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Messages - Fredo

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Flat Earth Q&A / Re: What is your flat earth?
« on: April 29, 2008, 02:50:24 PM »

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Direction, direction, direction...
« on: April 29, 2008, 04:05:37 AM »
If you were on a RE, too, and you stood exactly on the North Pole then every direction you will go to from there would be south. Think about it.

Not if you go up.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Making money off the conspiracy theory
« on: April 28, 2008, 12:08:34 PM »
I'm so adjective, I verb nouns!

Hey, me too! this a mad lib? If so, I want to play.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: The sun and north star positions
« on: April 26, 2008, 03:25:34 PM »
If you look at the FE model (which is wrong, because the earth is round) you will see that the equator goes in a circle. I agree with you, brox, but can you not spam my thread? And Althalus, there was no need to quote that entire thing.

EDIT: I noticed that brox has spammed a bunch of threads with this same message. Was that really necessary? Before you have a chance to answer, I will say "No it wasn't."

Flat Earth Debate / Re: The sun and north star positions
« on: April 26, 2008, 10:16:20 AM »
If that is what the whole conspiracy is about then why isn't Tom Bishop dead? I would have expected them to kill him (most likely staging and accident so nobody gets blamed) before he got the "truth" out.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: The sun and north star positions
« on: April 26, 2008, 10:08:32 AM »
As I said, you can figure out the positions of both the sun and Polaris if you don't believe me. If my evidence wasn't correct, don't you think that somebody would have said that NASA and everyone else that would say this evidence is correct is wrong? Go on any website or look in any book that has information like this, and it will have this data. Wouldn't somebody have said they were wrong? Or are you going to say that they must have been killed by the conspirators before the truth got out?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: The sun and north star positions
« on: April 26, 2008, 09:59:32 AM »
I actually went outside at night and found the position of Polaris. I had to (it was homework for Earth Science). So no, I'm not just claiming these. I didn't find the position of the sun during an equinox, though. But that doesn't really matter, because as markjo said, Tom and Mr Rowbotham used these positions.

EDIT: You can figure out the position of Polaris yourself if you don't believe me. It doesn't take long at all.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: The sun and north star positions
« on: April 26, 2008, 06:58:35 AM »
Two and a half days without a reply? No argument against my evidence (as well as jdoe's and markjo's evidence)? Well, it would appear that RE'ers win. You lose, Tom.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: What is your flat earth?
« on: April 25, 2008, 02:09:59 PM »
Both of them are better. Both of them put together would be even better.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: The site is addictive
« on: April 25, 2008, 12:57:42 PM »
Since arguing points with Tom Bishop is bad already, imagine trying to ague a point to him when he was an infant.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: What is your flat earth?
« on: April 25, 2008, 12:53:38 PM »
I'd say guinea pig shaped. Or maybe like a pteradactyl, that might explain why is is constantly moving upward.

That makes more sense than the other FE theory...

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Duct tape saves Apollo 17
« on: April 24, 2008, 05:37:57 PM »
*****psychic***** sorry :-[

I guess you don't know how to edit a post...

EDIT: Oh my god! I edited this post!

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: What tv shows do you connect to?
« on: April 24, 2008, 05:37:00 PM »
I watch The Office, NCIS, Bones, and Numb3rs. I also watch some sciencey (would it be spelled that way?) shows on the science channel. It's strange, but it seems that none of the shows on the science channel are about a flat earth (maybe it's because that's not science, but Tom's imagination!).

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Duct tape saves Apollo 17
« on: April 24, 2008, 05:23:41 PM »
I believe that FE'ers have no proof at all. All you guys can say is "There's an ice wall surrounding the flat earth, but nobody has seen it. There's a conspiracy but nobody can prove it. The sun and moon are about 3000 miles above the earth circling overhead but we don't know why. Oh, and everything in the universe is moving up at a constant speed but we don't have a reason behind it." My thread ( proves that the earth must be round. Tom hasn't posted in it for about a day or two, probably because he knows that I (as well as other people who posted in the thread) am right. You can't say that Snell's Law affects the sun's position, because if it did, it would do the opposite of what you say it would. Other than what you said about Snell's law against my evidence, you have no way of proving me wrong. So, I do believe you lose, Tom.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: The sun and north star positions
« on: April 23, 2008, 04:05:21 AM »
I agree with taters343. Tom, you are an idiot. I also agree with jdoe and markjo. In the picture of the straw and glass of water, there are different densities. It needs to be a single density (or an increasing one to be more realistic). And from jdoe's picture, it is obvious that Snell's law would make the sun seem higher than it really is, making sun rises and sunsets impossible on a flat map.

