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Messages - Mr_CaLhOuN7891

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Flat Earth General / Re: Challenge to all Round Earthers
« on: March 13, 2007, 05:26:52 AM »
ummm round earth isnt a religion jackass. it is a proven fact that the FE people dont believe because everything is a conspiracy. They cant accept photos for that very reason, because they prove the piece of shit FE theory wrong. The FE theory has a bazillion+1 holes in it and when people ask about them the topic goes to hell and ends up talking about cats or captain planet. I think people believe the earth is flat just to be different, maybe because they had no friends in school and wanted to join this forum to be accepted by other people of the same kind.

I still can't believe people think the earth is flat. how retarded can you be? How did you pass highschool if you thought the earth was flat? if the teacher asked you to define gravity did you just put ???? in the answer box because you didnt know what it was? Or if the teacher asked you to make a model earth, did you make a pizza and bring it in to class?

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Where is... gulp... the end?
« on: March 13, 2007, 05:21:29 AM »
It wouldnt be called a theory if it was proven to be true. that is like me saying this:

My theory on what I had for breakfast this morning. I went into the kitchen and grabbed the captain crunch, put it in a bowl, and ate it.

that is not a theory, that is fact. well it didnt really happen this morning but you get the idea.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Where is... gulp... the end?
« on: March 12, 2007, 09:06:11 PM »
The end? no such thing. space is infinite.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Explain Volcano Theory
« on: March 12, 2007, 07:18:33 PM »
photos dont count as evidence bishop and you know that! those antartica pictures are obviously and clearly photoshopped. and if no one has seen the ice wall because it is so heavily guarded, how the fuck do all of you know what it is made out of?

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Explain Volcano Theory
« on: March 11, 2007, 07:24:57 PM »
In the FAQ it states that volcano's erupt due to being in a confined space, like squeezing a bottle of water.  However, without gravity, what is there to squeeze out the lava?  I mean, water in a compressed air chamber will spurt out, but you need to compress it first.  And if you say things such as tectonic plate movement sandwich them, then what happens when a plate slams the wall and simply slides off the world?

We will get pwnt by the Shadow Object. fin.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Explain this to me...
« on: March 11, 2007, 04:39:38 PM »
lol, wouldn't tom feel like an idiot if someone from NASA offered to give him a free ride to space via a spaceship? someone needs to take his ass into orbit and realize that all of this stuff is just not right.

Um. Space is a conspiracy.

sure it is.

Have you been there?

Have you been to the ice wall to know it exists?

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Explain this to me...
« on: March 10, 2007, 10:06:54 PM »
lol, wouldn't tom feel like an idiot if someone from NASA offered to give him a free ride to space via a spaceship? someone needs to take his ass into orbit and realize that all of this stuff is just not right.

Um. Space is a conspiracy.

sure it is.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: New theory! Shadow objective explained!
« on: March 10, 2007, 10:03:31 PM »
dude you copied that off Frank Sinatra's book titled "Earth: Not a Globe, then came pictures of a spheroid shaped earth, but i had already proved it was not a globe, so NASA obviously photoshoped the pics therefore Earth: is not a Globe"

I dont really see how FE'ers can take a book as legitamate info as opposed to a picture, I can write a book and claim great findings, that doesn't mean its true. Surely the Atheists can relate to that too, seeing as how they don't believe in the Bible, but yet they believe the Earth Not a globe book... i just dont get it. does the Earth not a globe book say science fiction on the side by any chance, might want to check it out next time.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Explain this to me...
« on: March 10, 2007, 09:59:08 PM »
lol, wouldn't tom feel like an idiot if someone from NASA offered to give him a free ride to space via a spaceship? someone needs to take his ass into orbit and realize that all of this stuff is just not right.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: The Ice Wall...
« on: March 10, 2007, 05:16:58 PM »
I love how this thread went from talking about the ice wall, to captain planet. way to stay on topic.
Way to stay on YO MOMMA! BOOYAH! two in less than a mintue. Well... not less than a minute... cuz i can only post every so f'n often.

har har har, if only that insult wasnt a million years old. hahahahahahahahahhahahhahaahaa

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: The Ice Wall...
« on: March 10, 2007, 05:11:42 PM »
I love how this thread went from talking about the ice wall, to captain planet. way to stay on topic.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: The Belief of Flat Earth in other Countries.
« on: March 09, 2007, 07:34:05 AM »
I believe Australia is one of those countries.

