What is your definition of a proper observation? Does it have to be long distance spotting with a 60x spotting scope to be considered proper? Have you ever considered that there are other ways to prove the shape of the Earth like sunspot observation from 2 points thousands of miles apart? How is my experiment not proper?
Why are you concerned about my proper observations?
If you are happy with your sun observation, that's fine.
If you want to do more long distance observations at sea and on land, that's fine.
If you want to do more observations ŕ la Bedford Canal style, that's fine.
Just do your own (complete or not complete package) or don't do anything at all.
Believe whatever you want. I'm not interested to free you from your illusions.
I just don't get it that you want to convert all the FE-people on this (their) forum and tell the FE-interested people every day that it is stupid to believe (or even consider) that the earth is flat.
Good luck!
The probelem I have with your observations is that you already assumed flat Earth and you were trying to prove it. From what I can tell, you went to a beach and started looking at objects that looked very far away. If there were any objects there that were too far to see on a round Earth then you wouldn't have been able to see them because the Earth is round, and based on how you conducted your experiment those objects below the horizon would not even be considered. Your experiment was biased. You also calculated curvature incorrectly.
The main probelem I have is that you accuse me of not doing any experimentation when I have in fact done experimentation.
Your experiments if there any credibility are not conclusive for round earth not in half of centimeter.