Why is it so hard to believe that the earth is round? What makes more sense? That we happen to be in the center of the universe, constantly accelerating upwards with the rest of the universe for no known reason and everything is going around us (or just circling above us)? Or that we happen to be on 1 in trillions of planets in the universe and we aren't special (unless you count there being life here special)? I would go with the latter.

The Lounge / Re: The Dangers of Division By Zero
« on: April 22, 2008, 04:07:39 AM »
Oh no...

Flat Earth Debate / Re: The sun and north star positions
« on: April 21, 2008, 04:24:54 PM »
If your evidence is correct the earth is round.

The earth is flat.

Your evidence cannot be correct.

I see you did some logic. I can do that, too.

With these premises:
If you still think the earth is flat then you are an idiot.
If my evidence is correct then the earth is round.
My evidence is correct.
You still think the earth is flat.

I can conclude that:
The earth is round.
You are an idiot.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: The sun and north star positions
« on: April 21, 2008, 12:19:40 PM »
Human error proves that the earth is flat? I don't think so. Do you have any ways to prove my evidence false? If so, I would like to hear it.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: The sun and north star positions
« on: April 21, 2008, 03:54:18 AM »
Do you know what human error is? It's basically when humans miscalculate things because they are sometimes not precise. Look at a table or something and guess its length. Now take out a tape measure (or anything that is big enough to measure the length of the object) and find its length with it. Most likely you will be wrong by a few inches.

If you have a machine make 100 chairs (or something), they will all be the same. If you have a human make 100 chairs, some of them will have flaws because humans are only humans.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: The sun and north star positions
« on: April 20, 2008, 05:17:15 PM »
I can't verify these claims (which are correct) over the internet, but you can try them yourself. Tonight (or a night on any day) find Polaris and figure out the altitude (in degrees) of it (0 being at the horizon, 90 being straight up) using an astrolabe ( When you do that, its altitude will be the same as your latitude (might be a little off due to human error). At 12 P.M. on an equinox (next one is around September 21-23) figure out the altitude of the sun. Its altitude will be 90-your latitude (again, there might be human error).

Flat Earth Debate / Re: The sun and north star positions
« on: April 20, 2008, 05:54:26 AM »
No, it's real. If you are on the northern hemisphere, find Polaris and figure out the altitude of it at your position and it will be the same as your latitude. And just about everyone knows that the sun is directly overhead at the equator during an equinox. The altitude of the sun during an equinox is 90-your latitude no matter where you are.

Flat Earth Debate / The sun and north star positions
« on: April 19, 2008, 06:45:59 AM »
I posted this in another thread (well, most of it), but I wanted to make a new topic about it. Here is a picture I made (in paint) that shows the positions of the sun and Polaris (the north star, for those who don't know). During an equinox, the sun is directly overhead at the equator, shown here:

As you can see in the picture showing the position of the sun, it makes perfect sense that the Earth is round. The position (in degrees) of the sun in the sky during an equinox is equal to 90-your latitude. On the round earth, all the arrows pointing to where the sun should be point in the same direction. That means that the sun is extremely far away in the direction. But look at the flat earth. The angles the sun is at (compared to the ground) are the same as on the round earth. But look at where they point. With those 5 latitude positions, there are 10 places that the sun is at once, 4 of them being on the ground. How is that possible? Answer: It isn't.

Now look at the position of Polaris. As most of you (hopefully) know, Polaris hardly moves in the sky (.7 degrees off of the center of the earths axis according to Wikipedia). Its altitude (in degrees) in the sky at all times is equal to the latitude that you are at. So near the equator (0 degrees latitude) it is near the ground. At the north pole (90 degrees latitude) it is directly overhead. On the round earth, the arrows point in the same direction. That means that Polaris is extremely far away from us in that direction. Now look at the flat earth picture. Hmm... It seems that Polaris is at the north pole. How is that possible? Answer: Again, it isn't.

