1. "everything" = creation and creator cannot be part of its creation. A "thing" cannot create itself even according to you.
Again, I am not asking if it is a creation, merely a part of everything, i.e. does it exist? Is it an entity which is part of the set of entities which exist?
Repeating an invalid statement constantly will not "magically" make it valid.
I know. So why do you keep on doing it?
Likewise, continually rejecting a valid statement wont make it valid.
Are you kidding me? ALL I've done it addressed your statement trying to correct the misconception and invalid approach in the initial argument.
There you go again.
You treat me like a moron, insulting me and ignoring my objections.
You are yet to actually address my objections.
Your way to correct the UNSOUND approach in the initial argument (I am assuming you honestly think it is unsound as you think your god (which is part of everything) can exist without cause, and have stated that not everything that exists needs a cause, which means the premise is false, but yes, it is also invalid as it just baselessly asserts god is the cause), with an equally unsound, yet far more dishonest argument where you assert that everything except your god needs a cause.
That is not addressing my objections at all.
An honest and rational way of addressing my objections would be to admit the argument was wrong and that not everything needs a cause and then try to make a different argument where you claim everything except god needs a cause and justify why that is the case.
If you do not allow something to be corrected or aligned properly on a disputed matter
But that is the issue. You have no interest at all in correction. Instead you just want to "properly align" me to your incorrect, dishonest special pleading and accepting pure bullshit as a sound argument.
The other thing you are trying to do is "correct" something that is already correct. That isn't correction. That is being condescending and treating me like a moron.
I have clearly indicated I understand, but you insist on acting like I am a moron that doesn't understand at all.
then how is it possible to find the root cause of the disagreement and in turn a "solution" in the form of a point to agree to disagree?
By acting honestly and rationally and actually addressing what I am saying rather than repeatedly treating me like a moron.
For example, instead of saying atheists are morons that don't understand what it means to be God, say the argument is stupid and doesn't understand what it means to be God, that the first line of the argument is fundamentally flawed and that not everything needs a cause.
Then you would be able to proceed to the next step, where you make your dishonest special pleading, and you can try to justify that.
So how about we try that?
Do you agree with the first statement in the argument as presented? "That everything that exists needs a cause?"
Yes or no?
Not once have I called you stupid or indicated anything of the sort.
You repeatedly accused me of being unable to understand a concept which is quite simple, even though I made it quite clear I did.
That is acting like I am stupid.
Saying you don't understand something is pointing to a problem which you seem to be in strong denial over in which case is there a point continuing?
If you don't want to be honest and accept that I already know that and actually address the issues I have raised, there is very little point in continuing.
Where have I ever denied the point you are trying to "correct"?
Was it where I explictly stated that I understand it and that it doesn't magically get the theist off the hook
Incorrect = wrong
Invalid = lacks validity in context
e.g. "The sun is near Earth". It's valid if in context with distant stars or if compare to the sun's distance from Pluto. But invalid if seen from Flat Earth theories.
incorrect = wrong.
invalid (logical) = conclusion doesn't follow from premises, and thus wrong.
invalid (colloquial) = does not meet required standards/does not apply.
unsound = either invalid, or based upon false premises.
ambiguous/confusing = lacks critical contextual information to determine if it is true or false.
You see God as a physical object/being.
No. I don't. I see your god as a fictional being. An entity that allegedly exists outside of what we think of as this universe (i.e. the heavens and Earth).
Where do you think I have indicated anything else?
Where do you think I have indicated that I see God as a physical entity?
That's the underlying issue and why it's not possible for you to grasp what I'm saying.
No. The underlying issue is that I understand completely and am capable of seeing through your bullshit.
So rather than address my objections, which would show your position to be flawed, you need to resort to repeatedly insulting me and acting like I am a moron to avoid responding to by objections.
You don't necessarily have to be a moron to not understand. It's your method of thinking and the way you've been programmed to not believe and no amount of explanations can change that until you differentiate the concept yourself.
Intelligence relates to your ability to learn knew things.
If an explanation is good, you should be able to understand it. If you cannot understand it, then you are stupid or the explanation is horrible.
For a simple concept like that, almost any explanation would do.
Thus if someone is unable to understand such a simple concept, they would be a moron.
Saying someone can't understand is insulting their intelligence.
I haven't been programmed to not believe. I was raised a Christian until I realised it was bullshit.
And this confirms my previous sentence.
No. It doesn't.
It means I am not accepting you making your god special. This doesn't mean I am rejecting the idea of god existing without cause.
All it means is I am not just going to baselessly accept that everything except your god needs a cause.
Instead, if you assert your god doesn't need a cause, I see no reason to think the universe needs one and thus see no need for your god.
1. Why does God exist rather than nothing?
2. If you wish to simply assert that it just does, then the same can be done for the universe.
3. If you wish to appeal to an attribute of God, then how does that make it exist without it already existing and why does God have that attribute?