Australia doesnt exist!!! LOLOLOL!!!!11

Flat Earth General / Re: Money
« on: March 08, 2007, 07:00:05 PM »
yeah, if there was a conspiracy. i dont think the government would give a rats ass about the conspiracy if there was one, they could put there money elsewhere.

Flat Earth General / Re: Money
« on: March 08, 2007, 06:52:20 PM »
Last night, tom bishop said that the government isnt in on the conspiracy, yet, he tells everyone to read the FAQ, which says the government IS in on the conspiracy. there are many more contradictions he made, but i dont really care. this is the one that I called him out on.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Dang they became great at photoshop
« on: March 08, 2007, 06:49:48 PM »
so what if they had lense bending capabilities in the 1600's they can't do anything with that when they don't have high altitude plane capabilities

Which is why no pictures of a round earth were taken in the 1600's.  ::)

which is why there was no space travel in the 1600's, you tard

The Government - 1
Tom Bishop - well.... i lost count after -4000000

Flat Earth General / Re: Money
« on: March 08, 2007, 06:40:30 PM »

but seriously, you cant argue with these guys, they will just make shit up as they go along and contradict it in another post to agree with the their arguement, they are hipocrites in other words.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: self fulfilling prophecy???
« on: March 08, 2007, 04:14:54 PM »
Wow, not one response. Good thread :)

and there wont be a FE response, either.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Dang they became great at photoshop
« on: March 08, 2007, 03:42:27 PM »
LOL @ Tom. I suppose next he is going to say its a government conspiracy.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Gravity (again)
« on: March 06, 2007, 01:20:44 PM »
I'll give a thumb's up to anyone who knows who my picture is.

Hint 1: Not me.
Hint 2: Conspiracy

Conspiracy..... that could be ANYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i may as well just list the entire world population ,minus the FE'ers, in alphabetical order. ill eventually get it.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Question Straight From the FAQ
« on: March 06, 2007, 01:15:47 PM »
"Q: If the moon is a spotlight, why can I see a "man" in the moon (shadows cast by the sun on the hills and mountains on it) last I checked a light can't contain shadows."

Has this been answered yet?

that is actually a good point. i never thought about that part of the FAQ until now, nor did I really care. I imagine an FE'er would say its some kind of illusion or something like that, or would tell you to read The Earth not a globe book. Those 2 are the most common responses for anything on here... anyways, if the moon were a spotlight of some sort, we would not see shadows and such from craters from the moon, it would be just a simple circle in the sky filled with light wouldnt it?

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: and uh Why?
« on: March 06, 2007, 12:49:50 AM »
I seriously DOUBT that anyone had the ability to make fake images of the earth back when they first became public.

Well if Mr Calhoun doubts it's true, that's good enough for me!

nice comeback.

I guess you have never seen a computer from the 1960's. Does that REALLY look like it could photoshop images? If someone back then could have made some kind of awesome computer to make fake images that looked very very real, they would have done so and made billions from it back then instead of waiting until the late 90's and early 2000's to do it.

Did you own a computer in the 60's?

Nope, but I had a computer from the late 80's and even that couldn't do it. it could barely play wolfenstine 3d

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: and uh Why?
« on: March 06, 2007, 12:44:42 AM »
I seriously DOUBT that anyone had the ability to make fake images of the earth back when they first became public.

Well if Mr Calhoun doubts it's true, that's good enough for me!

nice comeback.

