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Messages - modestman

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Your experiments if there any credibility are not conclusive for round earth not in half of centimeter.

Please do tell how you think my experiment is inconclusive.
You can explain it by 10000000 ways and show it in a flat earth environment.

Tell me one.  How could the Sun be seen from the same perspective from thousands of miles apart if it's as close as FET requires?
the heliocentric model, newton laws, Einstein relativity was composed in the same day, I have to seek for the answer and if you had any credibility you would seek the answer yourself.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Flat Earth Sunsets
« on: June 27, 2015, 12:42:34 PM »
So math is part of the conspiracy too?  Why is it if something doesn't agree with what you imagine you get upset about it and say its fake?
Also if you do not wish to deal with people offering opposing positions to you beliefs then you should not lurk in the debate forums, for that matter, I hear that Eric Dubay has a forum where noone is allowed unless they are 100% on board with his viewpoints, you can go there, no one there that understands science to question your assumptions, but be careful and make sure you take your turn with the golden kneepads that Eric demands you wear when he wants your special "services".
I am not debating with you, spam - robot I am debating with people visiting the site and come to really seek for the real answer unlike you, therefore I make the effort to reply every bullshit you post.

Actually you meant to say there is 0 different ways to explain it for a flat Earth model.
Mikey, Do you admit you are sadist ? you stay here for making fun of people, people whose this subject his deep to their heart, do you admit your whole staying here purpose is to offense them and make them looks idiot ? to discredit them and not to try even once to settle your ideas with flat earth as somebody who is not interested and agendist would do.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: The Million Dollar Question
« on: June 27, 2015, 12:36:03 PM »
There's nothing you can tell me that I haven't already considered, or that I'm not smart enough to figure out without you holding my hand.

Let's test that theory.

I have studied the flat Earth model too, it's kind of hard no to do on this forum.  I have come to the conclusion that it's false, and the reasons why are countless.

First of all, look at the links in my signature which lead to a video proving that Earth is round and an experiment I did which proved that Earth is round.  There are also things like sunsets which can't be explained on a flat Earth, " class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">pole stars don't work on a flat Earth, faking even just the Apollo missions would take at least 1,000,000 people and that's a conservative estimate, flight times don't make sense on a flat Earth especially on a southern hemisphere, everyone sees the Moon from the same angle no matter where they are on Earth so the Moon can't be as close as flat earthers say, at the same time the Moon can only be seen from half of the world so the only explanation is that the Earth is round, ships appear to disappear below the horizon as they get further away which is only possible on a round Earth, I can't see the Sun at night even though flat Earth theory says that it should be above the horizon, stars have a constant angular distance and a constant size from everywhere on Earth which wouldn't make sense if they were really close, and I could go on but I have things to do.
you have nothing to do but bullshiting here in the forum you are unemployed little liar your whole life is this forum and debunking flat earth.
you are in flat earth forum try to think about how to settle your problems with flat earth not how to say the world is round, why you don't do it you little hero ? because the agenda preventing you to do this, you want the earth to be round, your sick clumsy god knows why.

try explain flat earth and settle your problems with flat earth and then you have place here otherwise go to your friends in geometry forums.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Where does the air go?
« on: June 27, 2015, 12:31:29 PM »
And according to - again "some" - flat earthers, stars and planets do not exist. They are just "lights in the sky" or holes in the ice dome which let the light in.....from somewhere ?

The learned flat expert says they are just "lights in the sky" and are reflections on the ice dome from lights on the earth.  You know....Just like a mirror reflection.

There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of agreement amongst flat earthers on a whole lot of things.

Once again if you don't take all this seriously, this website is a great place for fun and foolishness.  ;D
so are you making fun of people for your enjoyment what are you admitting you are sadist ?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Flat Earth Sunsets
« on: June 27, 2015, 12:25:54 PM »
the sinking ships, buildings and sun is the same illusion.

That doesn't change the fact that the Sun doesn't shrink near sunset, even if the laws of geometry were as drunk as flat Earth theory suggests.
the law of geometry can kiss my ass, try to explain it by flat earth method why the sun is not shrinking or f*ck off from flat earth community.

and that's true if you wasn't fake your experiment that is more than likely.

Your experiments if there any credibility are not conclusive for round earth not in half of centimeter.

