Flat Earth Q&A / Re: got some questions
« on: November 14, 2007, 10:20:26 PM »
At any rate, I think we can agree that it's stupid to pick on a kid whose first language isn't English for his grammar.
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Are you kidding? They'd be ridiculed, called a phoney, taken in for questioning, laughed out into the streets, then screamed at from all four corners of the earth that they were full of crap and keep walking MORON!
... or something like that. Besides, do you really think the government would LET this person reveal their secret after so many years of a deal like that?
I mean just think man, they torture you for tax refunds - what would they do to you for spilling the beans?!?!?!?
You know...
If these 'photographs' have been taken over many years, by many different people with many different camera rigs with completely different technology as it develops, you would HAVE to have inconsistencies. I mean, honestly, you just couldn't get it the same every time...
n scientific usage gravitation and gravity are distinct. "Gravitation" is the attractive influence that all objects exert on each other, while "gravity" specifically refers to a force which all massive objects (objects with mass) are theorized to exert on each other to cause gravitation. Although these terms are interchangeable in everyday use, in theories other than Newton's, gravitation is caused by factors other than gravity. For example in general relativity, gravitation is due to spacetime curvatures which causes inertially moving objects to tend to accelerate towards each other.
Common convention is that magnetic north is near geographic north, and magnetic south is near geographic south. However, this is incorrect, as can be seen by simply using a compass. The north ends repel, so the north end of the compass points to the magnetic south pole. Magnetic fields are vectors and thus have direction, so it does matter which is which.
I think it says its a composite image on the source site.
I think I win.
That's actually an image of the earth that's quite well-known to be doctored. That's a big lose for you. And a fail.
Well-known to be doctored? Prove it. lol (with pictures!)
And I believe firmly in personal responsibility. But do you honestly think that a kid who starts out with a 5 year disadvantage is going to have the same potential for learning as someone without it?
Q: "How can a compass work on a Flat Earth?"
A: The magnetic field is generated in the same fashion as with the RE. Thus, the magnetic south pole is near the geographic north pole, just like on the RE. The magnetic north pole is on the underside of the Earth. The Ice Wall is not the south pole, but acts as it, as it is the furthest from the center of the earth that you can follow the magnetic field. The field is vertical in this area, accounting for the aurora australis.
Sure, I agree that man has been to space. In FE there is lagrange point between the stars and the earth where bodies can become weightless, trapped between the gravitation of the stars and the acceleration of the earth. Reaching this point is what can cause the weightlessness seen in space shuttle videos.
The earth appears curved at an altitude of 100 miles. Most pictures of the earth are not doctored. Flat Earth Theory holds that there is elliptical curvature from the edge of space, one hundred miles in altitude. Any photograph showing a curved elliptical horizon from very high altitudes poses no affront to FE.
Example: http://www.natrium42.com/halo/flight2/
Curvature results from the fact that on a flat earth we are looking down at a flat circle. And a circle is always curved in two dimensions. The Antarctic coast and other distant continents of the earth are still tens of thousands of miles away horizontally from the observer at an altitude of 100 miles (edge of space), and thus beyond the resolution of the human eye and merged with the line of the horizon, indiscernible and faded with the thickness of the atmosphere. This is why the view is limited to the immediate vicinity below the observer, and why the land fades into a blueish fog as it recedes.
We can confirm that we are looking down at the circle of the earth by noting that shots from amateur high altitude balloons show an elliptical horizon. If the earth were a globe, curving downwards in three dimensions, all curvature seen in photographs would appear as an arc of a circle. However, curvature does not appear as an arc of a circle. The Earth is elliptical in Russian, Chinese, and amateur space photographs. A striking indication of a Flat Earth.
The only pictures which show the horizon as an arc of a circle are NASA's Apollo shots. The Apollo missions did not occur.
Tom Bishop is a moron.
The Flat Earth Society ended a looog time ago. This site is for exercising our mad debating skillz... and evidently to attract trolls.
2001 isn't a long time ago. And it hasn't ended, it's schismed. There are still local Flat Earth chapters and groups.
Besides - as long as even one person knows the truth - there will ALWAYS be a Flat Earth Society.
first of all can u all stop making fun of my spelling
second, US schools suck u get credit just for trying and they pass you
So, you've basically learned all of your spelling and grammar in the USA, and you blame it on the school system that you suck? Sorry, but there are many intelligent (let alone able to spell) people in the USA - you just aren't an achiever, I guess.
I'm sick of this BS. Stop picking on the kid's spelling and grammar.
"...And you blame it on the school system that you suck?"
Awkward usage. Better sentence would be: "...And you blame the fact that you suck on the school system?"
"Sorry, but there are many intelligent (let alone able to spell) people in the USA..."
Do you realize that you wrote not only "Sorry, but there are many intelligent people in the USA," but also "Sorry, but there are very many let alone able to spell people in the USA"? Why don't you write instead, "Sorry, but there are many intelligent people in the USA, let alone those who are able to spell..."