4. It has the same problems as the universe, but made even worse due to it begin a sentient entity.
I numbered the above quote for reference:
1. Belief/Faith - science cannot prove or disprove what existed before nothing as technically that's a loop if something existed before nothing then it wasn't nothing and so on...
This doesn't answer my question at all.
Saying there was nothing before or before doesn't apply doesn't even come close to saying why a god exists.
Saying you believe god exists doesn't explain it either.
I am not asking you about what existed before nothing, but why your god exists.
I am not asking why you believe in a god, but why god exists rather than nothing.
And no, you can't appeal to your definition of god being uncaused either as that would then become if god exists, god exists or if god exists, god necessarily exists, still not explaining why it exists rather than nothing.
2. So Theists believe the universe has always existed?
I assume you mean atheists?
If so, it varies.
Some believe it has always existed in some form or another, either as what we know of as this universe, or some higher multiverse.
Others are fine with it existing without cause from nothing, akin to how a virtual particle pops into existence.
3. Belief/Faith - our answer to origins. Don't forget that Atheists have theories which has never been replicated or recreated in a lab or otherwise making it a "theory" similar to belief. Except we blatantly call it a belief yet you call it a fact/law?
Again, your belief is not an explanation.
You have not even tried to address the issue.
Science has nothing to do with atheism.
It is just that a rational, scientific person would naturally tend to atheism.
Very few things in science are called facts. The things which are akin to beliefs are hypotheses.
Laws are simply mathematical relations. Calling it a law has nothing to do with it being true or not.
The things which are actually theories (but this is complicated by things like string theory being called theory even though it is just a hypothesis) have plenty of evidence backing them up.
On the other hand, all you have is faith.
4. Not made worse at all. It's actually almost an identical problem on both sides.
Yes. Almost identical. But still worse for you.
In an atheistic worldview, starting with the big bang/singularity, we have a simple singularity. A collection of matter and energy, and a few simple laws.
For the theistic worldview, they have a far more complex entity. Rather than a collection of matter and energy, it is a sentient being.
You tried. But clearly failed using false logic which was answered every single step of the way. I cannot help your denial sorry.
No. I didn't fail at all, nor did I use false logic.
You dismissed an argument which was made in the exact same form as yours.
You used a definition to appeal to something being impossible and thus dismissing the idea of it being possible to assert your god couldn't be created and thus doesn't need a creator.
I did the exact same thing, just using the universe instead of a god, but rather than accept that, you just say I could simply be ignorant and what I think is impossible could actually be possible.
Why then does the same not apply to your god?
Why then, could it not be you simply think it is impossible for your god to have a creator while it actually does have one?
No special pleading. I called it a "Belief" continuously. Why do you attribute such pretenses when not once anything of the sort was claimed?
If it is used in an argument it is special pleading as you are treating one thing special.
In fact, by it being a belief, it is worse.
If it was a fact that you could justify and explain rather than a belief, it wouldn't be special pleading.
If you were just stating your beliefs rather than trying to make or defend an argument, then it wouldn't be special pleading either.
You are saying the argument is fine because your god is special and doesn't need a cause while everything else does.
That is special pleading until you justify why everything except your god needs a cause.
You can't use a general case of something needing a cause, unless you can show that applies to everything except your god.
You can't just use your god not needing a cause as that doesn't show everything else does.
Until you do so, making your god special to compared to things like the universe is special pleading.
For example, you asserting that the argument is fine when fixed to make god special, or you saying god doesn't push the problem back because god is special.
Yes, you didn't use those words, but the meaning is the same.
Dishonesty? If you say so. You're entitled to your personal conclusion of my replies and attempts to answer
Attack? Giving an answer to an attack which you quoted earlier is not an attack. It's more like you know... "defense"
Yes, I am entitled to my conclusions, especially when you do it so well here.
I made an argument for why the universe doesn't need a cause. That is an answer to an attack. That is an argument, an argument which you were happy to attack.
Rather than simply accept that it is impossible for the universe to have a cause like you want me to do for your god, you instead attacked the argument and suggested we just don't know enough and that it could be possible.
So who is dishonest now calling a defense an "attack", a belief "special pleading", changing meanings and concepts, failing to understand a concept and belief and attributing false pretenses to affirm your own misunderstanding?
The one calling an attack a defence, the one pretending special pleading is just a belief and perfectly fine to use in an argument, the one continually avoiding the argument, the one repeatedly accusing someone of not understanding when they made it clear, and so on.
I'll give you a clue, it isn't me.
Well at least you understand a theist's viewpoint without realising it
No. I do understand it. And I do realise that. I made that quite clear from the start.
You just need to pretend I don't so you can continue insulting me rather than addressing the points I made.
This will be the last long post if you still fail to address the points. After this, if you still refuse to debate honestly I will do it point by point.