Please do tell how you think my experiment is inconclusive.
You can explain it by 10000000 ways and show it in a flat earth environment.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: What About The ISS?
« on: June 27, 2015, 12:11:36 PM »
most of the time they go out to space walk with reflective mask to cover the face not to be shown irregular like in pool. not all the shoots of astronots in pool some of them in mikeman house.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: What About The ISS?
« on: June 27, 2015, 12:05:07 PM »
Priceless this. Training for a Hubble repair mission by being under water pressure.  ;D
Training under water pressure, where we all know it's pretty hard to  move your arms and body due to having to PUSH them through the water.
Also to move, you kick your feet under water.
In so called space, there is no kicking of feet because they obviously know that we know the vacuum doesn't allow it by what we are told.

We also know that moving their arms about in a so called space vacuum would mean they would be flapping about like beached fish, unless they were on a rope or holding part of the Hubble (cough).

Now then; the second they grab something, they are going to put a force on it, which means that every time they bang into the Hubble, they move it out of alignment and into space further or lesser, depending on how you want to view the bullshit.

So here's the key for anyone that wants to train for something. Let's use abseiling as an instance.
Ok, what you do to train is, you go up a tall building or a small vertical rock face or something like that....but...instead of simply abseiling down it like we all know you do....we do it N.A.S.A style.....I I said N.A.S.A style. It's N.A.S.A style.

What we do is, we  place the people deep underwater where there is a large rock face and have them stand on it  with ropes and scuba gear on.
Then you tell them to abseil down this underwater rock face until they reach the sea bed. Once they do a few of these, they can then feel ready to tackle a high building or a rock face on land.

Best way to train, right?

It must be if N.A.S.A gangnam style space jaunts are perfected in a large frigging pool.  ;D
What in the hell does it require for people to wake the fu...fu...fu...hell up?  ::)

The astronauts are in a space suit which is already so stiff that being under water doesn't change much.  The astronauts are not supposed to move around by kicking because that would make their training not very useful.

I don't think you understand what knocking a telescope out of alignment is.  I can pick up my telescope and shake it around and it will still be aligned.  The alignment is all about the alignment of the mirrors and it has nothing to do with the telescope's position and orientation.  The Hubnle also has thrusters and gyroscopes on it to change it's velocity and where it's pointing, so it doesn't matter if the astronauts bump it around.

These space men always look so happy with their smiling faces. Yet everywhere you look on the outside of the ISS is sharp objects that could easily tear or rip their suits open. Just look at the pictures Mikeman shows plenty of sharp objects in those pictures. Plus i wouldn't want to be that close to a big solar panel like that, couldn't it shock you? I don't know, but shouldn't it be putting out a lot of voltage. Why do they have to go outside so much anyway. They should have designed it so you wouldn't have to go outside. Id also be afraid space junk could plow into me and break my helmet glass. Just my thoughts.

If you were the kind of person who was scared of doings space walk then you wouldn't go to space, simple as that.  All of NASA's astronauts go to space because they want to, nobody is forced to do it.  The people you see doing space walks are generally the people who think that all the dangers are worth it just to be weightless and see Earth from orbit.  As for all the dangers, their suits are thick and insulation enough to protect them from shocks, and most of the wires aren't even exposed.  Space junk is tracked from Earth and if mission control notices a threat the ISS can change course to avoid it.  Sharp objects are sometimes an issue in space walks, but that's what all that training is for.  MASA works with military precision and they plan space walks to avoid sharp objects whenever they can.  The station was designed to be space walk friendly and NASA knows every nut and bolt of it, so sharp objects aren't that big of a probelem.

EVA's are not something that happens too often on the ISS.  For the most part the station can be maintained from the inside, but sometimes they have to go outside to make a repair, install a new piece of equipment, and things like that.

the photos where you show the face of the astronot smaller than alleged astronot in space is due to the angle and distance and due to the different mask.

The sours used for training are almost identical to the actual space suits.  That refraction thing is a really tiny detail that very few people would notice.  The angle and distance actually doesn't effect it, there are many more photos in the Internet of people in astronaut training pools and people in space.  They all show the same thing, the people in space have large heads while the people in the pools have small heads.

please keep your good job, people like alphaomega and mikeman and rayzor are bunch of arrogant robotic people who has nothing in life except refute the flat earth and have no regrets nor suspicious mind whatsoever they are built to say something and they can't help it.
people get suspicious by you you are so automated that people feel that you have something to hide therefore you are doing great job bringing new flat earthers.