Before you pick on someone else's grammar and spelling, check your own!
Besides, most 5 year olds go to school knowing basic English. He's basically 5 years behind the rest of his class. Aside from that, the US school system is notorious for turning out sub-par students. Grammar isn't taught (at least, not in California). Students don't even get introduced to pre-algebra until 9th or 10th grade at times. Learning history is a joke. Science classes are, as well (In 9th and 10th grade, you begin learning about the Water Cycle and what Photosynthesis is).
So, lay off the kid! Is this how you feel better about yourselves, by picking on a 16 year old when he's coming here to learn?
So you're going to tell me that it took him as long as someone who knew no language to learn the english language? lol Someone doesn't understand this site/the internet
Edit: Wth, I didn't even hate on this guys grammar. As for my spelling, I'm pretty sure it's doing alright. So, I guess you've just joined us on the big hate trip of laughing at people ON THE INTERNET (<--capital words right there are key) for silly reasons.
Researchers also caution against withdrawing home language support too soon and suggest that although oral communication skills in a second language may be acquired within 2 or 3 years, it may take 4 to 6 years to acquire the level of proficiency needed for understanding the language in its academic uses (Collier, 1989; Cummins, 1981).
Some teachers assume that children who can converse comfortably in English are in full control of the language. Yet for school-aged children, proficiency in face-to-face communication does not imply proficiency in the more complex academic language needed to engage in many classroom activities. Cummins (1980) cites evidence from a study of 1,210 immigrant children in Canada who required much longer (approximately 5 to 7 years) to master the disembedded cognitive language required for the regular English curriculum than to master oral communicative skills.
Educators need to be cautious in exiting children from programs where they have the support of their home language. If children who are not ready for the all-English classroom are mainstreamed, their academic success may be hindered. Teachers should realize that mainstreaming children on the basis of oral language assessment is inappropriate.
All teachers need to be aware that children who are learning in a second language may have language problems in reading and writing that are not apparent if their oral abilities are used to gauge their English proficiency. These problems in academic reading and writing at the middle and high school levels may stem from limitations in vocabulary and syntactic knowledge. Even children who are skilled orally can have such gaps.
Collier, V. (1989). How long: A synthesis of research on academic achievement in a second language. "TESOL Quarterly, 23," 509-531.
Cummins, J. (1980). The cross-lingual dimensions of language proficiency: Implications for bilingual education and the optimal age issue. "TESOL Quarterly, 14," 175-187.
Cummins, J. (1981). The role of primary language development in promoting educational success for language minority students. In "Schooling and language minority students: A theoretical framework." Los Angeles: California State University; Evaluation, Dissemination, and Assessment Center.
I was taught algebra in the 8th grade. And that was a long time ago.
I want TheEngineer to tell me what he REALLY believes.
I've been under the assumption all this time that he was a FE'er with above-average intelligence, although eccentric in his beliefs about the shape of the world.
If he does not believe this theory, then NONE of the FE believers have substantial intelligence to warrant argument.
I'm not trying to disprove FE here; Intelligence of believers has nothing to do with accuracy of the belief.
But, for my own peace of mind, I would like to know if Engy specifically believes this. Pretty much all of the other intelligent "FE'ers" have been determined to not be for FET at all. I mean, TomB isn't exactly a brain surgeon. Dogplatter never posts (and made that weird post about penguins...). Daniel I have never seen actually post. Username (who even knows if he believes it?) mostly regurgitates what other people say.
Substantial intelligence to warrant argument? LOL. Might be the other way around.
TheEngineer doesn't believe in a flat Earth. His posts merely clarify issues that people misunderstand or bring up incorrectly.
Tom keeps all the noobs who are too stupid to read busy.
Dogplatter doesn't have much time to post, but he answers stuff when he can. He is one of the few that truly profess a belief in the flat Earth.
Daniel, I have never seen post either.
Username proclaims a belief in a flat Earth, and doesn't really regurgitate much as you claim.
i think it stands to reason that those who believe in god would also be quite persuaded to believe something as preposterous as a flat earth.
Q: "Are most or all FE's Biblical literalists, who feel like their religious belief system would be threatened by a round (i.e. spherical) earth, or are there any atheists/agnostics who are FE's as well?"
A: Not all FE's are biblical literalists. This poll has more details: Poll
first of all can u all stop making fun of my spelling
second, US schools suck u get credit just for trying and they pass you
So, you've basically learned all of your spelling and grammar in the USA, and you blame it on the school system that you suck? Sorry, but there are many intelligent (let alone able to spell) people in the USA - you just aren't an achiever, I guess.
Great, now my purpose for living is gone, GONE I TELL YOU!
So, wait... Does Engy NOT believe all this?
Do I believe the sinking of the Titanic was a conspiracy? Uh, no.
Yes. This site is a big troll magnet, it attracts and absorbs trolls so other forums don't have to suffer.