I guess you have never seen a computer from the 1960's. Does that REALLY look like it could photoshop images? If someone back then could have made some kind of awesome computer to make fake images that looked very very real, they would have done so and made billions from it back then instead of waiting until the late 90's and early 2000's to do it.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: The Number of People in the Conspiracy
« on: March 05, 2007, 11:55:28 PM »
I love it when someone says "Have you experienced this for yourself?" but yet, that same person claims other rediculous crap that they haven't experienced for them self either. like guards on the "ice wall" for example. I would like to meet one of these infamous ice wall guards and ask him what his salary is, because apparently it is pretty good. I want to fill out an application for it was well. It sounds like a great career opportunity!

I also want to meet the man that invented the photoshop software that was made when the first photos of the earth came out. funny how those first computers couldnt even get more than 8 colors at best, yet somehow pull off a great picture of the earth.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: the edge of the world??
« on: March 05, 2007, 11:32:23 PM »
I find it funny when people say "have you seen this from personal experience" when in reality, the person saying that hasnt either. Has anyone seen the ice wall to know it exists? anyone got a legitmate picture showing this ice wall? anyone have anything about it? surely with all the space balloons and such someone would have a photo showing it, but no one has! I WONDER WHY???? oh wait, i forgot that photos dont count because they prove the FE theory false, so it must be a conspiracy. lol. ohhhh man I laugh at this crap slung around on here. seriously, on a bad day i come here just to laugh.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Sun as a Spotlight
« on: March 05, 2007, 11:26:41 PM »
i think optical illusion is just another word that they say when they have no real answer, just more nonsense.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: and uh Why?
« on: March 05, 2007, 11:24:37 PM »
I seriously DOUBT that anyone had the ability to make fake images of the earth back when they first became public. The first computers were massive! They are the equvilent to what we call today as the "pocket calculator". seriously. those computers were like the size of sheds and todays pocket calculator could outperform them. now how could they make a decent computer, let alone "photoshop" software to make images? and why didn't they make their own photoshop software to sell to the public and make even more money? im sick of this conspiracy bullshit. atleast 9/11 conspiracies are somewhat believable.

Think about it, if these conspiracies were indeed true, im pretty sure that there would be more than a handful of people on the internet that would know/believe it. CNN and other news companies would be all over it.

go here and check out some of the first computers and tell me if they are capable of making images. they could barely get green letters on the screen and very generic radar that looked like dots. Totally impossible with the technology we had back then.            if NASA had the ability to do this back then, they would be making a lot more moeny in the computer business rather than space exploration. look at bill gates for example, richest man on the planet, he came up with windows.

Not a rant or whatever, just stating whats true instead of impossibilities.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: satellite phones
« on: March 03, 2007, 08:03:08 PM »
the earth is round, not flat.


The Lounge / Re: Is Tom Bishop real or the shadow object?!
« on: March 03, 2007, 07:09:15 PM »
Tom Bishop is the Shadow Object, the Ice wall AND the Flat Earth. kthxbye

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Time to Speak Out
« on: March 02, 2007, 08:57:11 PM »
You fit a theory to a theory, not a theory to observations.  That's neither science nor blind faith, it's just stupid.

RE fits new theories into existing theories all the time.

    String Theory
    Special Relativity
    Newtonian Optics
    Conservation of Mass
    Celestial Mechanics
    Kepler's Laws
    Plate Tectonics
    Theory for the form of the earth, including isostacy

Last time I checked, the RE isnt a theory, so stop calling it that. the FE is a theory, you guys are going against what is already proven.

Flat Earth Q&A / Re: Asteroids and Comets
« on: March 02, 2007, 01:22:59 PM »
Does anyone have a solid FE Theory? It seems like all of the FE'ers have their own version of it, some more extreme than others. Tom's version includes the big bang, which doesnt exist in the FE theory right? how could something as big as the "big bang" be confused if it is there or not. The FE'ers need to get their shit straight, lol. No offense to any of them, its just everything is different from on FE'er to the other.

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