That is of course if flat earthers can push away the mountains of evidence we give against flat Earth like that sunsets are impossible.  That must be really hard.
sunsets are possible in flat earth - you just lack of false logic.( I don't believe in logic,mikeman does)
sometimes 100000 evidences are not enough of tom one video evidence.because they are lack of false logic HAHAHA not conclusive,fake, hoax, lies.

What is your definition of a proper observation?  Does it have to be long distance spotting with a 60x spotting scope to be considered proper?  Have you ever considered that there are other ways to prove the shape of the Earth like sunspot observation from 2 points thousands of miles apart?  How is my experiment not proper?

Why are you concerned about my proper observations?

If you are happy with your sun observation, that's fine.
If you want to do more long distance observations at sea and on land, that's fine.
If you want to do more observations ŕ la Bedford Canal style, that's fine.

Just do your own (complete or not complete package) or don't do anything at all.

Believe whatever you want. I'm not interested to free you from your illusions.

I just don't get it that you want to convert all the FE-people on this (their) forum and tell the FE-interested people every day that it is stupid to believe (or even consider) that the earth is flat.

Good luck!

The probelem I have with your observations is that you already assumed flat Earth and you were trying to prove it.  From what I can tell, you went to a beach and started looking at objects that looked very far away.  If there were any objects there that were too far to see on a round Earth then you wouldn't have been able to see them because the Earth is round, and based on how you conducted your experiment those objects below the horizon would not even be considered.  Your experiment was biased.  You also calculated curvature incorrectly.

The main probelem I have is that you accuse me of not doing any experimentation when I have in fact done experimentation.
Your experiments if there any credibility are not conclusive for round earth not in half of centimeter.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: Flat Earth Sunsets
« on: June 27, 2015, 11:40:17 AM »
Something the guy in the video neglected is that in flat Earth theory the Sun goes around in a circle above the Earth, so at the time of sunrise the Sun would be north-east of you and at sunset it would be north-west of you.  This doesn't mean that they would ever set, it's just another flaw in flat Earth theory.  Another big one is the southern stars.  The south celestial pole is only viable south of the equator and it's always south of the observer.  Imagine that on a flat Earth map.

That video has inspired me to make some more animations proving round Earth.  I have made a few short ones in the past, and I know how to use Blender very well.  I could also provide the .blend file to anyone who doubted that my animation is not deceiving or anything.
the sinking ships, buildings and sun is the same illusion.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: What About The ISS?
« on: June 27, 2015, 11:02:09 AM »
I already saw a video where there is a mistake like that with satellite so I know it can happen with the ISS.
I saw the Live stream - and the earth seems flat like coin but that doesn't mean it's not cgi because it either cgi or animation or when you take the camera and point it to sky and show it like you above the sky, despite you are below.
it's so easy to fake and multiply agencies doing that right now, how you explain the bubbles in space ?

I'm not sure what those alleged "space bubbles" are, but I know that they are not bubbles.  Bubbles move only up and never down, do you agree?  There are a few of the videos showing alleged bubbles which appeared to move up, down a bit, and then back up.  I could find the video and show you where in it to look tomorrow if you want..

If the ISS videos were filmed in a pool then how do you explain the lack of blue haze?

Astronaut training pools look like this:

And you think that images like this were taken in a pool:

Note how even the furthest solar panels look perfectly clear, which wouldn't happen in water.

There are also thinks like refraction.  In a space suit under water a diver's head should apear very small because water is denser then the air inside the suit.  This is exactaly what we observe:

In space on the other hand, the vacuum is less dense then the air inside the helmet so the astronaut's head should look very big.  This is exactaly what we observe:

This means that the astronauts are not under water but in a vacuum, and that means the only way they could be floating like that is if they are in zero G.
the photos where you show the face of the astronot smaller than alleged astronot in space is due to the angle and distance and due to the different mask.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: What About The ISS?
« on: June 27, 2015, 11:00:31 AM »
it's so easy to fake and multiply agencies doing that right now, how you explain the bubbles in space ?

You weren't supposed to see those bubbles.   ;D 

Training for a hubble repair mission.
The people with the astronot suit don't have a lot of bubbles but in the video where they do space walk you see enough bubbles to determine they are in pool.

