NASA propaganda.
Taken this month.
NASA propaganda.
Let's see; Greeks, Galileo, NASA, photos, sky divers, stratosphere sky divers, sinking ships, renaissance explorers, flight paths, books, rockets....
And none of which involves controlled experiments in the least.
So TomB can you explain why tides, eclipses, moon phases, and why we always see the same side of the moon? And if the moon is only a couple thousand miles above the earth why is it that we cannot see the surface of it clearly with telescopes that can focus in on things that are hundreds of thousands of miles away?
You came here and sought us out. We did not seek you out. Therefore the onus is on you to demonstrate that your hypothetical model of the earth is correct.
1) Hypothetical to YOU, not the rest of the world.
2) All the evidence presented is either "part of the conspiracy" or explained through bullsh*t physics-doesn't-work-that-way explanations.
3) YOU are the one with the crackpot theory. YOU are the one that speaks of a world-wide conspiracy. We have provided evidence, and even cursory reviews of what makes sense
according to what we know of science contradicts your theory. Time for you to step up and make sense of the jumbling mess of your theory!
4) Don't wonder why your numbers are dwindling! It isn't because "the conspiracy is getting better pseudo-evidence." It's because there are glaring holes in your own precious theory
that you refuse to address. Give some reasonable explanations to the above points, for they ARE valid.
5) Just because the evidence of experiments made don't agree with your flat world does not make it "uncontrolled."
Please answer the points in the above post. They are valid and hurt your position greatly!