So there's proof that the earth must be round. I have even checked to see that my latitude (about 42 degrees north) is equal to the altitude of Polaris, and it is. You would be stupid to think that my information is wrong, because most likely millions of people have figured out the position of the sun during an equinox and the position of Polaris (and don't say that they are all in on the 'conspiracy', because that's impossible).

Still don't believe me? Here's another picture I made. It shows the distance from the sun to the earth if the earth was flat. As you can clearly see, the distance from the sun to the equator during an equinox is different depending on your latitude. Again, I ask: How is this possible? Again I answer: It isn't.

Markjo is correct. I looked at the numbers, and they are all right. I even made a picture of it (for those who don't want to read the long paragraph of his or those who didn't understand it).

As Markjo said, the Sun Distance should be the same for 45 latitude and 50 latitude. But, they are not. Do the math yourselves if you want, it will come out to be like this. There's the evidence, Tom Bishop. So, how's that tape measure thing going?

EDIT: Oh, and here's something else for you. The north star, Polaris. It is constantly at a fixed point in the sky (well, almost fixed, Wikipedia says its .7 degrees off). its position in the sky (90 being straight up, 0 being right on the horizon) is the latitude that you are at. So if you are at 42 latitude (which I am), then Polaris is at 42 degrees (which it is at my position). however, that works only if the earth is round. If the earth is flat, then it just doesn't work. At the north pole, Polaris would be straight up (90 degrees). At the equator, it would be right at the horizon (0 degrees). So, if the earth was flat, then Polaris would be right on the ground at the north pole. Here's a picture of what I mean:

The red arrows point to where Polaris should be. On the flat earth, the arrows would intersect at the north pole. On the round earth, the arrows would intersect a very very long distance away (the arrows are almost parallel, but not quite). So, what makes more sense? Polaris being at the north pole, yet visible in the night sky anywhere above the equator? Or Polaris being a really really long distance (431.42 light-years according to Wikipedia) away from earth.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Ether in space?
« on: April 12, 2008, 04:58:25 AM »
Is anyone going to answer my questions?

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Ether in space?
« on: April 11, 2008, 05:01:03 PM »
And also, don't flat earthers believe that gravity is just due to the earth moving up at a constant speed? How would it maintain that speed?

Not only that, but if the earth is moving up at that speed, that means that everything on Earth is, too. If that were the case, if I were to jump, I would now be going faster than the earth. So how would I get pulled back down? There would be nothing to slow me down at all.
No, 'gravity' is due to the constant acceleration of the FE.  Once you leave contact with the Earth, you are no longer accelerating, so the Earth catches up to you.

Oh, I understand now. Now can you explain the whole conspiracy thing to me? I just don't see why people would lie about something like this. There is nothing to gain from it by lying.

And another thing: Since FEers think that NASA is part of the conspiracy, and actually spent all the money we "thought" they were spending on the first trip to the moon was actually money used to create pictures of the moon, then what about the shuttle launches themselves? People actually watched those happen. The launches weren't hidden from sight. Are you going to tell me that that was made up, too? I don't see how it's possible.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Ether in space?
« on: April 11, 2008, 12:38:19 PM »
Ok, but can anyone answer my questions on gravity and the "conspiracy"?

Flat Earth Q&A / Ether in space?
« on: April 11, 2008, 04:07:16 AM »
I couldn't find it here (didn't look very much) but on a different flat earth website, it says that they proved there was ether in space (what is ether anyway?) and that that is the reason why Earth wouldn't be able to move. This is what they said...

But how could the Earth continue to move at the same speed for as long a time as the "round Earthers" say that it has existed for; namely, several billion years. If outer space were a vacuum, then there would be no problem. But space is not a vacuum, it is instead filled with ether. The earth would have to have been pushing its way through the ether for all those billions of years.

What I don't understand then, is that if space were filled with ether, then how do the sun, moon, and all the stars and planets maintain their constant speeds? And also, don't flat earthers believe that gravity is just due to the earth moving up at a constant speed? How would it maintain that speed?

Not only that, but if the earth is moving up at that speed, that means that everything on Earth is, too. If that were the case, if I were to jump, I would now be going faster than the earth. So how would I get pulled back down? There would be nothing to slow me down at all.

And what's with all this conspiracy thing? How do you know that there's a conspiracy? Why would every government try to tell people that the earth is round when they know its flat (according to you). What would be the point in lying to everyone? None of it makes any sense at all...

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