Actually this site did used to be very serious. There was just a schism where most mods/admins left, and the founder's perpetually absent, so the means by which it can police itself are pretty much gone.
Don't confuse incompetence with malevolence. Dubay would have died of a mysterious heart attack if there was a shadowy conspiracy that really cared.
there is conspiracy says that john f kennedy wasn't died at the shooting in dallas and he lived long after it if not till this days.

Flat Earth General / Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« on: June 26, 2015, 03:33:12 PM »
there is no such thing as SCIENCE ATHMOSPHERE it's a fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

WTF is a science atmosphere?  Is it anything like a regular atmosphere?
it's the atmosphere that scientist refer to, another trickery.

The atmosphere exists. You can walk outside and measure it with a wet finger.
The wind and the air are exist.

That's the atmosphere. Good job. You're almost not a retard.
No the atmosphere is CO2 and other scientific trickery.

CO2 is in the atmosphere, yes, but it is a significant minority of the available air. Most of it is nitrogen and oxygen.

You can look all of this up, but you refuse. You don't want to learn, you want to lie.
I was able to go to university I didn't want to be tricked.

Flat Earth General / Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« on: June 26, 2015, 03:30:05 PM »
there is no such thing as SCIENCE ATHMOSPHERE it's a fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

WTF is a science atmosphere?  Is it anything like a regular atmosphere?
it's the atmosphere that scientist refer to, another trickery.

The atmosphere exists. You can walk outside and measure it with a wet finger.
The wind and the air are exist.

That's the atmosphere. Good job. You're almost not a retard.
No the atmosphere is CO2 and other scientific trickery.

Flat Earth General / Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« on: June 26, 2015, 03:24:55 PM »
there is no such thing as SCIENCE ATHMOSPHERE it's a fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

WTF is a science atmosphere?  Is it anything like a regular atmosphere?
it's the atmosphere that scientist refer to, another trickery.

The atmosphere exists. You can walk outside and measure it with a wet finger.
The wind and the air are exist.

Flat Earth General / Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« on: June 26, 2015, 03:18:39 PM »
there is no such thing as SCIENCE ATHMOSPHERE it's a fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

WTF is a science atmosphere?  Is it anything like a regular atmosphere?
it's the atmosphere that scientist refer to, another trickery.

Just stop, you're an embarassment.
you are interested person you are scientist your entire life is a lie your entire life is the agenda of lying.

Flat Earth General / Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« on: June 26, 2015, 02:55:41 PM »
there is no such thing as SCIENCE ATHMOSPHERE it's a fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

WTF is a science atmosphere?  Is it anything like a regular atmosphere?
it's the atmosphere that scientist refer to, another trickery.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: What About The ISS?
« on: June 26, 2015, 02:51:35 PM »
This point has been made many times on this forum.  The most popular explanations are that there is a conspiracy to hide the shape of the Earth which puts up balloons which somehow travel in jet-streams at 17,000 miles per hour.  Some think that the ISS is a jet flying around with the afterburner on that somehow looks like this from Earth:

If you think this photo is not fake why don't you just show us the earth from space this will be ultimately proof.

That photo was taken by an ordinary person with a telescope.  There are many images like it all over the internet from people who photographed the ISS using equipment you can buy yourself if you want.  I am even thinking about aiming my telescope at the ISS and seeing what I see.  I'll let you know if it looks like anything other then a space station.

Also, I will do more then just post a photo of Earth, here is a live video stream from the ISS:

Live_ISS_Stream on USTREAM: Live video from the International Space Station includes internal views when the crew is on-duty and Earth views at other times...

I would love to know how you think they fake that.
with billion dollar my grandmother would be able to fake it.

You should look at the feed when there is a thunderstorm over you and when the ISS is over your head.  If you don't see a thunderstorm from the live feed then you know it's fake.
I already saw a video where there is a mistake like that with satellite so I know it can happen with the ISS.
I saw the Live stream - and the earth seems flat like coin but that doesn't mean it's not cgi because it either cgi or animation or when you take the camera and point it to sky and show it like you above the sky, despite you are below.
it's so easy to fake and multiply agencies doing that right now, how you explain the bubbles in space ?

Flat Earth Debate / Re: What About The ISS?
« on: June 26, 2015, 02:36:45 PM »
This point has been made many times on this forum.  The most popular explanations are that there is a conspiracy to hide the shape of the Earth which puts up balloons which somehow travel in jet-streams at 17,000 miles per hour.  Some think that the ISS is a jet flying around with the afterburner on that somehow looks like this from Earth:

If you think this photo is not fake why don't you just show us the earth from space this will be ultimately proof.

That photo was taken by an ordinary person with a telescope.  There are many images like it all over the internet from people who photographed the ISS using equipment you can buy yourself if you want.  I am even thinking about aiming my telescope at the ISS and seeing what I see.  I'll let you know if it looks like anything other then a space station.

Also, I will do more then just post a photo of Earth, here is a live video stream from the ISS:

Live_ISS_Stream on USTREAM: Live video from the International Space Station includes internal views when the crew is on-duty and Earth views at other times...

I would love to know how you think they fake that.
with billion dollar my grandmother would be able to fake it.

500 years of deception and little liars like you won't disappear after one video.

Have you ever considered that maybe the Earth is actually round?

Also, do you think that 90% of the worlds population is in on the conspiracy or something?
I have considered many many many times and I was sure about evolution and even didn't mind if the earth could be flat, but the I met people like you who make me suspicious.
The number of people involve of conspiracy is could be like 50% of the world population, I hope not more because the conspiracy won't get out if there were more.
people are happy with the conspiracy they get loads of money and they shut the mouth as it were true.

Flat Earth Debate / Re: What About The ISS?
« on: June 26, 2015, 02:26:11 PM »
This point has been made many times on this forum.  The most popular explanations are that there is a conspiracy to hide the shape of the Earth which puts up balloons which somehow travel in jet-streams at 17,000 miles per hour.  Some think that the ISS is a jet flying around with the afterburner on that somehow looks like this from Earth:

If you think this photo is not fake why don't you just show us the earth from space this will be ultimately proof.

Flat Earth General / Re: Flat Earthers view on Climate change
« on: June 26, 2015, 02:17:15 PM »
Outside this forum, I have seen many scientist and organizations get busted for fudging the numbers in order to make their adgenda sound more legitimate.  Why do I have to explain it when round Earth scientists get busted for lying about global warming, or now climate change once the Earth was proven to not be warming?  What are they going to lie about next?  Another ice age?  Oh, wait, that is what the scientist were clambering about back in the seventies, until it was proven false and they had to change gears and start going on about global warming, until that was proven false as well.  So now, it is climate change.  It seems that your scientists have finally picked something that can't be proven false, because the climate has always changed.  ::)

So you are saying that we can ump carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and tamper with the atmosphere as much as we want, there will be no consequences, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar?  I don't follow your logic.
there is no such thing as SCIENCE ATHMOSPHERE it's a fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

"Then there is the occasional confession by a former employee of the government who fesses up about what is really taking place in secret behind the scenes. A recent public posting on a "conspiracy theory" forum — conspiracy websites are typically the most heavily targeted by government officials — admits that individuals are constantly being recruited and hired by shadowy groups and government-affiliated agencies to manipulate online discussions."—from second article below.


Federal government routinely hires internet trolls, shills to monitor chat rooms, disrupt article comment sections
I doubt rayzor is from Australia is literally 24/7 in this forum and in other flat earth forum, and mikeman is a big contender to rayzor as the most bored man in known earth, maybe in the magical universe of him. Bijane could be a man though.

Flat Earth General / Re: Someone should cover a rocket launch
« on: June 26, 2015, 01:55:25 PM »
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">

at the end you can see the engines switch off and the rocket probably going where it deserve to the ocean.

oh, and I suppose you also think that this airplane is diving down:

Also, a rocket's accent trajectory looks like this:

Which is exactly what we see them doing:

Rockets have to do a gravity turn.  How else do you think they get going 17,000 miles per hour?
The plane wasn't going down, it's the manipulative picture you take.
Yes the rockets handle the gravity by the moon doesn't

I very much doubt a global conspiracy cares that much about a minority that everyone else laughs at. For 'controlled opposition' to be needed, there needs to be some meaningful opposition in the first place.

Then you don't understand how censorship works.

The idea is to stop a movement [before it can get big]; not to suppress it afterward.

Hence, it would be in the government's (and NASA's) interest to send a few shits... I mean shills into a dive like this.
Wait a few days and you see mikeman and rayzor will make you proud flat earther.

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